give me your experiences while tripping and the amount you took.
help this tard because he's going to trip for the first time on wednesday with 400 ug
Other urls found in this thread:
>1st time
>400 micrograms
Either trolling, or you are going to seriously fuck yourself over. Start at a smaller dose first. I recommend 50-100 micrograms, it will be much more manageable. If you're comfortable with that dose, you can dose up again in a few more weeks. Don't try dosing again mid-trip as the chemical will have already peaked its saturation, and it will not lift the trip any higher.
Yeah 400 ug is retarded, that's an extreme trip, only for trip veterans. Start with a tab, usually a tab is 100-150ug each
>first time
You dont want to take that much your first time OP. It's clear you've done no research.
Take 150ug and smoke up some weed after the peak's done and you'll have a great time.
At 400ug you'll probably experience:
400 mics- most people would never take this much unless they knew the acid they have in their possesion and really wanted to get pretty far out there. This is why you dont see 200+ mic hits around. There is some confusing of the senses (i.e. seeing sounds as colors etc.) Time distortions and moments of eternity. Body movement becomes difficult and disorienting. There is a heightened sense of awareness of one's own feelings and drive. People usually report this dose as thought provoking and life changing. For some, their ability to discern is somewhat thrown off. More likely to respond to suggestive stimuli. It is recommended that there be a sitter to watch over the tripper just in case he/she would do something that could be a potential hazard.
...but you'll likely freak the fuck out, hurt yourself and end up in hospital unless you have a fucking legendary sitter with you.
yeah youre gonna go fuckin nuts if you take 400ug your first time
take 50-100ug your first time, for real.
Stream it faggot
im experienced with a lot of other shit like Molly, ecstasy and other shit, I'm gonna have 6 other people doing 400 ug with me and have a couple sober people. Is it really gonna be that fucking bad? I wanna leave reality and trip hard because my life is shit right now. Since many people say it's life changing, I'm tempted to do 400.
it's not like molly or ecstacy. it's not a party drug.
how well do you know the 8 or 9 people you'll be with for the 10~14h trip? are the sober people experienced trip sitters? have they done that much acid before in their own personal experience?
use the internet and learn about "set" and 'setting', and you'll learn why it sounds like a retarded idea, and that's not even counting the dosage.
keep in mind that at 400ug even experienced trippers will need a trip sitter
to add, my recommendation. either take 100~150ug (tab or tab & a half)by yourself or with a friend.
do it either chilling at home with some good movies/tv/anime or musical instruments/art supplies or go camping with a best friend and both drop there.
you wont be able to sleep until the trip's nearly worn off (10h at least) so I personally drop around 3pm so I'm peaking around sunset.
depends what your mind is like, but yeah you're gonna toast it with 400ug on first time
dosages below 400ug to give you an idea
90 mics- Bright colors, surfaces start to move, warp or breathe slightly. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. You start to think more. Change of short term memory leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Your brain starts to speed up and you become more aware of everything.
110 mics- A hit of some really good lsd. Visuals are getting a lot more obvious now. "Ripples" over laying your field of vision. Patterns from all different cultures seen on walls, surfaces, faces etc. Closed eye hallucinations become more apparent.
150 mics- This is the main dosage people try to shoot for if they are not that experienced to get LSD's effects without freaking out. This dose is usually 1-2 hits of good, legit LSD. Effects are a lot like 110 micrograms but more profound.
(incraments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 50 mics becomes more intense than above the line.)
200 mics- This is where things can get powerful. Your mind is racing. Beautiful colors are everywhere. Closed eye visuals are very apparent at this point. Life changing, spiritual experiences or realization can happen at this dose. If you are a noob to lsd this dose is simply too high for you. Many people can handle it quite well but some may freak out.
250 mics- This dose is the dose Albert Hoffman, the creator of LSD tried when he first dosed himself to see what LSD's effects were like. The peak of a 250 mic acid trip can be VERY intense or even scary but like any LSD trip. once the peak effects ware off, the more comfortable the trip is. When the comedown started, he was fine, and he became a rockstar. Closed eye visuals are amazing at this dose.
