What are you faggots drinking?

What are you faggots drinking?

Turns out I got super high cholesterol so guess I'm celebrating lol

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menstrual blood

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Looks like jello

reason IPA is the only ale for a real beer man in this vidyoutube.com/watch?v=F9ajbpTjiv8

i really enjoy that IPA. i wish i had this can for my collection though. thats funny

Weird way to try and get views...

Yea this is indeed a good beer!

arrogant bastard is my favorite by them. the Enter Night Metallica beer they did wasn't too bad either. Stone is a great brewery, almost my favorite


Here's to shitty blood tests! Got one, too, OP. Makes an excellent reason to have a drink or ten.

Exactly. I'm pretty much writing my will now lol

Might as well have a beer if I'm gonna die soon

Fuck 'em all. Let them figure it out! We won't care.

Lol well i do have a partner.
That's about the only person I'm pretty concerned about.

I gotta tell ya...I actually dobt wanna die. But the way this blood tests looks...looks like heart disease is right around the corner

Have been wanting to try something from Stone.

5 deschutes
2 whiskey neats and countin
bulleit rye
how else can you sleep

My favorite

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You know what goes good with beer?

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Its pretty darn good.
I'd suggest an arrogant bastard though

Sounds like a nice night

Well not a huge fan of crawfish but I love corn

its ok user
my stage of life going through a lil weird period and id like to not be drinking alone so much but hey, at this point, probably gonna get worse every year until some great catalyst, and thats life amirite fuck em

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Bah. Take your statins and forget it. That shit won't hit you before your sixties and you KNOW you won't live that long. Or they will cure it by then. Live on!

Drinking a variety of things. Mostly Stone brewery and KBS, though.

It's definitely a top 5 for me. Though, living in Ohio I also have to give support to "Great Lakes Brewery".

Yea if this shit doesnt really hit till my 50 or 60s I can live with that. Dont wanna die old as fuck anyway.

Nice user...nice

Sounds familiar!

Where at? i spent 25 years in Ohio, got a lot of Christmas Ale gear

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