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>Implying this isn't what they wanted originally.

Even when you think you're being smart you fail.

They want it so much they’re begging him not to do it.

So he's threatening to send people to places that are welcoming them? Genius that man he is! His supporters pic related

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They don't want this, they are fucking losing their shit.

What are "sanctuary cities" ?

You must not understand how much of a burden this will put on those already budget strapped cities..........

>You awful orange man how DARE you think of sending those poor migrants to these shitholes? Think of them and their children! Sanctuary cities aren’t safe!

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Actually, he's doing it because the people who encouraged sanctuary cities still don't want an influx of immigrants in their backyards, particularly a number of politicians and advocates that live in those cities. Now they're salty and say that he's punishing them. This whole thing has been out of hand long before even he took office.

At what point does a single man decide what we do with asylum seekers? Remember, we fought and abolished a monarchy over 200 years ago. trumpfags are worse than commies.

They want token illegals that they make CNN news stories about saving them from oppression. They don't want thousands of skill-less welfare recipients that are supposed to be out there in red states making blue voting babies

Californian here. Please don't, we're full. Immigrants aren't welcome.

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Too bad nigger. we’re ALL gonna feel the Bern together

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tRuMp aM bAd mAn aNd aN nAzI

>Trump cuts funding to sanctuary cities then dabs on those niggers

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The word you were looking for is unskilled. Back to school, Cletus.

When he's the duely elected POTUS you potato, and for the duration of that position. Stop calling them "assylum seekers" as well. Assylum is temporary. They want to ve permanent residents. If that were the case they would be at the mexican embassy and not turning down other governments that have offered assylum.
Trump supporters have all the guns and fill the ranks of combat arms, what the fuck are you gonna do about it besides whine in the streets

>Trumpkins don't want illegals in their country
>Trump says let's give them free rides to the cities they want to be at anyway at our expense
>Trumpkins have explosive diarrhea and say hey that's a great idea! What a stable genius!

To add more insult to the injury:
>Gives them free ride to those cities
>They disperse looking for jobs in other areas, especially farms
>Waste our money rounding them up and either send them back to said cities or deport them

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It's illegal as fuck for the government to "send" people around like this. That's the objection.

Careful you don’t cut yourself on that sharp wit.

>laughs in bernie when the courts tell trump to fuck himself, he can't divert federal funds.

Its mean you're acting like you're stupid at this point.

Illegal how? Like they are for crossing our border?

>they would be at the mexican embassy

To be considered for asylum within the United States, you must:

Be physically present in the United States, regardless of how you arrived,
Be in the United States less than one year from the date of your last arrival, and
Demonstrate that you have suffered persecution or that you have a well-founded fear that you will suffer persecution on account of your race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.
Does it physically hurt your asshole when you are so wrong?

>I don't want immigrants
>I don't want to pay to keep them out

>pick one

Where in the fucking constitution does it say that sanctuary cities are owed free money?

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>to the cities they want to be at
That's the problem: this is NOT what Trump is proposing.

Orange man bad

It would be amusing to watch the national guard and hyper militarized police force brutally crush your faggy circle jerk of a rebellion. Keep dreaming Cletus.

They want new ones, fresh over the fence. Trump implies he will send the ones that get caught here, to the illegal alien sanctuaries.

No, I'm talking about the part where what Trump is proposing is illegal, no matter whom he's proposing doing it to.

Yeah Mexico offered asylum to the caravans and they refused. They cannot demonstrate any of the listed reasons. Being poor and from a shithole country doesn't make you a refugee.

Proper English, do they speak it in flyover states?

Likely so. I don't know about the legal rights of those approved for asylum, they would certainly be tracked for a few years. As for actual illegals, well, they don't have rights. They're criminals that have violated the sovereignty of the United States, and can be imprisoned, congregated, or deported as needed.

Fleeing cartel violence that our ridiculous war on drugs has created, does.

14th amendment dumbass, all citizens must be treated equally.