300 mics- your getting into heavy territory. Still not considered by most to be a heavy dose, but thats only because they know where most people including themselves draw the line if they are experienced. Its alot like 250 mics.
the people who are doing it with me are my best friends and the people who I trust most in my life, the sober people aren't trip sitters and I don't know why would we need one. I'm new to this shit which is why I don't get a concept of a sitter
don't fucking do a 400 if you don't know what to expect fucking retard. Try 100. Put on a light comedy or a fractal+music or something on TV. Have a couple good friends there, ideally at least one non-fucked up one. Remember everything is amplified, so keep the setting fun and light because if your life is shit and dark shit happens while on acid, it might end up being a terrible time that will fuck you up more. If you're with a group of friends just having a good time, odds are you'll feel more of total connection to everyone instead of impending doom.
>I don't get a concept of a sitter
then you're fucked
read up about it on the internet.
t. accidentally killed an animal on LSD, shit sucks
Even if you're not dumb enough to go jump out a window or go for a drive, a sitter is there to spread good vibes. Maybe get you something from the kitchen or help out if things get anxious. But if you don't understand the concept of set and setting, you shouldn't be taking psychedelics. Should do many more hours of research before you think you're ready. And you don't take 400ug the first time. 100-300 is more than enough.
>I wanna leave reality and trip hard because my life is shit right now.
Let me stop you right here, retard.
While it's unlikely you'll listen, know that there's a good chance you'll end up a lot worse if you're not able to integrate the overwhelming experience you might have.
Having a bunch of people around equally tripping off their balls makes it worse.
Tell them you're out of this for now, you're not fucking ready.
Ok so far on OP's bad trip and possible hospital trip checklist we have:
>his life is shit right now
>he just wants to take it to escape reality
>he's doing it with a group of 10 best ""friends""
>has no experience with LSD, shrooms or the like
>is taking a fuck-huge dose
>has done no research
>has no sitter
>doesn't understand what a sitter does
>is ignoring all advice in the thread
>doesn't seem to have a plan for the trip other than "take drug, hang with friends, ????"
Can you stop this bullshit? Tell exactly what can happen from a trip? Shrooms and acid are harmless.
Wow dude 400 I took 300 and was visited by the greys, but the don't like called this way. They prefer, they prefer, they prefer, sorry I can't tell you.
I remember now, they said if I ever told someone they are going to do the anal thing again and this time until I come, which would turn me into their sex slave by their law. Their law says that if you get fucked in the ass and come during it, you turn into their slave.
If your life is not great right now, DO NOT DO ACID. Source: Did acid three times, third time I was depressed, wound up in fetal position for about 6 hours crying and hugging my stuffed animal who looked like an alien. Did not even integrate the negative experience at all. In addition, do NOT do more than 100mcg your first time, even if you have experience with other psychs. It is different. You will lose your shit. You need to get used to acid-specific shit and the general feeling you experience. More than 100mcg for a first time is a BAD idea. I recommend being in a CLEAN place -- cleanliness is more important than it sounds -- with one, maybe two other people, one of whom is sober. Make it easy to switch rooms/environments in case you start looping. I am all for trying psychs but please do them safely. Make sure you are in a good frame of mind.
first of all, neither is harmless, either can fuck you up if you do them irresponsibly. Second, even using normally can fuck you up permanently if you have some kind of latent psychosis. What can happen is that your darkest thought gets amplified by a fuckton, depending on the dose and then imposed on your entire environment. People do fucked up things on acid, especially if they're going through shit.
To the user, acid isn't to "escape reality" and get fucked up. A small dose with a group of trusted friends illustrates the interconnectivity of everything and by extension demonstrate your place in the universe. It can be a life-changing experience both for the better and for the worst. Do your research and don't fuck with it if you have a strong family history of schizophrenia/psychosis.
Was about to write this up pretty much but you did it for me. Let's add a important detail to the first paragraph.
