Ylyl thread? One hit image limit and I need more photos I don't already have

Ylyl thread? One hit image limit and I need more photos I don't already have

Attached: IMG_4489.jpg (750x711, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


youe alreedy habe alll de photoes son


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You youngsters post that shit in a YLYL thread, but jesus h, I remember seeing that in actual magazines. It was just part of everyday culture before the feminist/#metoo/low testosterone shit happened.
>Fuck I miss those days!

If one asscheek takes up one seat, you should pay for two seats. I don't know who I feel more sorry for; the guy next to him or the flight attendant who has to squeeze past his fat sweaty ass.

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I know right? And these kids who post that will have 99% a gf or even wife who will do what she wants and barely even know how to cook, clean and get proper laid.

I need this.

You two arent fooling anyone. Wild Yea Forumsoomers don't exist here anymore

Attached: IMG_20190407_215504.jpg (1080x1248, 238K)

I'm sure you'd like to believe that this shithole called Yea Forums is the exclusive domain of the 12 to 20 year old crowd, but dude, I'm closing in on retirement, and I've been checking out this hot mess since the beginning. Mainly just to amuse myself at the naivete of children.

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It's been 20 years since the Columbine high school shooting.

How come you never see black school shooters?

Attached: received_248485245835006.jpg (853x290, 34K)

Because it's normal, and nobody reports it. There was a black school shooter a few miles from my house last year, and another one a few miles further away a couple of years before. All the negro schools have metal detectors now, but they only turn them on immediately after a shooting because otherwise it would be racis.

Attached: Everyday.jpg (527x237, 162K)

I kek'd


How long have you had that screencap?

I saved it from here

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Wait til the drink cart comes through

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I thought this was ylyl, not a faggot convention

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she got the shoe of these guys

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Is this in support or opposition to communism?

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To show that both are jewish.

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I wasnt aware that discussing Israel's relationship with the USA was considered funny

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Doesn't answer my question

I would say like 99% of lefty anti-Trump memes incorporates penises somehow. Kinda makes you wonder...

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It's neutral, therefore I cannot say "in support" or "opposition".

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There is an obvious reason. The peace loving muzzies have vowed to eliminate Is real and kill all Jews. Fix that problem, then we can talk about your issue.

>b-b-but jewish is just a religion!!

Attached: jews_image16.jpg (500x590, 165K)

Fuckin' Muzzies... Worse than anyone. Kill 'em all, then deal with what's left, rationally.

That's Chutzpah right here. Jews are the ones who keep destroying their houses, bombing them, invading their territory more and more everyday (called "settlers").
That being said I don't give a fuck about palestinians either.

Attached: jews_image27.jpg (453x600, 124K)

>people who've had their land stolen and been murdered by Israelis for the last 60 years, FOR SOME REASON, want to fight back
The public is turning against you

Attached: Felony to boycott Israel.png (1028x809, 411K)

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Well liberals are all raging cock loving faggots

Anyone living near Muzzies is forced to bomb them. They're the worst neighbors on the planet. They'll rape your daughters, steal everything you own, then play the victim when you try to shoot them for it. Maybe they should try being decent human beings, then people wouldn't have to turn them into cinders.

This looks shopped to make them look silly. Notice the way the bricks behind them warp.

Yeah, they shooped them to make them look like Liberals. That's the sad part.

Absolute unit

aww such butthurt

Attached: trump blob11.jpg (1180x842, 97K)

That's 100% true, but my problem is that jews flood them in my country, and then create laws that prevent me from defending myself against them, or to even warn people against them. Therefore jews are my problem, muslims/arabs are just a consequence of it.

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No it isn't, you stupid fuck.

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So you're saying there are good Jews?

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There are a lot of dead jews since they exist, therefore you could say that.

Attached: 0CED68D3-8D1E-43EF-A5F3-29773BB36179.jpg (1180x927, 256K)

Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

Attached: received_227229831472304.jpg (960x960, 49K)

Absolute fact

Kikes are inherently evil, god I wish they could all be slaughtered like the Tutsi in Rwanda.

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boomers have big gay

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>Dropping mad facts

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Hey it's been awhile since I've seen a meatspin I didn't post myself nice

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but that quote is entirely fabricated.

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Like everything jews don't like (The Protocols of the elders of Zion, the Talmud parts that show the true scum they are, and so on...)

