I work at a Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. AMA

I work at a Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. AMA.

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what's your job there?

Is the food decent? What’s on the menu? By the way, I’d rather go to Porto’s

well, how is it?

The food is shit and they dont even give you utensils so you get chicken grease all over your hands

I remember going to medieval times. Not worth a greentext. Yeah, theres no utensils and I have to ask for napkins alot. Only bought one momento and it's a letter opener. I gave that away as a present

How many times do you hear the I shall brain thee quote

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Bartender there

Food consists of a watery tomato soup, garlic bread (only decent thing there along with the corn) half a chicken, baked potato and corn, and lemon pound cake for dessert. Overall pretty shit. Vegetarian option is better imo

Can you fuck the horses?

what is the fucking deal with the no utensils thing? i will never understand that

I think they’d rather skip the utensil thing since so much of it would end up stolen. Also a bitch to clean after every show

Never tried to, never will


Anyone ever get hurt doing the stunts?

We recently had someone break a leg when the horse bucked him off and stepped on him

You're in the medieval times, eat the mutton like the peasant you are

what's the veggie option

Ever jerk a horse off?

I guess that makes sense but i still think it's dumb
It makes no fucking sense though, you have to eat with your bare hands like a fucking animal? And with a bunch of fucking kids all around you fuck that shit

It’s a soup with rice, beans and potato. At least that won’t give you the shits

Again, never tried, never will


Some people think it’s interesting and adds to the “medieval” feel of it. Still, it is dumb

do they do other combat besides joust?

They do sword fighting and sometimes switch to a halberd or flail

Ever fucked a knight while they still wore the costume?

They didn't have forks, but they had Pepsi?


rate your job /10

True, never said it was historically accurate though

Triple coward.

does it pay well + is it fun (less un-fun than other jobs)

So you've literally never fucked anyone? That's sad.

7/10. Money is good, hours are good, but management is the fucking worst I’ve seen

The staff itself is comprised of whores. So it’s good stuff

management always sucks somehow. Lifers get management and no lifer is a good manager

It can pay well, depending on the department you’re in. Servers and bartenders make the most though. I’ve averaged out how much I make a week, and it’s about $20/hr. Most of my money comes from the weekends

And you watch them fuck and jerk the horses off? That's fucked up bro.

it's like a 4 hour drive for me to get to dallas. is it worth driving there for the experience?

For a 4 hour drive? Fuck no

The serving department is nothing but horny 20+ year olds passing each other around like a blunt

which knite r u?

ever throw yourself onto the battlefield in the middle of a fight and get hacked into pieces and die?

Do u like the green knight best?

Not a knight. Bartender.

The knights switch around all the time so I have no favorites

How the hell do you even become a knight anyway?

are there any black people?
do you mention that it's not authentic if there are black people since there weren't black people in medieval europe?

Buena Park OC nigga here

Porto’s is good, but if you want some greasy kbbq and all you can eat ice cream, hit up Cham Soot Gol down the street.



It’s a dumb process. You have to hire in as a squire first. Basically assisting the knights and working the stables. Eventually they teach you to ride the horses and learn the fights


There’s a few of them.




you good pal?

are the knights really from back in the medevil times?

like do they use a time machine to bring them back and force them into slavery having fights to the death for our amusement?


Lowkey that place is lit

Man i still have the shield i got as a kid. Great times tbh. You work at the one in Dallas?

For sure- big ass piles of meat, loads of ice cream, and occasionally cute korean girl waitresses on the weekends

If only they were on the menu too

Nah but I hear that one is cool

I haven't been there since 97

Pepsi has always and will always be around user. Don’t forget that again.

Eh, might as well head down to Garden grove and check out the Viet hotties at Starz Cafe then...

Strong coffee, hot lingerie, and nude shows

Fug Bebsi. Dr Bebber is bedder