Fit dudes of Yea Forums, what's the best (most effective) way to lose lovehandles (OP also is a dude.)

Fit dudes of Yea Forums, what's the best (most effective) way to lose lovehandles (OP also is a dude.)

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Crunches or situps. When you workout your abs the sides go away. I'm doing 300 crunches every 2 days and it's been working. Also watch what you eat.

do side situp, it also had to do with your diet.

Our bodies store fat where they do. No way to target fat loss. If you want less love handles, have lower fat percentage.
This doesn't mean eat less fat. Eat properly, burn more than you take in.

you cant target weight loss.

Yea bro, classic pushups and crunches, bicycles , and whatever you call those planks where you use your forearms and the tips of your toes like your doing a push up, drink water and don't eat shitty food or eat late at night , you should be good broski

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spot reduction is a myth. exercise, eat better, and focus on feeling good and they will go away.


It's all diet man.

I am 6 ft 1 and was 207 lbs at my max, i did not realize how skinny fat i was.

At my height and weight, i lowered myself to 1900 calorie per day. I got in a routine of eating the same thing for breakfast and usually for lunch every day. Have been doing that religiously for 6 months while lifting four times a week. (back and bi twice, chest/tri/shoulders twice) and once and a while legs :) I'll do better with legs this summer.

Am now 185, have the V. Big back. Working on abs still, i've been slacking on my ab workouts so those aren't really shining yet. Arms back and chest are fit.

Body fat is down from 25+% to below 19%.

Goal for me is to get to 15% body fat. It's been slow once i got to 20% body fat. I might have to get some cardio in there.

And then once i get to 15% gonna do a lean bulk and start adding 500+ calories....will try and keep body fat below 20% as i climb.

That's the goal anyway.

Fuckin oats

Cardio for weight loss, weights for muscle gain and fat loss

No junk food or snacks.

I have low testosterone myself so I have man boobs and love handles still, but I'm down 100 pounds. I thought for sure they'd be gone by now, but I guess they'll go away with testosterone therapy.

you have low test cause youre a fatso

Had low test when I was skinny. Am now skinny again. Have low test still. What now doc?

you have a high fat diet. your body fat % is high.
You have no muscle.
so you are still a fatso.
Give up the sugar and focus on your macros.

see jack lalannes childhood and go from there.

Just get healthy OP. There is no tip or trick here.

getting an overall lower body fat % will get rid of love handles, and building up muscle in that target area makes fat less noticable


What are you eating everyday at breakfast and lunch?

> OP also is a dude
Dick or gtfo faggot

id say mostly ab exercise, but i would also focus on the obliques the most.

Exactly what this bro said.
I'm 6'0, currently 192lbs, been recording meals for about 3 years. Find shit you like and can repeat without getting sick of.
I'm currently at ~2700calories/day maintenance, found that a 40/30/30 carbs/prot/fat split works for me. I tried to cut more one year and dropped to like 20%carbs but felt like shit and didnt lift. I also do intermittent fasting.
Find what works for you and stick with it. But diet above all else for abs/love handles

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Try intermittent fasting. If you can’t do that just eat 5 balanced WELL PORTIONED (I don’t mean like 5 regular dinner a day) dinners, get 30 min of exercise 4-6 days a week , get like 7:30 hours of sleep per night min. And drink a gallon of water per day.

Anyone saying crunches is retarded. Like everyone says, there is no targeting fat loss. You can build muscle under fat, but it wont do a damn thing if the fat is still on top of it. This where you've probably heard the terms bulking/cutting. You "bulk" by building muscle under the fat, then cut the fat off to reveal the muscle below.

You can’t spot train body % loss.
But you will have bigger abs when you do lose the body fat...

You are not 192 bro get the fuck out of here post another pic

Lol, I know I look thin, but it's legit 192. Weigh myself everyday .

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For breakfast every day i eat 4 turkey sausage links and a protein shake (2 scoops) with almond milk, 10 oz.

For lunch everyday i have 6 ozs of grilled chicken (no skin), i usually douse it in franks red hot sauce or something spicy, some kind of veggie, usually broccoli or french green beans.
And on lifting days ( i lift in evening), i add a starch like mac and cheese or mashed potatoes.

Dinner is usually my big meal. At that point i usually have 800+ calories remaining so i can do something big, like steak and maybe a small desert.

>(2 scoops)

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It's funny now that you point it out, but it makes sense.
Probably didn't need to be said im thi context but to him it's such a routine now, and thats what he needs to hit his macros, it's just how it is in his head without thinking about it

haha, i didn't even think about 2 scoops.
But you are correct, when i saw i needed protein, the easiest way to get up to my 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight, without killing calories, was to add a 2nd scoop.

So i do 2 scoops in morning shake.
Then i do 1 scoop of cassein protein in evening (as i workout in evening).

On workout nights i usually lift 8 or 9 pm for 1 hour or so, then have my shake, then go to bed around 11.

(having my own rack in the house has been huge for me) and i've accumulated dumbbells and weights slowly over the last 8 or 9 months.

This fucking dude. Feel like im talking to the mirror. I eat the same basic shit everyday (six eggs, six Turkey bacon, oatmeal with skim milk and banana and two scoops of strawberry protein, usually 6-8 oz. Of chicken or fish, walnuts if I need fat, chocolate protein if I'm low) and adjust slightly up on lift days.

Keep killing it bro.

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