So, I've recently been reading into NoFap and I honestly think its pretty retarded. Everyone says its to get over a porn addiction. What are your thoughts Yea Forums? Porn really has never affected me negatively, I really can't think of a single time.
So, I've recently been reading into NoFap and I honestly think its pretty retarded...
Jesus fuck.... Fucking... I'm like. This is fucking like... Jesus. Fucking like I'm like her and her husband as well as her son... I worked a full time job and her son was edible. I wash working honestly. I was working... Did you fabricate? Sexual purposes... For your own sexual purpose... Fast faj custardy... SEXUALLY abusing his three years old son by his mother played the pee pee game back in December... He went to file for custody and she couldn't fight him... It's like... The fucking SEXUAL SHIT
very, very interesting indeed user, do tell more
Nah nah yeah. Yeah and I didn't even have to do not wearing out this one... When was the last time you suffered? You're a gangsta somebody else. What am I, a fool?
no user, you're not a fool. you're a very intelligent being, clearly not a cleverbot like response machine.
keep going, your story is inspiring
I'm high as fuck and listening to 911 calls.
dont doubt it
I have tried it 3 times in the last few months. I have a gf so not sure if the effects will be the same. First time was 11 days, the first time I was extremely horny after 3 days and on would constantly think about sex. Day 11 had sex and lost all motivation.
2nd time was 2 weeks. A bit easier this time but had sex a few times in those two weeks. Noticed I lost interest in porn and would get turned off at the idea as soon as I thought about looking at it or fapping.
3rd time was 23 day. Again had sex in that time but this was the easiest for me. No urges really and lost all interwst in porn and at times sex.
Every time I relapsed was because I felt I was denying myself pleasure. As in, a fap once in a while isn't gonna kill me. I don't fap as rrgular as I used to, maybe once every 3 days or so. But I plan on trying again soon. I just feel I'm not getting any benefit from it. 3 weeks is supposed to be the point where you notice changes and improvements but I felt the same. Any tips?
If you or anyone thinks they have a porn or masturbation problem, then try it. It will make you see porn as degenrate and make you feel more guilty when fappening which should help keep your hands off your dick
thats the thing, I don't see my masturbation/porn viewing as a problem. I live a pretty normal life, porn is just another thing to me, it doesn't really get in the way of literally anything I do. and I really dont fap that often either, once a day if that. I might try it for 30 days just to see what happens, kind of like a science project, I "experiment" with myself in alot of ways in my life, whether it be trying new workouts in the gym, trying new techniques with my guitar playing or a new method of doing my homework. just to see how it all pans out.
I really never understood the whole nofap thing tho, I guess if you *really* are that addicted to porn/fapping(have no clue how you get to this point) then go for nofap and if it helps, hey thats great. But I can't understand it, maybe the 30 day thing will bring some light to it
tell me exactly how im being a "degenerate"?
It was the same for me too. Just read a lot about people saying how great it was etc. So said I'd try it. I never noticed any benefits that wpuld make me gladly never fap again. I enjoy fapping because sometimes I'm horny and need to fap. Its not like I sit and watch an hour of porn and fap constantly. It literally takes like 5 mins. You do get a sense of accomplishment and feeling of swlf control that is good but I felt I was denying myself something for no reason. Maybe if I was single, it would perhaps make me so desperate for sex I would be more proactive in finding a girl. Give it a try anyway
You know how, don’t act like a dumb degenerate now. But then again Yea Forums is full of porn addicts so I’m in the minority here.
really have no clue what you're on about, or why you're insulting me. indeed Yea Forums *is* full of porn addicts, and worse. I'm just trying to understand this whole "nofap" movement, I get it that some people are truly at the mercy of porn/masturbation, but I will never see how you get to that point.
>Everyone in the world is exactly like me
never said that, really just wanted anyone who has done or tried nofap to shine a little light on their experience or why/how it helped them and why they chose to do it in the first place
You don’t see it coming, you just wake up one day and you realize what your doing is disgusting and that you can’t quit cold turkey.
I'm single now and hell have been for some time now, but girls really aren't a priority of mine though. I'm more focused on myself, improving my life/lifestyle, getting stronger mentally/physically. I've really only been looking inward for as long as I remember, alot of shit has happened in my life and im slowly building my own path exactly how I want it to be, its taken a long time for me to do and I still have alot of work to do. A relationship is more of a long term goal of mine.
if you have a brain and a single ounce of willpower you can quit or change anything in your life. I realize not all people are that strong. Its somewhat easy for me to do now, which is sad to think about, but considering all the shit thats happened in my life it is what it is.
Main point is if you have heart/mind you can change, do, or be anything you desire
didn't really mean to put myself on a pedestal there... everyone has their issues in life and trials/tribulations they go through, there's much, much worse people have gone through.
People are still falling for this?
My thought; kek
Saw multiple people saying this exact thing, its pretty much all bullshit, watched a few videos of people trying to explain it. Literally thought the same thing, "this is bullshit" BUT thats why I made this thread, so far havent really learned anything tho
Not ejaculating increases the chance of leading to testicular cancer over time.
That was the gist of it as far as I can remember.
what doesn't lead to cancer honestly lol
While I don’t think jerking is problematic, we’ve been doing it since the dawn of time.
I highly regulate my porn video intake now, for my experience def desensitizes my experience if I’ve been overloaded on it before hand. Unless you have a full on addiction I don’t think it’s the worst, but like everything, moderation.
thats the way to do it my dude
For men that can't get women or are suffering from the meme autism and legit autism I say its a good thing. They need to focus their lives on other things. For guys that have no issue socializing or getting women then its not necessary unless you want to build a stronger willpower against sexual desire.
Simple as that really.