Illegal aliens =/= citizens

>is illegal,
No it's not son.
They were legally detained and now must be released somewhere.
Sanctuary cities literally advertise the fact that they welcome illegals.
Trump is releasing them in the best place possible.


That's the thing isn't it?
Our own CIA and War on Drugs created the violence in the first place. America is responsible for that.

You could have just said you have zero military experience lmao Why would a group of Trump supporters in the military fire on pro trump patriots and not you retards trying to preform a coup with dildos and hi points? Here's a little secret about the military. All the democrats and anti trumpets are POGs. What are they gonna do, fly a desk at me? lol

>Still not getting it.

Cutting funding to sanctuary cities impugn the citizens in that city for no good or fair reason.

I know I'm fucking talking to a brick wall but Jesus Christ.

They're not citizens but they are within the jurisdiction of the USA.

I concur. The federal government does not owe any one person, city, or state money just because they want it. Systems such as tax returns and social security are clearly defined for those who already paid into the system in one way or another, or whom are in dire need. We should be seeing that our crippled soldiers are getting their benefits long before we start handing out that money to support new infrastructure to ease the burden of an influx of illegal foreigners.

It’s the flip side of the coin that these vocal hillbillies can’t seem to grasp.

>CIA and War on Drugs created the violence

I know for a fact how wrong you are. You should lead your circlejerk. Unless you are afraid.

Fine user. Suppose he doesn’t cut funding and instead does not increase it. Is it legal now?
Detained under US jurisdiction, yes. No better than actual incarcerated criminals

>Misdemeanor is the same as violent felony

i hope the takeaway from the trump era is the tyranny of the bribe pocketed federal judge, that it's a broken system with 130+ presidents, it overwhelmingly promotes fascism, and fascism promotes racial unity through the reunification of the political will of the people with their emotions

a step back, yes, but the rich people need to learn they can't control the world any more with honey than they did vinegar

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No, you don't sweaty. The closest you've been to a uniform was when you sucked off a sailor lol

Adding additional liabilities is burdening the legitimate citizens for no fair reason. There's no free lunch, junior.

I agree. That’s why they’re being released back into society. The society Dems welcome their votes in

Not that guy, but no one group under the fed is entitled to funding - it's budgeted by need. Cutting reasonable federal funds may be unjust, but withholding extra because the citizens of a city decided they weren't going to perform their obligation as American citizens and stand against this gross violation of our sovereignty is not punishment, it's allowing the voting collective of those cities to lie in the bed they made.

how rich does one have to be in order to rule the world?
I think Im pretty rich but I don't really rule anything

>Fine user. Suppose he doesn’t cut funding and instead does not increase it. Is it legal now?

Nope. Two things to consider: By law the census determines funding for various projects regardless of the percentage citizens to non-citizens. and the uptick in population of illegals would cause more money to be sent to those cities. Beyond that, the president isn't allowed to alter that funding as that's controlled by congress, specifically the house as all funding initiatives start there. Guess who's in control of the house?

Don’t forget that sanctuary cities are openly defying the president without legal precident

Get out there on the front line with you peashooters. When a drone strike takes out your doublewide, it will be all lulz for us.

>Illegals and the undeads voted
>Hillary didn't win
How is that cognitive dissonance going for you?

The president is not an ultimate authority, you sycophantic slag.

Kek. How retarded are you? Clearly 12-14, your zero life experience is showing. Brainless fuckwit

Very well user I see you’ve beaten me. I hope the house votes on all the taxes necessary to provide for the millions of illegals that will flood into their sanctuary states. I look forward to southern California and New York City becoming no go zones

Shit holes run by libtards. I can't wait to see the fallout

>cities are openly defying the president
they'll fall back into line when they are surrounded by the US Army.

Well, lots of people defy their leaders, some just, and some not. But defying the Constitution, which he is sworn to protect and uphold, is an actual crime. To those who hate Trump, for whatever reason, the real question should be, for the issue at hand, is what he is doing violating or supporting the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and by extension their priorities of protecting American citizens and interests?

