Wait one darn damn jiffy second

wait one darn damn jiffy second

what the honkin heck are these dudes names again?

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Rochelle and Clark

Looks like Gear Wrench and Thunk

Robber n Dank

Frank and Beans

The furry guy with two eyes.

Ratchet and clank

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

That don't sound right

Yeah I think it was more on the lines of Shit and Butt, right?

Ratchet & Clank you underage faggot.

Rick & Morty?

shit game for saps

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Starskie and Hutch

racket and crank

I think you misspelled Pork and Beans?

Lilo & Stitch

Baxter and Dingo

Fluffy and Screwloose

Vupper and Vooney

Furry and The Nerd

Fixy and Breakdown

Leopard and Linux

Tiger and Tincan

ratchet and daxter
if i remember

Stabber and Nailbat

Fuzzy and Hardy

Vicegrips and Bonk


Ratshit and Croc

Quindle and Truggsby

Staplehat and Windchime

Quarter and Nickelbot

Peevish and Tallywhacker

Meesles and Mumps

Tugboat and Stevedore

Candy and Ballgag

Stranger and Chloroform

Dwigst and Whammybar

Chorus and Showgal

Steak and Eggs

Dickey and Dangle

Griffiths and Peeves

OJ and Fruitfucker

Hambone and Cap'n Crunch

Dweezle and Moon Unit

Hankie and Snott

Meatsack and Kludge

Ricter and Clod.

Snatch-it & Wank

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Timon and Pumbaa

Packet and Spank