You might be absolutely convinced that this is your permanent reality now (despite that not being the case). YOU KNOW IT FOR A FACT.
In the end, being in a bad state going is a bad idea, unless you're really good at integrating what happens to you.
A high dose like that is no fucking joke.
Watch this video while tripping
I agree with you but
>reupping while already tripping will not make you higher
Is absolute bullshit. Sorry bud. Especially if we’re talking 100 mic beginning dose. I’ve done this way too many times to know. Take a second dose later WILL make you higher, and extend the trip
Heck, you're not only right, let me add a warning that you might experience multiplicative effects. A later redose might come on unexpectedly strong. (Or that might have happened because I was a retard and didn't even peak when I did that)
This. Sorry OP, but you’re setting yourself up for a terrible time. You’re much better off doing 100 mics with 1 or 2 people you feel really safe with
If you want to get out of your head, do DMT instead of acid. Even 400 mics you’ll still have thoughts
>First time
Well first of all I would recommend you rethink that number down to 100.. maybe even 50.
You do not know how you handle LSD, and you do not want to be too high when you find out the answer is "not well"
I’ve had that happen when smoking weed late into a trip as well. Kicked the acid back in much stronger than it was all trip
They're harmless on a physical health scale yes. Bad trips are a thing. You can have terrifying visions for example. You ever hear of "flashbacks" ? Those aren't real. However doctors doing the research for the FDA now have identified that you can get PTSD from a particularly horrifying trip and that's what the community reports as flashbacks.
But the more likely and common cause of a bad trip is that it's an ego destroyer. As in you cannot hide from your lies and your true self. Some people tie so closely to their identity they've made for themselves having it fall away is a lot for them to handle.
My ex gf was like that. Most selfish person you'll ever see. Always playing the victim, always blaming everyone for her problems, had a magical way of doing dumb fucking shit, having the inevitable consequences come, and then crying and blaming the cruel world for shit that was obviously her fault.
Then she did acid. Realised all at once she was a cunt. She had a major mental breakdown over it. She's still kind of fucked up. Also she's blaming me for having acid instead of herself for taking it so it didn't even fix her.
>I wanna leave reality
Acid doesn’t make you leave reality homie. It makes reality loud and clear and in your face. But is shows you more of reality, so you’re More likely to put upsetting shit into perspective
I wanna leave reality and trip hard because my life is shit right now. Since many people say it's life changing, I'm tempted to do 400.
I am sorry but thats not how it generally works. Your current state of being (feels) will get amplified by the acid. And this is no good.
100 - 150 will be plenty enough because of your mental state and this being your first time. Also it is already enough for some realisations.
What i learned from some trips is that you can't just trip and be like "I feel like shit, I hope after this trip I will feel better be a better person and better my life". That's not how it works. The trip won't magically turn you into a improved version of yourself. You still have to put effort in and work hard to better your life. It may just present to you some other viewpoints but it lies in your hands to do something about it.
But that was just my experience.
Take care
Took 100 mcs once, became the flash and started sprinting everywhere
>Then she did acid. Realised all at once she was a cunt.
You know this is bullshit right? Those drugs just work on your receptors and it's all a biological responce. You cannot learn anything from tripping. It's just drugs.
>Is it gonna be bad?
We can't tell you. We don't know. It depends on you. It might be as amazing as you're imagining and more. But it also might destroy you. That's why everyone here with experience is telling you to *start low*. If you and acid get along, you can up your dose.
That's like saying you couldn't learn anything from being punched in the face, the pain is just your brain interpreting the signals coming from the nerves in your skin.
That said, I'm also very skeptical of something like described in It's either exaggeration or here were other factors involved.
When it comes to learning, look up papers on psychedelics and neurogenesis. There might be a bit more to the whole thing than you'd expect.
>No idea how the brain works
Bruv. I took psychology in University and it does do exactly this. Your brain is highly highly delegated. And there are even particular processes involved with identifying you as a separate thing from everyone and everything else.
When on psychadelics your brain becomes hyperconnected and there's a lot of cross talk in places that don't normally talk. But most notably, that part I mentioned is silenced.
