There’s only two ways out of this world. One way leads to hell, and the other way leads to heaven

There’s only two ways out of this world. One way leads to hell, and the other way leads to heaven.

The question is, which direction will you go?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Up and to the left.

How many dimensions are you talking about?

Wherever you aren’t.

There’s the physical dimension and the spiritual, so I’m talking about the spiritual one

The GPS says to turn right in 300 meters

AKA the material and the immaterial

Just gonna hang out in limbo for a while.

Prove it.

>It don't make sense, goin' to heaven with the goodie-goodies
Dressed in white, I like black Timbs and black hoodies
God'll prob'ly have me on some real strict shit
No sleepin' all day, no gettin' my dick licked
Hangin' with the goodie-goodies, loungin' in paradise
Fuck that shit, I wanna tote guns and shoot dice

The real, and the imaginary.

Def Hell, is the devil and it exists and he was a former creation of god, he’s probably pretty rad. I imagine it’s just a shit ton of hedonism and self indulgent

>devil and demons are former angels
>mfw their idea of torment is giving you vanilla ice cream when you asked for chocolate
>mfw I have no face

So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love to light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone, could you make it on your own
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go
And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you through the darkest of your days
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then I hope there's someone out there who can bring me back to you
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go
Run away with my heart
Run away with my hope
Run away with my love
I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind, I'll stay with you for all of time
If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low, I'll go wherever you will go
If I could turn back time, I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine, I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go

more like eternal torment and hellfire

trips gets you more of the one and

Christcuck detected. I do believe in the immaterial world, but Christian's aren't even that spiritual.

Depends which group you talk about

I suppose so, but I would still consider it skewered spirituality

The Bible Way to Heaven:

Prove any of it.

I'll wait.

Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell.

I expect you'll either get the usual "you need to believe in it" or "just have faith in God" responses. Arguing with christcucks typically doesn't get very far. Who knows, you might get lucky though

Neither exist.

To imply otherwise is to exert an egocentric attitude.

You, nor we, are special.

For 2000 years many before you have laughed and mocked, but when you die (and you will) you’ll be no better off than them in Hell

Get ready for a surprise, then. According to Christian doctrines, most Christian's would go to their supposed version of hell, because literal perfection is required in their followers

Sounds good to me. Getting sodomized by sexy demons sounds like a good existence, and if most of my friends and family go their too, I'd feel less alone. Also, what's a supposed Christian doing on Yea Forums? You're definitely no Yea Forumsrother, yet here you are

What about the other thousands of years? What came of those people?

Actually that’s incorrect, all that’s required is the acceptance and recognition of the fact that Christ died for our sins.

Up and to the right.

Calvinist detected.

God is in even the darkest of places in this world.

Calvin was right

Imagine spewing this bullshit when there is zero evidence for it.
Imagine spewing this bullshit and actually believing it.

So Christchurch must have been his landfill for a while, eh? Hey, I understand it man, everyone's gotta let their inner carnage out at some point

>who you mean by Calvin vs. who I mean

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I have an erection for Jesus.

I’m not sure what your point is, but mine is that we have one way out of eternal damnation and that is accepting Christ as Lord and savior.

somebody cast a gay demon sigil on this nigga

John Calvin (1509-1564). He basically founded the Presbyterian Church and was persecuted by the Catholics for being protestant

>"God is in even the darkest of places in this world."

I'm doing neither. Simply asking for proof of your claim. You do have some, right?

Catholics are the worst of the lot, no doubt there, but your religion is still ridiculous. Same goes for all other Abrahamic religions

God’s light will illuminate even the darkest corners of this world

I will absolutely believe in an afterlife if given more evidence than “you must have faith”. I am open to being convinced. Until then, nope. I do not need magical thinking to make me a decent person or at least not a degenerate.

“Still ridiculous”

Why is that?

Here we go again. You're turning this into a circle. I'll try to make this even clearer for you: if that's true, how do you explain the Christchurch shooting? Oh, and while we're at it, why not Kmer Rouge (over two million dead in genocide), the Holocaust (almost three million dead in genocide), the tobacco industry (over three hundred million killed), the Slave Trade (don't remember the numbers on this one), so on...?

