Gena passed a way to day this is my family's dog we had to have her put donw please say something nice love and prayers...

Gena passed a way to day this is my family's dog we had to have her put donw please say something nice love and prayers for you Gina you will be missed

Attached: 2019-04-21 14.11.17.jpg (1024x576, 389K)

last picture taken of her before being put down in the vet's office

Rest in peace dogo((

Thank you

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It will hurt for a while but try to remember all the good times you had together throughout her life.

Rip doggo she lived good life

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She had bin vary sick for like 5 days and her stomach was swelling so we finally decided to take her somewhere they took an xraysound of her belly to find multiple tumors on her spine and spleen and the swelling of the belly was test blood leading out into it. So sad so fast

Rest in peace Gina, you were loved.

Thank you Fuck you this is expected I know where I'm posting

Thank you

My dog is soon 14 years old and I dread the day I have to put him down.. He is still quite frisky so thats good for now.

Thoughts and prayers to you my friend, I can't imagine what you are going through.

Godspeed Gina.
Doggy heaven for you.

Then why post about your dumbass mutt here anyway? You need attention so bad you gotta get it from strangers youll never know?

Her last thoughts were probably "Why did they all leave me why do they not like me anymore?"

Fuck off faggot no one cares about your ugly ass dog

Wish you much. More time with your buddy this just came out of nowhere it's so hard to grip I'm num to it even though iv been through the process of having a animal put down before this animal was extremely old Gina was literally middle-aged not old at all

Thank you

Sorry I'm a special type of retarded


sorry for your loss dude

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I don't doubt that her last thoughts for what's going on and why are they leaving I would assume that was the thoughts the dog would have had but I doubt she never had a thought of us not loving her we all gave her a kiss and she gave one back before leaving putting down a dog before I just knew it was too hard to have to go through the process of the needle and the injection and the respiratory failure all over again that is why we said our goodbyes and had to walk away

Go f*** off back to your trap threads and gain masturbation you ass I know you got satisfaction and posting on trying to put somebody down you sick son of a b**** I'll pray for you tonight

Thank you

It's always hard to lose a family member. I m really sorry for your loss dude

Thank you

Rest in peace, Gena.

Losing animals is always hard.

Rest in peace, Gena.

She reminds me of one of the Golden Girls.

Rest In Peace Gina

Rest in peace Gina.
Best wishes for you user, i know how painful it is to have a loss like this. I just hope you don't ever have to feel this pain again.
Have a nice day