Is it true that suicide could solve all the problems I have now?

Is it true that suicide could solve all the problems I have now?

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No. It would just make the people that love you feel miserable until they die.

yeah, it fixes everything from a flat tire to low self esteem. it simply works

Technically yes, but another problem you will have is being alive, which most will tell you is pivotal to your well-being.

Death is the solutions to all mortal problems.

not op but suicidal.
what if I feel like I will never integrate into life properly? I’ll always have thoughts or wants that set me apart. My physical body doesn’t allow me to be what I want to be. I’m not another tranny whose too scared to come out, i’m just put off by my body. I don’t know how to engage in things like fetishes or alternative sexuality without offending or risking pushing away my loved ones.

Solve? No

Make inapplicable? Yes

Don't you people ever go camping?

>babbys first 4chin

Thry might if jews weren't posted at every site exit

I've done it twice, pretty good, solved everything, 5/5 stars

I don’t follow. Camping?
I just want to wear lingerie

what do you have against camping?

duh fucktard


Don't listen to this selfish cunt.

nothing, just never been interested in camping that much

If the people that "love" user actually loved them, user wouldn't be depressed

If you kill yourself, you'll get a new body, one you want

How is this OP's problem? He'll be dead.

Could be because you are a fag and no one actually like or trusts you enough to go camping with you

Yes. Believe me, whatever problems you have now won't matter afterward.
>Speaking from experience

You'll never have to worry about any of them ever again

>keeping people from suicide using guilt
Shittiest pseudo argument against suicide. Not even a nice thing to say.

Whatever floats your boat

Then why do you think they should kill themselves?

>telling other people how to live or die
Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.

Yes and also preemptively solve every problem you might have had in the future.

Lol no. You would be known as "that loser that couldn't hack it". The problems would still exist but they would then become other people's problems. You don't wanna be a selfish little pussy cunt do ya? That's how you'll be remembered. Just like all these "celebrities' that off thenselves. Not Robin Williams though. He fucking made it far. RIP

Of course. No man, no problem.

Dude, why should someone continue to do something they don't want to?
Might as well shorten the misery

>muh other people
Stop. He's only asking about HIS problems, not other people's, and you know damn well all his problems would be solved.

He’s right you know

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No. God is going to resurrect your body at the end of time and you will be unkillable

Some people don't even realize that someone loves them or they don't care that a specific someone loves them, they rather seek love from someone else.

Yeah true. Fuck it. End it, cunt. We dont need ya.

Oceans of cum?

No it won't solve all your problems but they won't be your problems anymore