Protestant or not, Christianity is still used to justify war, genocide, torture and torturous execution, etc.

You’re describing atrocities that people committed and trying to blame God for that?

I don’t get it. You’ll have to spell it out Barney style for me

I'm not specifically blaming anyone here. You said that God is in even the darkest of places, right? I'm not saying he wasn't around, I just want to know where he was. You ought to have some sort of idea, right? It seems to me that a supposedly omniscient being is no longer using its powers for anything, even though its morally obliged to by it's own morals

You say, them. objectively adding false witness to the non existence of hell. Or is there a process of man turning from pre-birth to birth and through the transitional times of his life like a gas being ionized or reverse in this case to point out the heavens or hell scenario
Gas can be condensed into water again where while ionic the particles Are sparcley populated it as water the molecules live tightly bound..

Hell and heaven are luxury bother me no more

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I don’t think we can hold God as morally obliged to do anything since God created the concept of morality. It’s like the computer program holding the computer programmer accountable for not fixing the bugs in it, we don’t have the right to do that.

And FYI we made ourselves this way. The brokeness of this world is not God’s fault. We did this.

Congratulations, you've just played yourself. If we are the creation and God is the creator, why doesn't he fix the bugs in us?

I didn't do shit and blaming me for someone eating an apple is horse shit

Don’t laugh yet, I didn’t play myself at all. He actually did do that, 2000 years ago

Hell please

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Yes, you did just play yourself, especially with this new statement. If God is the developer of this program (humans), and he is still the developer, why hasn't he released a patch for the bugs? It seems to me that we are an abandoned project. Also, having no right to hold your authority accountable to their own rules and doctrines is the mindset of an oppressive dictatorship


I made a small mistake in my recent message starting with "yes, you did just play yourself". I meant to ask why hasn't he release a RECENT patch

Didn't think so.

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Neither I'm an atheist

OP hasn't said anything for a while. I think we scared him off lmao

I'm not Christian because I actually believe in monotheism. There is only one God, not two or three.

So, uh, OP are you going to say anything? Did the Yea Forumsrother with the Jesus porn scare you off?

Hell it is.

You get penetrated by his barbed cock for eternity.

Ayy, he's back from puking his guts out

He has provided the evidence, and if he provided more, people would still reject him anyways. People who witnessed miracles started worshiping a golden calf after Moses was gone for a few days.


Are you using the calf thing as evidence to support or contradict this? You talked about it in a very neutral tone

That’s a shame. The last thing I want in this life or another is to put up with more retarded christfags.

Every time you masturbate, the fires of hell get a little hotter.

Contradict it. I'm saying even with all the evidence and witnessing miracles, people still rejected him, so no matter how much proof there is, you'd still deny it. That's why God doesn't provide more. Because more will never be enough for you.

Yeah, well...heh, heh...

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sounds fun ;)

So why does he continue? Why not actually make us perfect? Also, why did he create us to begin with?

He created the world to glorify God and because it was good. He created Man in his image and gave us free will, because he does not want to force us to love him. He wants us to love him out of our own free will.

Again, what evidence? You've shown none, and trotted out "You wouldn't believe it anyway" as a defense. If you truly believe that we wouldn't believe no matter what, why are you even here?

There's only two types of user on this board. One is a child raping AIDS victim faggot, and the other is sick of his cancerous bait threads on Yea Forums.

The question is, how should OP kill himself?

Also he died on the Cross for us to open the path to salvation, and gave us the sacrament of confession to confess mortal sins so that we might follow him and live in a state of grace.

But he is forcing us, with the threat of eternal torture. Also, what sort of reason is glorification? Doesn't that contradict your point of him not wanting to "force" us? If God wanted to glorify himself, why wouldn't he force us to glorify him?

>sacrament of confession
Really where did Christ say you needed to confess to men rather than say the Holy Spirit?

For one, many eyewitness accounts of miracles and Christ rising from the dead. There are people who are so opposed to God they would not be convinced no matter what. Not sure whether you're one of them, but I just wanted more people to see the truth so that they might find God.