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The fashpill is our only hope now. Kek be with us

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protocols are fake too. You probably bought that documentary about the occult and the third reich didn't you? woooo witches and ghosts oooooooh

I recommend the videos

-“What world famous men have said about the Jews”

-Jewish expulsions list

okay shlomo.

Attached: hasbara trolls.png (816x4732, 605K)

Doesn’t matter fuck all whether some anti Semitic ruskie forged them, or kikes did. What matters is that the book’s primary substance is becoming our reality, quit being a goy loser and stand up for your own people.

Weird how they fit so much to reality... those damn antisemites must really be evil geniuses!

Attached: IMG_6171.jpg (514x640, 116K)

>even if it is fake, I choose to believe
wew lad

such my long, luxuriously floppy foreskin you dumb slav

Don't be fooled, he is a jew doing his job.

Attached: 1553370977595.png (1169x809, 97K)

>uncited articles
your meme-fu is weak boris

Nevermind you aren’t a goy, your a filthy kike. And what matters is that it’s “subject and ideas” are our reality. Are you retarded? Can you read? Or are you some wannabe hasbara troll? Die kike

>your a filthy kike
lol you want the imagefap link to my foreskin galleries? I got so much it's almost a fiveskin.

Attached: 7B4B8AD4-F1FE-4B6E-A346-EDB6FC9AD3EF.jpg (672x373, 27K)

Don't respond to that filthy kike.

Attached: wwi.jpg (526x344, 40K)

I don’t want to see your cock, show it to your rabbi instead faggot

Thanks Brother

Here, have sources, dumb subhuman jew, paranoid abougt russians.

Attached: Herpes Mezizah.jpg (527x321, 164K)

>doesn't understand the implications of my oversized turtleneck
you must have a helluva skinbridge on your dick to be so pissy about jews.


that's not the source of the article in question user, did your 5th grade teacher forget to teach you how to do a bibliography?

I'm thinking bout thos beans

It's too late jew, everyone knows about your homosexual/pedophile/vampiric practices.

Attached: Eating foreskin.jpg (582x870, 509K)

so you admit you can't source it

>Denying something that is accessible in "Jewishencyclopedia"...
You stupid kikes really need to coordinate better.

Attached: Mezizah.jpg (504x219, 137K)

Another ruined YLYL thread.

Here, from another jewish website. You want to keep humiliating yourself, kike?

Attached: Pessah-passover blood in bread and wine.jpg (727x877, 388K)

Not ruined, purified.

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Everybody KNOWS that NIGGERS don't go to school.

This goy gets it.

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they all look like demons.

Attached: juden liste.png (640x640, 765K)

You guys are fucking retarded.

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Eyes are the window to the soul...

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Man catholic people are fucking weird

Eat shit, millennial. Broke ass piece of shit.

his face is priceless LOLD. Whoever got tthat idea is my master

You fail...

Attached: 27485543119_3f4ba4f268_b.jpg (1024x695, 125K)

...as fuck.

Attached: photo_1458.jpg (728x345, 58K)

"Hey guys, post funny pics."

"Nah, but do you know why you should hate Jews?"

Fucking cock sucking kike lovers.
You guys talk so much shit I swear you all secretly love kikes.

/Abandon Thread.
/Pol/ is back to ruin our fun.

Attached: IMG_20190414_204748.jpg (932x960, 136K)

Is there a colored version of this pic?

Who took the time to create this?

And the right would N E V E R resort to such cheap tactics right? Shut the fuck up.

Attached: 1555869422316.jpg (692x960, 45K)

Says the king of aspergers.

So much this. Fuck /pol/ and kike-lovers!

Attached: 1553435757358.jpg (1024x639, 100K)

Not that I know of, maybe try a reverse image search.

Attached: 1289868382438.jpg (918x612, 194K)

Oh god no, we’re all fucked.


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I remember that lol, I was so happy to add another Jewish expulsion to the long list.

Hopefully we'll see a definite end to their bullshit within our lifetime.

Attached: Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts.png (1648x9058, 705K)

I lost to this childish shit. Thanks lol

George Lucas isn't gay

Entire infofraphic discarded

I just fucking hate the jews so much


Me and my freinds aslo came to think this faggots love jews. They obsessed about them to the point they ruined a ylyl thread.

Because they despise the white race, they leech off if it's, and they subvert our culture all while playing tune victim card and everyone buys it. What the fuck.

