Rekt thread

Rekt thread

No /pol/ allowed edition

Attached: 1529865441809.webm (220x400, 760K)

Attached: blackedgif.gif (540x357, 1.34M)

Attached: 1529233312650.webm (426x240, 1.91M)

Attached: 1555765986042.webm (400x400, 1.79M)

Attached: 1531393687304.webm (750x422, 1.88M)

>implying you get to tell me what to fucking do, ever
This is now a /pol/ thread.

Attached: You got JEWED.jpg (800x800, 79K)

Attached: Go back to sleep, goy.png (545x452, 109K)

Attached: Offensive, quite offensive.png (998x1134, 197K)

Attached: Fluoride.jpg (480x480, 59K)

This one never fails to satisfy.

>Thread successfully derailed
Now I remember why I don't post on this chan anymore

>old ass images that literally everyone knows about
fuck off back to nu-/pol/ stupid nigger

>imagine thinking that's a successful derail
you've obviously never witnessed a true spiderman thread

Attached: 1529864868189.webm (1280x720, 946K)

Only old webm's cause old folder
Derailed because OP too lazy too keep posting

This is unlikely to happen to people that actually use the machine properly rather than overloading it and moving the weights 3/4" at a time.

Fucking show-off.

Attached: myssides.gif (201x200, 132K)

Next stop Poundtown

they see me rooln
they be....... ayyyyyykarumba

all these hits and the faggot casually walks out the bus

literally what's at play here?

...How can you be this oblivious.

Attached: 8B9F666B-3D2E-4C42-B9A9-19F9CDA370FD.jpg (1242x2205, 1.1M)

Attached: EF60C75B-6CB9-4E58-87FD-2B367B3A0778.jpg (706x1024, 88K)