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Doesn't answer my question, but gives me another question. Why did he need to die for that to happen?

"I give you the keys... etc. What you bind/loose on earth I will bind/loose in Heaven"

He wants free will love. And he made creation because it was good. Be honest, nothing would be pretty boring. Because he is a Just and righteous God, people must be punished or rewarded according to their deeds. Evildoers cannot go free.

I'd go up up, down down, left right, left right, B, A, start

I'm no expert, but I'd say to follow the leader and crucify himself

But you just said he made it for his glorification. And if creation is good, why does the "good" creation lead to bad thibgs?

Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary proof. If you tell me you can fly, you'd better believe I'll ask you to prove it.

Because he had entered a covenant with his people, which his people had broken, and in order for a covenant (like marriage) to be broken, somebody has to die, so would it be God or would it be Israel? God said he would provide the lamb, and hence the prophecies were fulfilled and the path to salvation opened.

You can make anything sound silly if you paraphrase out of context like that. Atheism too.

You don't know anything. There are exactly 78 different realms of afterlife. Fundamental Christians go to a fundie afterlife, where there's endless dispute with all kind of fundies over minor details about God no one knows, or should care, jack shit about. Compared to the cool kids afterlife fundie heaven seems like hell, no one likes to hang out there, then again, no one likes fundie christians neither, including God, so it all checks out.

It is human (and angelic) free will which leads to bad things.

I'd say thinking creation created itself into existence is a more extraordinary claim than having an all-powerful creator.

Why didn't God use his omniscient powers to fix everything without all this symbolic bullshit? He's called "god" for a reason

About time we had an user like you here, and I say that positively

Judging by this statement I assume you think divorce is wrong.


So then if what we make of Laws is respected in Heaven?

Sacrament of Confession is in.
Sacrament of Gay Marriage too.
I guess that explains Plenary indulgence.

Because he created a moral truth and a moral law, and the people of Israel would have to die otherwise because they had broken the covenant. That starts to get deep into theology though and there's probably people much better versed on that than me.

Exactly. Physical separation can be justified in cases of abuse, but the covenant still remains.

Because it also creates good things, and the light will always overcome the darkness.

Again, God still could have fixed this without this symbolic bullshit

Ummm, try rephrasing that first sentence to make sense.
There is no such thing as the "sacrament of gay marriage." The bible says it is an abomination for a man to lie with a man or a woman with a woman.

But why would he pass up the chance to send his Son down to teach us more about the faith?

So, what, if a man or woman is abused and gets a divorce they aren't allowed to find love again? What about two people whose marriage is obviously unsalvageable?

But what if men do it standing up?

Spoiler alert, Jesus dies in the end

There are no sacraments of confession or plenary indulgence in the Bible either.

They are made up by men.

So men have said AOL to gay marriage as it is on Earth so it shall be in Heaven.

Works the way it says and applies equally or it doesn't. Paul James and Levi do not trump Christs authority.

This is why people should be careful choosing a partner, and why they should love each other and work through their differences, not just throw the person out and say "next" when things get tough. They can always live a celibate life of love for God. The clergy, most of the martyrs and saints, and Jesus himself were all celibate.

It's a euphemism for sexual acts.

And rises again from the dead!

Yet in the Medieval times, woman had no choice in who they married

... for three days, then dies again

No, confession was not 'made up'. Jesus gave his disciples and their successors that power directly, and indulgences are not a sacrament. That's just to get less purgatory time for already forgiven sins.

Shut up bigger

*goes to Heaven to live eternally before he comes again to judge the living and the dead.

Hopefully Valhalla, but probably Hel.

>The clergy
I guess choirboys don't count.

A fault of Man, not of God. If men wouldn't let her choose the first time, they wouldn't have let her choose the second time anyways.

I'd say that an immense, complex system like the universe slowly organizing and constantly changing through forces we can barely even comprehend or describe, IS extraordinary and unlikely. Anything that could create such a system would need to be vastly more complicated, less comprehensible, and exponentially less likely.