It's "goy" (albeit freemason, meaning dog of jews), not "gay" (in case you're not trolling).

That's called being sane. Now do something about it.

Attached: DTZOG.jpg (1920x4704, 1.01M)

iz now laugh at joos thread

Attached: 1448087656168.jpg (500x375, 63K)


ALL jews do this, no exceptions?

>Yea Forums's magic and charisma

What? Ylyl have always been one of the worst parts of this board

And hate da juice

Based Super Kami

Attached: 1322469909377.jpg (400x335, 40K)

This guy shouldn't be allowed on the plane. That puts everyone behind him at risk during an evacuation. Same reason you can't have luggage in the aisle

It does not matter because the bad jews will pretend to be good ones. Like in ww2 when we put the Japanese in concentration camps, we put them all because we don't know who's who for sure. Hitler did the same thing the Americans did.

You're getting triggered over words. I hope you know how much of a snowflake you're being

It'd be better if it was a sheep

so {((([((kikes))])))} own now ylyl threads?
I really really prefer when it was just raided by Ray Pist bots

Apart from EXTREMELY rare exceptions, who said more or less that we non-jews must absolutely exterminate the jews because of how horrible they all are (common sense). Examples: Roger Guy Dommergue Polacco de Menasce (actually half-jew) and Bobby Fisher.

Attached: 1269748681480.jpg (600x828, 194K)

BM Fahrtz approved

Uhm, while some of a crowd are assumed to do bad things, all of a crowd are taken as evil? Is this a principle you use for any other crowd of people?

>posting an informative picture
>being triggered
Yeah ok.

Attached: 1301618311600.jpg (781x1049, 105K)

Obvious b8

It kind of appears to be the opposite with all this anti Jewish propaganda

I know you can't fathom the irony, but going to the effort of making an infographic because you got called a word you don't like is the epitome of being triggered

I literally believe that there isn't much proof jews were systematically murdered. I think there was isolated incidents were some psychopaths were in control. But the main reason I don't believe it is because it's illegal in 13 countries to publicly question and aspect of the mainstream story of the holocaust and how you can't say ANYTHING negative about jews or judiasim without being quickly shamed. Also how Hollywood and the media was started by Jewish people in the US and both of those are excellent ways to promote porpoganda. It literally teaches that gentiles were put on this earth to serve jews and that they compare us to animals in the Talmud.

You're brainwashed of you can't see these things.

Name one anti Semitic mass media agency, or media conglomerate? Name one? One? All of this shot is 70 years old yet still holds up. Every mass media organization is anti-fascist. And pro-Semitic and most are Zionist. Who is in control?

You cannot name any other occasion to use that principle because you know how fucking stupid this is, right, user?

Why are they horrible?


I is be sayin' Finna, I ain't be knowin' what it be meanin' but i's be sayin' it anyway ya fee me? Y'am sayin' done be finna axe you a qwershton ya fee me. Does I's be soundin' all educated and shit when i's be's sayin finna? I be havin' 35 pairs of J's ya'm sayin finna finna

We're talking about ylyl threads...

It's not about me, I'm not triggered, and I didn't create it, idiot.
People are getting censored/jailed, etc. for saying something qualified of "nazi". I don't like jews and their Orwellian "prison words".

Attached: 1555781129355.jpg (724x1024, 124K)

Boer war?

Generation Zyklon you dusty old fuck

Attached: 1530659010945.jpg (539x552, 30K)

Yes because those are so influential

Samefagging fag

Boer war what?


Media didn't exist before Jews? Did they also invent air to keep us alive so we can serve them?

No. Two differentfagging fags.

If those didn't answer your question, I'm not sure I can do anything for you...

I think you have brain damage. A prior post said jews own ylyl now, I said probably not because of all the anti jew stuff. Then you sperged out. Good job

>I don't actually have any thoughts of my own but here are pictures with lots of angry words. How don't you get it?

That's what you sound like right now

anybody who is trying deserves respect

Ok, next time I will condense everything in one post, because you know, imageboards aren't for images, and words written in pictures aren't words.

Attached: How non-jews are killed.jpg (887x204, 174K)

There was just stated something about "It is forbidden to question holocaust, therefore I don't think it existed". This is really no answer to my question, just long ago disproven mental disorder conspiracy gibberish for isolated minds.

Fuck dude, where u get my boss's pic?

Because those niggers are too busy shooting each other at home.

ylyl =\= /pol/

No they've just always owned it in the United States. So your point is irrelevant.

