Top signs you are a failure as a man:

Top signs you are a failure as a man:

>You rent instead of owning property
>Not happily married; no kids
>Earn less than six figures
>Don't own a Mercedes or BMW
>Don't own at least 2 Phillippe Patek watches
>Don't own a boat

If you are above the age of 30 and any of these apply to you, you might as well just give up and kill yourself.

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30? More like 50-60 years these days.

With all those status symbols you wouldn't happen to be compensating for other things would you?

Posts on Yea Forums, calls us losers. Quit your bullshit OP and get back to making a mockery of daddy's company. Its the only way you can get a job.

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People like OP are perfect candidates to get the rope. And then all their useless shit will get taken away from his lifeless body. Epic life you will have led, OP.

So i guess you failed already being here and posting

How many times today are you gonna post this failure of a thread?
Or did you just get tired of posting your janeane garofolo threads?

Sounds indian.
tldr it's shit

>Own a boat
Every boat owner I have ever met was a complete douchebag. Same goes for people who wear "high quality" watches.

I'd rather be a "loser" if that's what it takes to qualify as a decent human being.

>You rent instead of owning property
Just 1 property? That is peasant tier, I own a portfolio of over 20 houses I rent out
>Not happily married; no kids
Been married, it fuckin sucks, but yeah got brats, 3 sons
>Earn less than six figures
None of your fuckin business what I earn
>Don't own a Mercedes or BMW
Piss off, German crap, I have a Jaguard and a hand built Beauford Landau (yeah pleb you'll need to google the fuck out of that)
>Don't own at least 2 Phillippe Patek watches
Who the fuck wears a watch these days? really?
>Don't own a boat
Another one you'll need to google pleb, an Alvis Stawart, it pisses all over your fuckin boat.

>2 PP watches
What drugs are you on, OP?

I never fucking cared about women tho.

How did you become such a materialist OP? Will you have paper effigies made of all your things and have them burned at the time of your death, in hopes that all your stuff will go with you?

No I don't really mean any of this shit, it just seems like the world is becoming more and more materialistic to the point that manhood is defined by the things a man owns

My Mom is always on my case about getting a higher paying job, like the one I currently have isn't good enough for her because I can't afford a house. She should be proud that I choose to work and not just sit around all day and collect welfare. I suffer from bipolar disorder so she should be happy I have any job at all and can take care of myself.

But it's not enough for me to have a job and take care of myself; I have to have a BETTER job and put all kinds of money into savings and buy a massively overpriced house and get into all kinds of debt and have a wife and have kids etc. etc. etc. and then maybe JUST MAYBE she will be proud of me

Well guess what? I don't care if anyone is proud of me


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>1. Not necessarily.
>2. Cannot overstate the importance of this one.
>3. Unnecessary.
>4. Unnecessary.
>5. This holds true.


I don't get the house thing either. It's not like a house doesn't cost anything. You still pay the same shit you have to pay when you live for rent, but you have to take care of the house as well.

I hate boomers. They think high-paying jobs with benefits grow on trees and houses cost a year's wages.

I have kids, earn 150k, and married 10 years.

Only black women by luxury cars and rich people. They lose value as soon as they’re driven off the lot. Boats are an even worse investment.

Op is black. Even the Mexicans and Chinese know this.

op is an idiot

Yeah show me a house with a mortgage and monthly costs less than $680 CAD (my rent)

>Alvis Stawart

>over 20 houses I rent out

All I know is that if you're a man, nobody can take that from you unless they want to kill you. You might be a failure as a man if you really care what others think of your success.

>Boats are an even worse investment.

You can get away with murder. It may cost a lot of money in lawyers but even then, prosecution for crimes at sea have less than 1% conviction rate.

Fuck off yuppie scum

Who the fuck wants marriage and kids? kill yourself faggot

Buying a house is generally a bad idea.

The sheer amount of retards ITT taking this poor bait seriously
Bravo OP

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Thanks you, thank you. It took literally years for me to develop bait to this point as I am mentally retarded. You really have to be a retard in order to bait retards.


The only thing that caught me was kids, kids are shitty

if i can afford 2 patek watches and a boat, why tf would i drive a Mercedes or BMW?? OP IS TERMINALLY AUTISTIC

Yeah, I think so! The only affordable houses in my city are in the shitty east end

No one wants to live in the east end.

I'm not gonna take on $400,000 of debt to live in a shoebox "modern" urban house either

Top signs you are a failure as a man:
>You keep making the same thread on Yea Forums over and over

>is jewish
Yoi forgot that..

You lost me at Mercedes or BMW fuck your euro trash

>Who the fuck wears a watch these days? really?
People with money, nigger.

>Defining your manhood based on material goods

Your a child in a mans body also keep sipping the cool aid ...

>need a poorly-made German status car to be a success
>need an overpriced watch to be a success
Are you Korean, Armenian, or Persian?

>$680 CAD
poor fat Canuck detected, eh

Phillippe Patek

pleb tier shit
>not even implying

>Mercedes or BMW

nice, low standards you have there, pleb

I'm lucky to have any place of my own what with the housing shortage. Houses sell in about one week where I live.

okay faggot

I'm surprised anyone falls for bait like this, especially on the basement-dwelling NEET website that is Yea Forums.

I'll just go and be a woman instead ig

ur mom is a failure

>Owning a merc or BMW
I'm neither a Saudi or a incel planning to shoot women, OP

Rather get a Bentley or Jaguar

i buy house

old here
i pay mortgage
i feel tied down to it
i eventually, suddenly realize
i have asset worth lot of dollars
everyone's circumstances are different