>after another thousand years, crickets no longer make their chirp of anticipation because they evolved into a different species

The moral ones I mean. Those who die unrepentant of mortal sin burn in Hell, and probably never believed in the faith in the first place.

>fault of Man, not of god
Those were god's rules, user.

What do you mean by that? That sounds like s ok nothing my father would say when he takes to much oxycodone

He never said when the apocalypse would be.

I disagree, but yes it is very difficult to comprehend, which is why he sent his son who performed miracles and rose from the dead.

No one can ever know for sure whether or not a marriage will last. You can pick your partner so carefully to point of have a literal checklist and come to realize five years later that the two of you don't fit together. Yes, a couple should work through their differences so long as abuse is not present, but sometimes those diffrences can't be worked through. You would say these two people should stay together no matter what? And you still didn't answer my question about abuse victims. As for your comment on celibacy, it takes a very special person to commit to such a thing and stick with it faithfully. Anyone can take a vow of celibacy but how many actually keep that vow? There's a reason these people are rare, and it's because few are strong enough to forsake wordly desires to serve God in that way.

Let's make OP puke his guys out again

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But god knew that would happen. Omniscience, right?

No, It wasn't "God's rules" to say one person doesn't get a say in the matter.

>"not god's rules to say one person doesn't get a say in the matter"

Christ did not tell the disciples (Students) or later called Apostles (Teachers) to do confession. Not even once that was a Hebrew tradition of Levi in Leviticus. The code of Priests. While Christ did not abolish it he certainly also did not condone it.

Clearly you think the Pope hold more authority than Christ? Which had the Catholic church not Crucified Peter? He might.

But there is no scriptural support for any of the vulgarities committed by the Popes over the years. They would be most in need of those plenary indulgences.

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>He never said when the apocalypse would be.
He said it would be within the lifetime of his apostles. Luke 9:27

>few are strong enough to forsake wordly desires to serve God in that way
Amen! And they will be rewarded greatly! Deus Vult! For the weaker ones, there's the sacrament of Confession if they make a mistake.

Shut the fuck up nigger

Ah, but his apostles live eternally!

see>What you bind/loose on earth I will bind/loose in Heaven"
Pretty simple. Not sure what you aren't getting.

I hope you aren't the user I was talking to, because that doesn't answer any of my questions.

Fuck you, there's always a 3rd route, to Valhalla I go faggot

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Yes it does. Celibacy is always an option. That answers all your questions.

>It wasn't "God's rules"
Dude, God specifically lays out rules for selling your daughters and slaves.

Nope, either Heaven or Hell. Valhalla isn't real. Zeus isn't real.

I'm going to Arztočka

Fucking faggot What about the purgatory

And also for laying siege to a city


Except when they have iron chariots lol.

You are not real either

>Luke 9:27
No he said that Israel would one day be refounded and that while it was still in the
"birthing pains" not one of this Generation would pass.

Read all of Luke 9 and not just verse 27.

Israel was refounded in 1947 or 8? They recaptured Jerusalem in '67 so one of those starts the clock ticking on the last generation.

Now a Generation is either 40, 70, or 120 years.

So please do be sure to read all of a Prophecy.
Especially when it is the only one Christ ever explained plainly. The field is the Earth. The Sower is mankind. The thief is the devil.

Let he who has eyes, See.

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>people must be punished or rewarded according to their deeds
Agreed, but in your interpretation of Christianity, finite crimes are met with infinite punishment, and finite good deeds met with infinite reward, what seems just about that?
God is unconditional loving, there's no other real form of love. He doesn't punish anyone eternally, because that would negate his perfectly loving nature.

The border guard is a known drunkard with a penchant for cheap vodka. Make sure you bring at least 3 bottles with you to bribe him.

Purgatory is a path to Heaven. You either end up in Heaven or Hell in the end.

Deus Vult! Rain down fire an brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah!

Because an offense against the most high is infinitely bad.



Yes in modern parlance that became the same as the verse "As it is on Earth so it shall be in Heaven" Matthew 18:19, as I already said.