They are just obeying Yea Forums directives:

If you really think those pictures would prove or just answer anything, you should write a list only for yourself to list intersubjective arguments for you views - For test purposes about any other opinion and then for you opinion about world jew conspiracy.

>Posts the other side
>Hurrdurr see?

kikeposters need to fuck off to jewtube


So all Jews do all this stuff? You don't have any sources, do you? It might just be me, but all this stuff sounds pretty fabricated. You guys are always so funny with this line

>don't believe the jews, they're lying to you!
>here, please implicitly trust these infographics made by a crazy person with no sources!

That's not at all what I said. I don't believe it first because there is little concrete verifiable evidence and because it's illegal to question Any aspect of the official story. Most of the story is estimation and speculation, and you can't question it. Also many, many jews have been caught lying about personal accounts or admitted to making shit up. There wasn't even a gas chamber when auschwitz was discovered. All the numbers are estimated, have changed several times over the years and unverifiable. You have to realize you've been emotionally manipulated from childhood to defend this shit.

Well the post did say that Jews invented media. Your words not mine...

Who decides what tread design will go on those sandals?

Ok, ignore the extreme anti-jew pics fair enough, it’s too much for people on the outside. Instead look into it for yourself and decide. If you have an open mind then believe me you will change. I promise you.

Yes, that plane has another side. btw it's even a model plane of the original.

You wanna say your autism doesn't limit you?

See you don't even address the fact that the media has always been owned by jews in the US. You don't think they did this for a reason?

>Instead look into it for yourself and decide. If you have an open mind then believe me you will change. I promise you.
You have to post a screenshot of this to make it a ylyl

>it's illegal to question

In some places. Not just across the board. Lots of places ban the speech of certain things but that doesn't detract or add to it's validity. It just means they have fucked up laws

If you don't give a shit about any of those pics, it's either because: you are a kike (my bet, since it's almost always jews who totally ignore every proof posted about them), someone who has an agenda in helping the jews (a faggot who would want to adopt a kid, for ex), you didn't read any of them (therefore you would be a lazy idiot for talking about this subject in the first place), or some kind of psychopath nihilist who's so braindead he doesn't care about anything (but you do seem to care a lot about "antisemitism", don't you?).

Attached: mezizah_rabbi_metzitzah_b'peh_sucking_baby_dick.jpg (482x346, 23K)

You do, they just call it crime.

They are demons, the bloodline decedents of cain's satanic seedline.

And you got your "informations" from the pictures in these kind of Yea Forums-threads?

I know that you are not very smart, but the only thing I've been referencing is the fact that you said jews invented media which is kind of stupid. You seem to be having some autistic fit of rage because I'm not engaging in your argument about Jewish supremacy fantasies

when /pol/ become so bad that you need to post here,does anyone have some funny juice shit?

Debating them is a useless effort.

Attached: debating jews.png (612x792, 127K)

Imagine sitting on an anonymous image board all day, posting pictures with fabricated quotes and information, and then thinking you are the one with the clear understanding of how the world works. What a fucking existence. Holy shit

>Lots of places ban the speech of certain things but that doesn't detract or add to it's validity. It just means they have fucked up laws

Just coHencidences I guess, that those laws are the ones who prevent any criticism against jews, wether about their official History which they "teach" us, or about their crimes actually happening.

(Voltaire hated jews btw)

Attached: To-Know-Who-Rules-Over-You.jpg (540x378, 44K)

Show one that is fabricated, lying piece of shit.

Attached: 1555193844510.jpg (787x486, 171K)

Bill Burr reference

>too much for people on the outside

No, it's too much for people who think rationally and have a healthy amount of skepticism. If you guys did anything other than post pictures with uncited quotes and 'facts' then you might have a chance. None of you can even argue your point. You just spam pictures and then declare how "woke" you are. Playing chess with a pigeon

Most men did, watch the video “what world famous men have said about the Jews”. Just so these antifa fags here know, none of those quotes in the video are fabricated, no Abraham Lincoln saying jew are evil or anything like that. Authentic quotes.

True, I know, but I just do it when I can humiliate one quickly, in case some gullible goy is genuinely still in doubt about them.

Attached: 1307027883429.jpg (826x1108, 149K)

Sorry, but I have to disappoint you, I don't belong to any of these groups. I'm just fascinated by people who really believe this unevaluated nonsense. You Nazis are like a dead animal besides the road. You don't want to look at it but you can't look the other way.