Without your self identity you don't have attachment to your world view or self identification parameters. It makes reality a fuck tonne more clear.
Also you've surely heard a lot for hippies talk about how "the universe is one" and all that. That idea comes from psychadelic use and That's for the same reason. Your brain tries at all times to make sense of what it's experiencing. So with the deprivation of self identity your brain starts trying to work it out, and it arrives at the conclusion that if you aren't separate, you must be everything. It is in of itself a hallucination.
Dont smoke weed
If you really have problems, you have even more problems afterwards and a really shitty time. Never do drugs, when you have severe problems in life
Did a 450ug trip once while on a weekend away, well besides random letters appearing on bricks and hearing in audible whispers when I was left alone in a quiet room it wasn’t all that overwhelming as long as you can keep telling yourself that this isn’t a permanent thing and it will end eventually. That thinking has saved me from a bad trip many a time.
Not op but how do I get my hands on LSD if I don't know anyone and am a loser neet who can't generate the balls to ask some rando if there selling.
You sure about those 450ug or that it was what you think it was? Coming across a weak batch or having some analogue that's just a bit different in a way isn't exactly uncommon.
A few years ago I'd have said just buy it on a darknet market. But I haven't done this in a long time and more of those came and went than I'm able to give a shit about.
But it's really either that or you know someone who knows someone.
Other options are way too shitty.
my first time was about 370-400ug of hoffmans and i do not recommend for you to take that amount for your first time. my head was fucked for half a year after the trip
If there's no way to get lsd, try shrooms. They are not as good as acid, but at least something.
Replace not as good with a bit different.
Y'all ever get so far out there that you woke up out of your tube and the aliens had to come put you back to sleep? I know we aren't supposed to talk about it but I also know I can't be the only one.
They are boring and less intense, but still better than nothing. You could say that shrooms are for complete beginners.
Gonna disagree on everything there, comes down to dosage. If you can't have a good time on a mild shroom tea, maybe you're boring.
>first time
do not do that lmao
start with 100
>be me
>had tripped a good ~40ish times previous
>bought 150 per tab WOW
>decided I was ready for it and took 8 tabs, had taken many before
>within twenty minutes I was feeling it
>as the night proceeded my visuals were encompassing my entire vision
>once my peak hit my entire reality was shfiting geometric shapes to the beat of whatever hendrix song
>as I started coming down and coming back to reality I was overwhelmed with feelings of love for everybody
>for two hours on my comedown I cried because of how much I loved everyone
also sour skittles on acid is fucking awesome
>love for everyone/thing
I always wonder about that one. Maybe this just doesn't happen for people who lack certain kinds of empathy in the first place. I've always questioned my feelings in that regard, how real they are, if that makes sense. Psychedelics haven't brought me closed to an answer either. It's a bit hard to put into words, but in short, that never happened to me.
what started it was thoughts about my mom
for years we'd all had to deal with my dad, who when not working nights at his hospital would drink to anger and scream at all of us. I began to realize how much my mom did for me and the family despite being in the same situation, and then my love for her transcended into love for humanity as a whole.
I actually had nearly the same thing happen just friday. I and two friends of mine decided to take some mushrooms (an eighth each of golden teachers) before a party. I'd only taken 2gs before that but with my L experience I felt ready. However, they hit hard as fuck fast as fuck. I got the feeling that everybody at the party was watching me and being weirded out by me and I told my ride we had to go an hour in. When i got back in the car I started crying thanking him for saving me from that environment. I may post a whole trip report later.
What's your point?
>not as good
entirely subjective
hell I thought the same thing till Never underestimating the mushroom again
well I had 3 experiences with LSD
on the first one I got absolutely out of control, I was in my friends building, got alone in his room at a certain moment, looked at the window and actually contemplated suicide. I remember looking at the window, seeing the building next to his, looking at the early night sky, and just saying to myself "well... why not?"
than I realized how fucked up this was and just screamed to my friend stay there with me, just taking care in case I thought of something stupid. And this was 80ug if i'm not mistaken, it was half a Maia tab (160ug the whole tab).