Which is why I keep repeating "gay marriage is ok now". Earth has made it so.

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Confession was directly instituted by Christ. Gay acts have always been mortal sins. Neither of those can change.

>because that would negate his perfectly loving nature.
Don't look now, but the very fact that it is possible to do things that god doesn't want you to do (sin, disbelief, worship other gods, etc) negates his perfectly omnipotent nature. The very existence of The Adversary negates god's perfectly omnipotent nature. God testing people's faith to see what they'll do negates his perfectly omniscient nature. Most of what god does actually disproves the assertion that he's all-powerful and perfect.

tl;dr faggot


Thanks bro

And no once again you will need to link a verse that attributes that to Christ.
Sure they can change Christ said so.
Neither are affected by the Golden Rule nor mentioned in the Ten Commandments..

Otherwise you have some explaining to do over
things like Unleavened Bread in your home today (Passover) or Pork, Shellfish, How about that polyester suit? Are you growing too many types of grains and veg in your garden?

Beams and motes brother beams and motes.

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Newsflash, those cities don't exist anymore fagwit

Np. Glory to Arstotzka.

Your loss.

He his perfectly omnipotent but chooses to give us free will. There's a reason the story of original sin was in the first book of the bible.

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Also there is a ridiculous amount of incest in the bible that is a-ok with God. Lot's daughters for example.

Or do they? Lotta sodomites these days.

So about the cut out parts of the bible, were they wrong?

Incest is winces

So after thousands of years, people still claim to be residents of Sodom? You must live close to a mental asylum (or be a resident of one)

That was not "a-ok" with God. The bible wrote about what happened. It did not condone it. In fact it explicitly forbids it in several other places.

Books not included in the bible are still Christian texts, but were just considered not verifiable enough to be included.

No, a sodomite is someone who practices sodomy.

That was the first sin of the Hebrews not of mankind in General.

That you do not also mentioned Tuhu eh Vuhu the great destruction mentioned in the first book of Torah? Shows that you are unfamiliar with the War of Heaven where the first sin was actually committed... Lucifer was the first one to be condemned. The rest of us are serving our penance and being educated right now.


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If he's omnipotent, and also just, then why not give us a helping hand? He could start by spawning water, food and medicine for millions of innocent children that would otherwise die a cruel death. Is he unable to or is he unwilling?

Riddle me this then; when did the nigger diverge?

>not verifiable enough to be included
Congratulations, you've just played yourself

A sodomite is a resident of the ancient city of Sodom

Well, yeah, if you include the angels, Lucifer was the first to sin, but I was talking about original sin of Man.

Eh debatable?

The exact reason God gave for the two cities destruction was "They hardened their hearts and became a law unto themselves" It does not claim it was sexual indiscretion or homosexuality.

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Spiritual wellbeing is more important than physical wellbeing. Better to live a life of poverty and go to Heaven than live immorally, no matter how wealthy.

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Wherever Hendrix, Prince, Bowie, and Lou Reed went. Especially if they have good Guinness plus fish & chips.

i like this answer

Nope, just google it.

Several other verses condemn sodomy and sexual immorality.

Earth is hell, devil was sent to earth as punishment.

Obviously poor as shit and is trying to make up for it

Agreed, user, agreed

Nope, middle class.

There was no original sin of man we are BORN into sin.

Adam and Eves act kept the Hebrew people out of the Garden of Eden. It had only one other affect that mankind has had to deal with.

It brought the bloodline of Lucifer into the Earth and they survive to this very day. (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9)

But yeah you are not a sinner because of Adam and Eve eating apples (That never actually happened. The crime was explained in the curses. Genesis 3)

You were created long before you were ever born and you were either the third who rebelled with Satan or the Third that would not choose a side. Or lastly the side that was loyal to God but arrogantly demanded the deaths of the other 2.

We are all here to be born to live and to die thus to be humbled by death and suffering to end the war in Heaven.

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Not in Genesis 19 no it does not...

It does mention Lot offers his own daughters to the crowd to appease them. Why would homosexuals want his daughters?

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What if you want to fight but can’t?