Be honest, these pictures above are not the reason why you hate jews. If all of them were "disproven", you still would hate jews because of something other than this.

So what may be this origin of your hate, user? Serious question.

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We have to be extreme, imagine living in a degenerate world like this where everybody calls you a fascist pig and Nazi LARPer just for questioning Jewish supremacy, and fag skeptics betray their own kind. Yeah sad. You fags have no idea what hard is, try having the whole world against you for being honest. Time will tell, 100 years from now all fag skeptics will know we were right all along, you know it. You are too much of a coward to be true to yourself though.

Name one place where it is illegal to criticize Jews. Oh wait, you can't. There are places where denying the holocaust is a crime(which I don't agree with, people are entitled to stupid ideas), but there is no where that you just can't say anything about Jews. Be reasonable for once in your life

Um, no seats need to be bigger, I shouldnt have to pay double because I am slightly larger than most people. ADA needs to step in and make airline companies accomodate people with disabilities.

They could just have a handicap section in the back for people that are bigger and or have disabilities. We are people too, and shaming us because we have genetic disorders isn't fair.

The ones coming to those threads, seeing the tons of various evidence and saying "it's all fabricated/fake/a conspiracy" are jews in damage control mode, 99% of the time.

Attached: 1553365997557.png (1136x668, 1023K)

I already stated in a previous post it's illegal to publicly question Any aspect of it in 13 Countries.

The thing is it shouldnt even be frowned upon to make sure we have all the facts and identify the full and complete truth of what actually took place.

There are scholars who have done research, and these people aren't even antisemitic or hateful, that have shown certain "facts" to be inaccurate or blatantly false. Before you ask me to cite, why don't you already know this yourself? Why are you ignorant about this? I'm not even really a hateful person or a nazi, this stuff isn't that Important to me and I don't focus on it much. But we're being mislead. Even if it's one small detail that is wrong,one small detail in the right place can completely change context and story.

People in the US are very brainwashed. It's propaganda. Look at what Israel does and gets away with. Look at how much money we give Israel when flint needs a new water system. Look how wealthy jews here are (not because of intelligence or hard work in many cases, because of connections, jews only look out for each other). Look and the disproportionate amount of Jewish senators and power jews have. You don't think this is strange?

I don't even like Muslims or Arabs but whats happening to the palastinians is immoral. Communism was perpetuated by jews and socialism. Many leftists are jews in the US.

Jews have a disproportionate amount of power and influence in other countries too. And if these jews fuck things up for the rest of us to much, guess what? They can always just go to Israel which is primarily Jewish, xenophobic, and gets billions of free dollars and military support from the American taxpayers.

This does not seem fishy to you?

not when they're trying bc they're on tv

Attached: 1555145298698.png (585x885, 357K)

...because they dont go to school....

An author was arrested and fined in France for writing about Jews in an unfavorable way. Watch Johnny Gat videos on anti semitism. A author from Charlie he do was fired for making fun of Jews, yet this same Charlie hebdo is preaching free speech for making fun of Moslems, what fucking hypocrisy.

Maybe if you didn't worship Hitler and talk about jews 24/7 then maybe you wouldn't be called those things? Crazy thought, I know

Im pretty sure it wasn't confirmed that elliot was a jew but top right bottom right and bottom middle look pretty kikey too me.

Good cherrypicking. I'm not talking about one off situations. Next

At least all of the european countries.
Be more subtle, inbred bastard jew.

Attached: 1555191452283.jpg (644x447, 136K)

You must absolutely see those posts:

Attached: 1554462514431.jpg (336x274, 26K)

I'm not going to read all that because it's not illegal in the US. Try Russia, you know, the country you look up to so much

sup retards
somone sauce me the image of that nazi couple?

So you couldn't name one and you're posting an unrelated infographic? Nice! Very convincing!

Not all fascists worship Hitler (mind blown) some prefer Oswald Mosley and the BUF some are Falangists (Jose Primavera) some are Integralists (Brazil) some are National Synarchists (Mexico) some are Italian Fascists (Many Italian Fascists hate Hitler for staring the war) some are Boer Nationalists, some are Iron Guard (Romania) some are Russian Fascists. There are more types of fascists then most political ideologies. Usually the fascists on the internet who are always taking of Jews and are always pissed off have just learned of the what is actually happening, and they are very angry that no one is talking about it, thus they come to the internet to vent, they change and mature.