While true. Openly boasting about harboring thousands to millions of undocumented humans is grounds for intervention

>Cutting reasonable federal funds may be unjust, but withholding extra because the citizens of a city decided they weren't going to perform their obligation as American citizens

You may feel that way but that's not how the law is interpreted overwhelmingly by the courts, you don't strip rights and entitlements away from people without due process under the 5th amendment.

>president is not an ultimate authority,
Actually, Trump does have the final authority.
Your posts could be considered high treason.

Actually we DO want this. Spring produce needs harvesting and there are a shortage of legal immigrants now.

Tough shit, faggots in ur city hav bee pissing and moaning about letting them in. Trump has the right idea, stick all useless cunts in the same city kek

>By law the census determines funding for various projects regardless of the percentage citizens to non-citizens.
Interesting. This is a seriously dangerous oversight and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Thank you for pointing this out, it deserves a thread on its own.

horrendously, historically rich, rich not just in money but in the network of contacts that actually could maintain influence and control. basically anyone who is "new money" is not part of it and never will be.

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Apparently American citizens and their interests are opening borders so the whole world can come in if the past few years are anything to consider

By the time increased spending can be forced the damage will be done. California is already proposing taxing damned near everything and it's STILL going to be short. This is on its LEGAL citizens. Extra spending on more social programs will only shit on this even harder.

I really don't get how this is such a difficult thing for some people to understand......

>I look forward to southern California and New York City becoming no go zones

If that's what happens, that what happens. However keep in mind Trump may say this and that but you people tend forget that the constitution you value so damn much says otherwise, and doesn't give two shits about who's in power, left or right.

Is it fuck. You just don't want t to deal with them coz they're useless as fuck but you still moan about letting them in. This is ur libtard bed, lay in it like the spakka you are

The damage needs to be done for every retard to see that shit is fucked. As an actual legal citizen I’ve got no intention in staying anywhere near California when the money dries up.

Democrat run cities that don't check if criminals they question or detain are here legally. They harbor cheap labor and more voters they hope will spread all over the country. My hometown was one of the first I believe and has since stopped the practice. Pic related is my elementary school in an upper middle class (formerly white) area. Please note the welfare lunches.

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I agree that you do not strip those rights from citizens protected under the Constitution, and by doing so if only to prevent their unwelcome acquisition by non-citizens, we cannot punish the legitimate ones, particularly those whom have nothing to do with supporting the sanctuary system, or do not have the ability to vote yet. A legitimate American child should not be punished, per se, by being left with ancient textbooks and broken desks because an funding was denied to the illegal parents of his classmate. While I still contend the legal rights of illegals, I concede that we cannot punish the innocent in order to punish the guilty, as is a longstanding (and vital) American legal precedent.

>This is a seriously dangerous oversight and a waste of taxpayer dollars

What would you propose, the reasoning its done on basis of population is that greater populations need more robust infrastructure, and its not as if those cities can use those funds however they see fit, federal laws only allow those funds to be used in certain projects.

If the federal funding is directed towards road construction when given to a city, it can't be used in building a city park or stadium, it has to be used for roads.

>Muh constitution
The same constitution that’s been whittled away at for centuries? That constitution?

It's not if he pays for it out of his own pocket lmao

It's already happening. People are leaving those shithole, overtaxed states. Unfortunately they're starting to poison the more reasonable states with their ideals that corrupted their own.

Expect most of the funding to go to law enforcement if Trump follows through on his threat

All though it would be funny if it did happen. This is just another example of Trump being a great troll. There is no way that it would ever happen. It was just to show the Democrats double standard.

bUt pOlicE aRe ThE bAdGuYs

Yes, but perhaps those roads are being equally broken down by use from increased population (legal or illegal, public or personal transit.) It's reasonable to concede that we can't punish the legal public with infrastructure funds, but should those cities be giving food stamps to people who hold no green card, no American birth certificate, who have only an address to find them by? It's not only shady, it's bilking the taxpayer.