Sodomy and immorality are not exclusive to homosexuality. Offering his daughters was also wrong. There are many verses later on describing what's right and wrong.

Yeah but you seem to think homosexuality is a special kind of sin worse than say premarital sex and promiscuity.

Sin is sin.

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Hahahahah 300mil hahahahahah

Well, everyone, I've used up all my faggot powers for tonight. If this thread is still around in the morning, I'll be back

There are different levels to sin. Any of those are mortal sins, but there are different levels of punishment in Hell. Just look at Dante's Inferno. A mass murderer will have a greater punishment than one who murders one person.

To Heaven. I am a friend of God and the brother of Jesus.

Where were you before you opened your eyes for the first time?

We all have memories of things before our first day. We know things we never recall learning. I once saw a 7 year old boy at an airshow walk up to an F4U Coarsair and proceed to show its owner things he didn't know about that aircraft, two stash locations that had been painted over.

We come back, sometimes nearly intact, usually in "pieces". Oddly, if we have children, we come back more "broken up". If we have no children we come back more intact. If we die quickly, fairly young and violently, we come back almost totally intact. Kid told me his bird took a Jap shell that blew the engine off and burned him alive a few seconds before he splattered in the ocean in a vertical dive.

Life, self aware life is the universe having an experience. Many animals can rise to that level. Most don't. You often die quickly several times before you come back for any duration, unless you go back to back human.

And honestly, I'm far more concerned with straight sodomy and immorality, because I think it will lead far more souls to perish.

Dante did not speak for God.
Sin is sin.
An Unrepentant mass murderer will suffer the same fate as a unrepentant murderer the Lake of Fire (Which is probably God himself as holy fire since he claims to be the destroyer as well as the Creator). But that is White Throne Judgment stuff that all happens after the final trump.

And there is only ONE unforgivable sin.
Blasphemy of the spirit. Which one can only commit when they stand before the Anti-Christ and refuse to say what the holy spirit tells them to say. That IS the final trump.

For now, when you die?
You either appear before God who will say "Well done my good and faithful servant." Or you appear across the gulf where you can see God but can not approach until the time of the White Throne Judgment.

Read your Bible buy a Strong's Concordance and quit listening to the guys in funny hats.

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Different levels of gravity, different levels of punishment. Venial sins, for example, will not exclude you from a state of grace. Still, I'd be mainly concerned with Heaven or Hell. Any punishment for eternity would suck.

Unrepentance and denial of the Golden Rule will lead to a great loss of souls.

But willful ignorance may lead the pack.

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You're steeped in Catholicism and religion.
Read the words of Christ and his words alone.


Sin is sin.

The Pope can not override that.
Else as I have said Gay Marriage is legal because the Earth has declared it so.

Only this stands above other sins. Blasphemy of the Spirit. You can repent of all other sins.

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There's only one church founded by Christ himself.

The Churches of Smyrna and Philidelphi are the only two of seven spoken of in Revelation 2 and 3. That God claimed to favor. As I said before Christ desired Peter to be the first Pope and the Catholic church crucified him. I think between statues of saints being sold in their gift shops passing beggars bags and chanting prayers that they leave much to be desired. Certainly some of the laity are seeking truth and will be in Heaven but many of the clergy will not be.

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>Smyrna and Philidelphi
Probably referring to locations.

And statues of saints aren't idols because we don't worship them. Even representations of Christ we know are just representations.

No it refers to Churches that teach as described.
Locations did not matter.

>And statues aren't idols
Yeah yeah I am not God tell him not me.
I have worshiped in hovels made of sticks on sides of mountains.

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Smells like log poster in here

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this is one true statement

>why original sin was the first book of the bible
The word "bible" comes from the latin "biblios" which means LIBRARY. At the time of their writing, before printers, before moveable set printing presses, before books as we know them, those scrolls were separate works. That's why they're called "The Book Of John" and so on. Genesis was put first in the Torah/Pentateuch because it's supposed to be the what happened chronologically first.

>to end the war in Heaven
I fucking LOVED that movie. Christopher Walken was excellent as usual.