>all that just to justify a fascist fetish

Type more words

do you know what else is nice?
my cock in your sissy ass you twink faggot

>"""At least all of the european countries"""
Your answer: "So you couldn't name one"
You kikes are truly mentally ill...

Attached: Eating foreskin (1).jpg (239x688, 237K)

I don’t need to justify my ideology fag, you antifa are real losers huh. Always calling us a fetish or LARPers. This is going on too long. I’m done

Democratic nations have killed millions
Communist Dictatorships have killed millions
Fascist nations have killed millions

We all are on the same playing field, get off your high horse

Jews are so vile and disgusting

Attached: Jewish kids raped (1).jpg (755x242, 139K)

Attached: 1555070176486.jpg (1242x2015, 255K)

Got no clue?

Attached: Bring your phone into the bathroom.png (960x716, 384K)

There are probably no antifas on this thread, just some jews who were sent an alert (via an app on their phone) to swarm and try to discredit the truth.

See: , and

>I don't need to justify my ideology, gag

Then why do you spend all of your free time spamming ylyl with anti jew stuff. Lel @ ur life

Thanks for admitting defeat

You're trying too hard.

Attached: 768hgf765.jpg (980x2006, 355K)

Eat shit and die faggot

At least this will weaken the Jewish people. Bad thing is now they're all evil and have power /money.

I downloaded them

I recommend johnnygat.com he has really high quality videos and he isn’t an extremist. His YouTube channel got shoah’d (what a surprise).

>Then why do you spend all of your free time spamming ylyl with anti jew stuff
In addition, it's stupid to believe these pics would be adequate to convince anyone of a Jewish world conspiracy.

Your right what we need is control over most media conglomerates and organizations, then everyone would believe us completely. Sadly we only have the internet, and other people have the media.

Good, see how they fit to the weird reactions jews exhibit on this thread, see how they would react exactly the same even with 100x more proofs, everywhere else on the internet.

Attached: 1555768759989.png (484x812, 266K)

100 x 0 = 0

Just fyi

I hope this is your shitty attempt at trolling because if it's not you're fucking retarded too. You don't seriously think extremely obese people are the same as everyone else, do you? You're trash and you are a crutch to everyone else around you fucking kys.

Ha ha ha, politics and jews! XD good thread :)))

It would be easy to convince journalists if these Nazi crap were true.

Don’t be funny, journalists have an agenda. Just stop.

Attached: Jewish kids raped (2).jpg (772x115, 57K)

Attached: Jewish kids raped (3).jpg (789x329, 189K)

Finally I can stand up and shit like a man

Thanks for the math lesson, was that supposed to prove something?

36% of the united states is obese hunny, stop being an incel edgelord. I like how if someone says the common sense truth you autists say its trolling.

The shit is discrimination, and people that are slightly larger should have reasonable accomodations on planes and in public transport. Why is this such a big deal to people, we are just like everyone else.

the finger tapping always did it for me

Jews are so good at maths they can have 6 millions of them exterminated in Germany/Poland when there isn't 6 millions of them in Europe at the time.

Attached: 6 millions 1919.png (1396x1863, 658K)

Attached: NYT WW2 6 millions.jpg (990x1278, 361K)

Maybe this was sufficient to convince you. But do you got any other reply than one picture of hundreds in your agenda folder?

Wow, you got mad really fast.

Attached: 1554466301923.jpg (536x274, 68K)

That's an effective immunization against anything outside of your political attitude.

Attached: 1322001702364.png (406x406, 89K)

Because it is only newsworthy when man bites dog.

Attached: 1554471201509.jpg (627x323, 75K)

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Attached: Ehrenburg.jpg (418x998, 338K)

There’s no inbetween?

Why the fuck does every YLYL thread turn into a fucking Jew hate thread?

Go hate the Jews in your own thread, why shit up a YLYL?

You more seem the kind of guy to be really disinterested in the truth.

>tests positive for thermite explosive
So there was rust and aluminum in the dust... OMG JEWS!!!

No one look at the specific anti-jew threads. And when they aren't spammed with truth, YLYL threads are shit anyway, spammed with Raypist, bananas, etc.

If you don't know what thermite is and how it's related to a building being destroyed from the inside and not from a van parked in front of it, that is your problem, jew.

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