Theres a loli that lives next door to me i had a chat with today about her life...

Theres a loli that lives next door to me i had a chat with today about her life. told me that shes moving schools and always fights with her friends. her mom is a single mom and lives in a very abusive environment. I want to show her that life can be happy and help her smile, what do?

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How old is she?

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like 10

Kidnap her and fuck her before leaving her body on the side of a road. Leave a message written on her chest in lipstick saying "maddie was better"

Objectively speaking: find evidence of the abuse, try and cheer her up when you can (meet up with her and chat, play, get her gifts, whatever). Eventually report her abusers to the relevant authorities.

From here you have to options, and (assuming you're a lolicon, otherwise ignore this sentence) personally I would prefer that you pursue the latter.

First, assuming they are taken from their abusers custody, you can request guardianship and take her as your own. There you can personally assure that they live a happy life.

Secondly, you can help her from afar. If possible try to stay in touch with her, make sure she's doing well in her home, if they put her in another shitty place (which the government is prone to do) repeat the process above. Just make sure she's alright. Then, when she finally finds a permanent and happy home, learn to let go, because that's always the hardest part. Good luck.

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holy shit based and whitepilled
that was a good and wholesome read user


You're a pedo and that makes you literally worse than a mix-bree nigger-kike. You'll be the first against the wall and shot, pedo fag.


Brain wash her .molest her..and rape one cares for her...teach her that deep anal is real love and care.

Fuck her

God damn, every time.

so many pedos itt

Enjoy jail, faggot

Who hurt you?

>I am pedolicious

Eat her tiny pussy out. That'll put a smile on her face.

play Ricochet with her.

Rape her

Better yet write “free use cum dump” with an arrow pointing to her pussy

forgot to add shes a ginger