So this one wants to be my secret girlfriend. I'm single and a bit frustrated with women. I have been no fap for nearly 90 days and my sex drive is off the chains right now. I'm afraid that I'll feel ashamed. I've never tried the trap meme before. I had hoped to find a girl that I like. But that takes time. I'm losing patience.
Furthermore shouldnt go with trap 1 or 2? First one is white but older however has been tested for diseases and is safe. 2nd one has a much younger body but is Latino and probably had more dick and maybe diseases.
Hudson Anderson
Where are you finding all these Qt traps? I want some
David Miller
They are just coming out of the woodwork. I just say i have a big load saved up. The magic powers of no fap. Im a 7/10 at best and not fit. 30 yo boomer though.
Sebastian Carter
to be honest, you should do it. they wanna be treated like women.and it gives you good practice doing it all. figure out how to touch your own prostate, like where you aim your dick and make em cum buckets.
You should do the older one first. the older one probably has more experience, and you'll learn more. the younger is a dime a dozen on grindr.
grindr my dude.
Ethan Scott
Go for the hispanic one. Those bitches are wild in bed.
Joseph Hughes
This one is your better option
Nolan Bailey
They're also fucking psycho
Caleb Morgan
Well I can't go wrong with dubs. Also the White one is going to swallow my load.
Connor Perry
even better m8
Jeremiah Gray
She is a woman in almost every respect except the dicc so why not
Joseph Johnson
Shut up nerd
Dominic Peterson
Get 2 tested and fuck them both. Better to do it and regret it than to regret not doing it