Oh... dont worry

Oh... dont worry
I'll take the small part, it was my fault...

Attached: D_FbGMdU8AEUMEI.jpg (785x1200, 131K)

I mean... you can break the other part off. Duh.

yeah , stupid anime

*eats anime*

those popsicles don't even exist

I imagine this being just one of many ways throughout our life together that things work out such that the cute very shy and kindhearted and timid and kawaii and down to earth anine girle gets skinnier and skinnier while i, the big stupid ugly fat greedy cruel monstrous disgusting bf, get fatter and fatter at her expense


actually ive had one before

with who

*screams directly into ear*

you have multiple ips we get it dude go to a doctor before you eat a kid or some shit

get a therapist and leave us alone dude

haha what do you mean i would never hurt anyone

i was with my family and there was enough for everyone to have one of their own, havent even seen another since
dont bully me but I just realized that you are supposed to share those types of popsicles

imagine eating a kid and then i farty the brap hehe :^) im mentally ill and that's why [s4s] is my board of choice!

it's definitely not noticeable how i make a post, wait 5 minutes, switch ips and then pretend to be someone else that also loves farts and being a fatass

wow thats fucked up dude you shoudl seek fprofrinseional help

dude you could literally just keep the same ip it's not like anyone actually cares who you are

you too fake suebi


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well i mean yeah but a) i'm already in therapy and b) i'm not the one who wants to eat a kid like wtf dude thats so messed up lole

could you at least stop with the really obvious fetish posts they're about as disturbing as when saeed is talking about fucking kids

look whos talking mr kid eater

but in all seriousness:
that's the whole reason i post them from time to time though

why else would i share my sickest most disgusting thoughts with strangers if not to get a rise out of them

like yeah i know i'm being an asshole by doing so but it's still funny. but because you asked nicely that makes it less funny, there's nothing funny about deliberately grossing out people who respond by explicitly asking you not to do so. so yeah i guess i'll stop

unironically respect you more when you just straight up say you're doing it to be malicious
well played sir :^^^^^^^^^)

hmm i will find a better way to shock people for laughs from now on hmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmm

alkso fyi yes i do have exactly two ips but i only post from one at a time, i don't sit here using my pc and my phone at the same time, i am pretty sure i'm the only person who posts fetishy garbage about fat people being evil and killing people and deserving to die but i'm definitely not the only person who posts fard threads / posts in them if thats what you were insinuating, in fact i basically never post gross out threads at all, only gross out replies to nice honest threads that didn't do anything to deserve it (such as this one) because that's how i get the biggest rise out of people, you can't usually get a rise out of people by just posting a thread about something gross unless the gross thing is really extremely fucked up like way more fucked up than even anything i would ever fap to like you would have to post a gore webm or something if you wanted to derive shock value from an OP.

where can i read your autobiography?


h to you too

yeah ok, anyway point is you'll need a different strategy if you want to defeat the fartfigs, calling me out worked on me but it won't work on them because they won't know who you're talking about, if i were you i'd suggest bomb flowers, always remember dodongo dislikes smoke, be brave link only you can save hyrule from ganon, oh no the princess is dying, someone call an ambulance oh shid she's not breathing, we need cpr stat, oh no, oh shid, oh fug, she's flatlining doc, oh she's gone, oh it's too late, the triforce of wisdom is lost, [s4s]rule is doomed, fake suebidorf and his evil army of grossposters have won, age of darkness