Yes the same one that put in purpose the system that elected Trump rightfully or wrongly.

If you want to throw it away great. Means the rest of us could stage a Coup-de-teat and not have to go through the headache of due process.

You're right, he likely hasn't been paying his taxes for the last 6 years anyways.

What are you smoking this morning? The POTUS controls the drones retard, YOU are the one who has to worry about them in your little coup, and millions of conservative combat vets as well.

>but should those cities be giving food stamps to people who hold no green card, no American birth certificate

I'm not sure who's telling you that but food-stamps are only given out to people with social security numbers, the only illegal immigrants getting them have children whom were born in the country.

Like you give a fuck lol Remember that time you wanted Al Sharpton strung up for tax evasion? Nah you dont care about paying taxes, it's purely Orange Man Bad Syndrome

Yeah! Orange hands has been cheating on his taxes. He found some hidden loophole and is trying to win america with it.

Lotta nonarguments in this thread...

ur mom gay

Yes put words in my mouth you sexy sexy whore you.

No, Al Sharpton is no better than your average police car chaser, except only he has race cards to hand out, and probably thinks reparations are a good thing, except that would again invoke the 14th amendment and the Gov't would have to be shilling out to more than just black people. That's Ignoring the fact that blacks have been given every chance to succeed and don't deserve them, and even 2nd generation Mexican Immigrants are doing better than them and have had less handouts given to them.

One of the better arguments I've seen. It's a low, low bar they've set.
Not an argument.

The absolute state of trumptardation.

Not an argument.

Well, he’s a bitch and even if this was some how possible to achieve he’d never do it. But this is the chance for anyone looking to oppose Trump to step up and say sure, send them here.


No shit, I see a fucking blizzard of snowflakes who think their feelings on the dey dook er jerbs types trumps established constitutional law and recent court findings.

That senile reject doesn’t control shit. People wouldn’t even listen to his orders to obstruct justice.

Correct, it’s a statement. Good eye there, Ivan.

Not an argument.
I'm glad we agree that you had no argument.

You seem to live in this delusion that combat MOS military members are on your side for some reason. Trump is literally is the ultimate authority on drone strikes thanks to Obama. I can't comprehend being so stupid that I might think a drone pilot or marine would side with the lesbians and beta orbiters violently attacking government troops and police and instead turn his armaments on his fellow sercice members and patriots who are stopping said coup attempt.

He's too stupid to realize he just said Trump didn't do anything. No obstruction lmao

You live in fantasy land, grab your peashooter, Cletus and lead your circle jerk. We are excited to see the gene pool get bleached.

I said people wouldn’t follow his commands for them to obstruct justice, he clearly did enough on his own but was too big of a pussy to do all of his own dirty work. His hand picked sycophants wouldn’t even be his bitches. Weakest leader ever.

Keep clutching pearls lol 2 years of investigation and his worst detractors couldn't find shit to bring to light.

This will be fucking glorious.
Looking forward to seeing how these cities turn into crime ridden shitholes like Detroit and seeing the shear amount of money required to keep the sofa sitting shitskins afloat.

Am I talking to two autists or are you not the one who said you'd rise up and depose Trump like the british? Im at a loss as to why you think the national guard and military would be shooting at the veterans supporting them and the POTUS and not the retards with revolution delusion?

>they only vote in presidential elections

[[[Citation Needed]]]
Seriously I keep seeing people post that they're "freaking out! Losing their shit! Meltdown! Exposing their hypocrisy!" but when I ask for a source other than conservatives saying it's happening the niggers just stop replying.

Not when they're not legal themselves, past American presidents would just send them to the middle of nowhere back in their home country.

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Citations: CNN condemning Trump. That’s really all you need. Of course you probably already left the thread to go gloat on /pol/ under a meme flag

Check those glorious quads