>Be me >18 >Depressed femanon >B-day was in Feb, didn’t get a present >Fast forward to this month >Mom comes home with a pet carrier >”Happy Birthday user!” >Sees bird inside >Happytears.mp3 >Was gonna kill myself soon >Now have I have a reason to live
I love my mom and my bird. I’m so glad a small blue bird could save my life
You saved your own life, don't pretend it's for a reason.
Ayden Rogers
I can’t send tits but I can give y’all a cock pic
Hudson Harris
When people kept telling you that you need to 'get ya self a bird' I'm not sure that this was what they meant......lol
Isaiah Ramirez
kys underage, been here a decade
nice name, hope you two develop a great bond
Nathan Jackson
Its going to rub its bird dick on you and your dumbass will just be all "omg hes going nuts haha look everyone" while he fucking sodomizes you Basic. Bitch.
you can all say what you want to her, I don't care lol fucking moron
Ethan Jackson
The fuck you talking about retard. I work with birds and have had birds in the past. I know when mating season is and make sure they ain’t jerking off on me. KYS retard
Youre 18 you havent worked with shit little ms im gonna fucking kill myself all of a sudden has some credentials fucking please Fuck out of here normie scum
Thomas Martinez
That's wonderful! Happy Birthday. Love yourself like you love that birb.
Cooper Rogers
>Thats shit! Have a horrible birthday. Kill yourself and then the bird. ftfy
Alexander Wood
You're a hateful wiener bub. You gotta cool your jets.
Oliver Peterson
Save me from this earthbound shit.
Charles Ross
Ur gay
Parker Gonzalez
Keep breathing and use your imagination. It also helps to never wear anyone else's discomfort or bad attitude. Let them carry their cold, wet blanket on their own.
Robert Thompson
John Rodriguez
Sad thing is in a lot of third-world African countries, even with all the death and poverty, the mere mention of suicide is offensive. The one thing they have is life. People like you, on the other hand, are will to throw away life over a fucking birthday. I wish you fucking would.
Nolan Nguyen
Kys fgt
Landon Cox
Nah...I'm good bub. I'll stick around, see what happens.
Hunter Barnes
Why? Exactly fuckall will happen because you are a lazy do nothing faggot
Ryan Nguyen
Blake Cooper
Angel Cooper
That's not true guy. Come on. I do many things, I have many skills and talents. But that's neither here nore there though bub.
Elijah Scott
Aww, my dude. That bird looks nice, treat it like your best friend and play with it everyday. It will be a new routine for you and keep you busy. Which will help out a lot. Good luck man.
Joshua Cruz
Suck a dick Tldr
William Hernandez
Why you think i would believe your bullshit is beyond me, retard. Kill yourself
Aaron Wood
I'm not trying to sell you anything bubbo. I do not require your validation.
I do not, in fact require a noose...your assessment is incorrect guy. That is, however, some hateful stuff to hold on to. Not good for your health bub.
David Bailey
>your assessment is incorrect guy My assessment is that BIRD IS THE WORD!
Aw user. You're momma loves you. I been battling with that for years. Hang in there user. Look for a partner who can understand this. I'm sure you could find others to love you if you don't have any or much. Only way out
Sebastian Baker
nice bird, i'm happy for you
Austin Carter
Lmao little babby faggot over here thinks saying mean words shortens your lifespan Ahahahahaha faggot, kys
purchasing a pet as a gift is morally wrong since you havent done the extensive research on husbandry and have no fucking idea how to care for this bird