The second experience was way better, me and this same friend of mine (from previous experience) stayed here in my house, I took half a tab and basically spent the afternoon watching him playing Fallout 4 and listening to Pink Floyd. Didnt have any bads, and actually enjoyed the whole trip. Listening to "Atom Heart Mother" while on acid was a truly orgasmic experience, I closed my eyes for 20min and let the story be told to myself. Highly recomend it.
The 3rd experience was with my ex girlfriend, each of us took half a tab (don't how how many ug, but it wasnt much). I felt tired, took a 30min nap, woke up and felt the effect. We cooked dinner, smoked weed, had sex while high as fuck, listened to music, and that's all I pretty much remember.
lol what a moron, how about you take it and then see for yourself what happens. If you don't understand anything different when on acid, you might just as well kys because you're obviously a psychopath
I'm not a degenerate libtard to take mind altering substances, thank you.
ppl who lack empathy have probably been abused as a child or some shit like that and should go through some therapy, it's in human nature to feel empathy
then why are you here commenting about it if you don't even know what you are talking about? typical magatard
I use common since and knowledge because I value my intellect rather than use drugs like a degenerate. I know what's I'm talking about because I am not biased.
my first time i took 240ug with 6 others outdoors in central london.
i was 15
you do know they use MDMA and ketamine for depression and PTSD cure right?
I haven't been abused, my childhood was alright overall. Didn't say I don't feel empathy at all, rather I'm suspicious about it. How genuine it is. It also often seems very arbitrary in respects to what triggers it.
None of this concerns me, mostly it's an interesting thought that pops up every now and then.
One time I tripped 4 hits and tried running away when I was 16, the cops found me 26 miles from my home. I had long boarded 26 miles in a day.
yeah, ppl who have been abused, don't actually remember about that, brain defence mechanism, only long term therapy or hypnosis or some chemicals like ketamine bring it out of subconsciousness
100ug is best for first time imo
200ug is best for insight and introspection, etc once you have some experience
300+ug for tripping balls, listening to music, and thought loops
dont fucking do 400 first time lmao
>im experienced with a lot of other shit like Molly, ecstasy and other shit
mate you've listed a total of 1 drug
doing acid will not help you escape reality. It will just make it a fuck ton worse. If you wanna escape reality do shit tons of ket and smoke a fat joint.
Literally do the tiniest bit of research and you'd realise you're making a bad choice
nice b8 m8
"lmao, introspection is for faggots"
I guess.
Start smaller. You won't enjoy 4 hits at all. I would also recommend testing it, real acid is very, very hard to come by.
This is a shitpost if I ever saw one.
i mainly just lay in the grass and listened to music - the other guys i was with were just being fags reeling of bullshit while attempting to watch t.v
since that day i have spent the past 6 years learning to write, compose, produce, mix, master music in all genres - i pursued it wholeheartedly. i have excelled in university, learnt to play guitar, bass and piano, as well as a truly deep understanding of acoustics and synthesis.
it truly gave me an unstoppable level of ambition, it made me want to never stop learning - just lying there looking at the stars made me realise that shit - i am fucking brilliant and i have the potential to actually be fucking amazing at stuff.
it made me want to live and to improve myself and those around me. i have never done any drugs before or after that night, it was one tab. it was a very important experience in my life.
op here, I've read on your shit and I see everyone saying not to do 400, and for all the libtards saying I haven't done any research, I'm gonna say that I spent two whole days researching this shit. Only wanted an opinion from real niggas.
I'm not suicidal or any shit and I know that of I think of depressing shit I'll have a bad trip. We're gonna stay indoors and the sober people gonna make sure we don't leave.
And I've never listened to anyone in my life and I won't listen to you btards, 400 ug it is.
