Tay bread

>Tay bread

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There's the Scottish user I've been prowling around Yea Forums for!!

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>Woohoo I’m back

And now you a found me a proper hunter you are my catanon a regular tiger ;)

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How was you big night out?!

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Eventful and still not over yet ;) how’s the lazy day been?

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Over rated, non talented, holier than thou garbage


You mean you haven't made it back to the safety of your home yet? Are you still out?

>lazy day has been fantastic!

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Nope still not safe and sound yet my catanon the adventure continues ;) still out I may get grounded tomorrow sssshhhhh don’t tell the ninjas ok! ;).

>glad to here it.

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Literally me.

Well get back to the party then!

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I’m at the party silly, I need a rest and food in me and obviously I need to check in so you know I’m safe ;)

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Are you really safe though?

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Too cute my catanon, yes I am safe and sound with a bunch of frens who don’t mind me phoneposteing. Lol ;) sowhat do want to know

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I want to know all your secrets!

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Lol I would need to write an essay for all my secrets never mind a blog post. Although surprisingly I could happily tell you everything for some strange reason ;).

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What's everyone doing at this birthday bash of yours right now??

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>putting the keys in the bowl obviously ;).

Mostly eating and drinking tbh and lots of dancing. No karaoke yet thankfully;).

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Have you been dancing yet tonight?!

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Obviously most of the night thats why I needed the rest.

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Give your feet a rest and have another drink!

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Exactly what I am doing, I’m getting old don’t you know. I have my feet up finished of a breakfast with a nice ice tea ;).

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What kind of poops does Taylor take?

You've had breakfast and you haven't even slept yet!

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Well it is breakfast time here and it sets yiu up for round two but we can call it a late supper if that makes you feel better ;)

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The birbs are chirping!

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Pussy stinks

Yup the morning song is singing and the star are twinkling for you.

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The night is just starting here!

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STFU, Katy Perry.

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And maybe the start of a late night adventure or will you just be relaxing the rest of the night ;).

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I'm going to be an indoor kitty tonight. Early to sleep if I can help it too!

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Maybe best you were a dancing kitty last night, got to build your strength up there is a schedule to keep don’t you ;).

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Is Tay bread gluten free? And does it come in whole wheat?

There is a strict schedule to keep!

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Tay bread is perfect for everyone on all occasions!

Older tay pls

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