Bad sex stories

Bad sex stories.
At uni. Went to visit a female at another university. Went out, had drinks in the student union bar.
Went back to her college room, went to bed with her.
Didn't really know how to start things up. lay next to her for awhile. Evenually started to touch her. No real reaction, but no bad reaction, so carried on. Went down on her. Smelled a bit of stale piss and anchovies, but soldiered on through anyway.
Went to get my condom. Condom on, getting in there.
She lay there like a deal hallibut. Stuck it in anyway. Tight as fuck, no lubrication. She lay there like a dead hallibut.
I couldn't finish.
A bit of blood came out.
Woke up next morning, went back.
Never got in contact again much.
Still friends on facebook.

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No-one else?
Nobody else has a story?

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Das rape nigga

>be on grindr
>agree to meet with middle aged man
>he greets me at door totally naked except for an orange hat
>enter and start blowing him on my knees
>eventually try and ride him
>never been fucked before
>he has no lube, eventually i get on all fours and we try that way
>feel super sharp pain for a fraction of a second, no clue what the fuck he does
>probably just a finger, but when i text him later to ask him wtf, he claims he never did that, starts saying i have psychological problems
>get scared, go get post-exposure hiv shit
anyways, back to the sex stuff
>eventually, i jerk him off with my dick in his mouth, he gives shitty head, some teeth contact, he barely cums

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i'm retarded for grindr, should've used tinder for men but whatever, i was horny and desperate and lonely. have a qt gf who luvs me now

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all of my sex with women was dope, men fucking sucked tho. i should've fucked around with the qt boi who had a crush on me back in high school. he had issues and sent me pics of his self harm and i yeeted that shit away back then

Not a lot of bad sex to be honest.

Dated a girl once I wasn't attracted to, but was kinky and was into the same shit as me.

She was only 17, but her vag was looser than a Politician's rulebook. She was super horny, but fucking her was kinda pointless for my dick, and I often subtly covered up her face. Pillows, face down positions- whatever worked.

She caught on though, and cheated on me as some kind of revenge ploy. W/e, I gave her a chance and she decided to be trash about it.

Pissed me off when she went after my best friend though and drove a wedge between us. But that's unrelated to the bad sex.

also i didn't end up with hiv, yay

I have a similar story.
Finally get first real hit on OKC
We hang out a couple of times
She's a bigger girl, nice massive tits though
Couldn't control myself so i fondle her with no real work up to it
Eventually we work ourselves to my room
She refuses to have the light on and refuses to take her top off
Doesn't help get me up or kiss or anything
Takes me quite a while to get it up because i'm used to a bit of interaction
finally get it up, she starfishes and it's like fucking a warm corpse
this happens a couple of times and i finally get her to blow me at the end
she moves away a couple of months later