If you haven't closed off your reincarnation loop yet, know this: you are life and death, you are everything, you, the universe, is entropy feeding on order which feeds on entropy. You are the ENTIRE MULTIVERSE, yet separate, all TEN DIMENSIONS OF IT which, which is ALL INFINITE UNIVERSES, yet not. There are two halves that make this whole sandwich of a reality; male and female, +/-; black and white, made and unmade, thats the duality of the universe, the parts that are you and the parts that are not. HOWEVER, THE BIG PICTURE is that all the things you arent you simultaneously are, there is no concept of self without concept of other, that is the whole sammich. Time is an infinite loop that goes on inside of your mind, you have died an untold amount of times before in the matrix. If space-time still has a hold on your conscienceness, you are asleep. The opening of the third eye is LITERALLY THE APOCALYPSE, you and your closest friends will destroy your entire world for fun because YOU ARE GOD AND ITS FUN SO WHY NOT. YOU CAN REMAKE IT ALL AS YOU SEEE FIT. You are God and you just need to open your third eye to see the Everything as yourself. The all seeing Eye of Providence, that bitch is in your head, when that shit is open and you are awake you can DEADASS look into other people's bodies and LITERALLY see their souls. You LITERALLY exist outside of time AND ARE AWARE OF ALL POSSIBLE POSSIBILITIES BECAUSE YOURE GOD. You need to die so life and death can meet and close the loop. It doesn't need to be messy though and awful like with a gun blowing your brains out. Killing yourself can be the most loving thing you can do for this body: when you think nothing but loving thoughts about yourself, which is EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING DURING ALL TIME AT ALL TIMES, for so many years then you turn into light (which is life aspected, light is conscience,) look up rainbow bodies. In this current dimension, in the physical dimension, you cannot move outside of time.
Last summer I did 1800ug and smoked 25mg of DMT 6 hours into the trip. That shit awesome, and horrific at the same time. We were sitting around a camp fire, 7 people trippin balls and smoking weed. At first the fire was sparkling in rainbow colors, I would see flashes of light and eyes everywhere, everything morphed into a liquid looking facade and my brain was exploding with thoughts. Later that night I saw shadow people running up to me and then dissolve into smoke after they touched me. I was getting a little paranoid at that point and tried to calm me down smoking some weed, but everything just intensified 100x. I was feeling like I was completely losing my mind, I was stuck in a loop, thought wise and vision wise, I was only seeing fractals and infinity, I couldn't think, I felt like I was dying, my ego dissolved into nothing I was finally free...only to wake up in the grass besides a burned out campfire, my friends all went inside and the sun was rising, beautiful experience
We are gods that have to wait.
>You cannot learn anything from tripping. It's just drugs.
honestly, i say this from the bottom of my heart - i pity that perspective so much its unbelievable. there have been an uncountable amount of cases of highly intelligent people experimenting with drugs to various effects.
the one name that im going to leave you with is Richard Feynman, and if you don't think that INCREDIBLY intelligent nigga was on drugs then you are delusional.
me again, also not recommended to anyone.
I've been doing psychedelics like mushrooms, lsd, dmt and mescaline for years. I just wanted to reach a certain peak before I stopped doing them. Been sober for a year now
You're a fucking retard. I've done most hallucinogenic drugs available and even I wouldn't take 400ug. You'll fuck yourself up and probably have lasting trauma from the experience. Take shrooms and go for a walk in the woods
That's not OP.
can't find any woods in hong kong nigga
back in the 70's 400-700ug was a normal dosage. Y'all pussies itt
op here, it is.
maybe that partially explains why the majority of hippies are brain dead retards
drugs are great in moderation
finally a nigga who talking sense
You are not you.
OP acid will grip ya and force ya to look at what's making your life shit whether you like it or not
The more acid you take, the stronger the grip
Have fun either way kidda
last time I took a good dose I stayed up all night logposting xD
>source: my arse
Fuck up ya daft cunt, a fair bit of the acid back then was also crudely made, shittily distributed or in bad dilutions
Stop daydreaming n face facts, even ignoring what I just said the average dose was 150-200ug per tab - still not the lofty heights of 700ug
I bet you've never even tried vials u dippy turd
Blind leading the blind I see, u don't kno shit