Hey anons, a poor fag here...

Hey anons, a poor fag here. My friends want me to play MK11 with them yet I have no personal money since I'm a student at my local uni. I know I shouldn't ask for a game but they are my only friends. I can't ask them and even If I'd do it they are in similar situations like me.Here is my pp/mail: jacobrocknag@gmail.com
It would mean everything to be able to play some proper game with my fellow bros. It's currently 42 euro on cdkeys.com
If you are also planing on playing then maybe we could all hang out together :)

Attached: mortalkomatnoghunta2.jpg (1600x1000, 245K)



>playing games
see the problem?
start pirating faggot.

I don't buy games but I really want to play this 1 online

Kill yourself faggot

Enjoy your ban faggot


You can get it on kinguin for €20 but you need a vpn to activate it

get on greenmangaming and refer 15 new people they give you 20 bux per 5 people i think there's a cooldown of a day between or something but yeah free game