So it’s been 20 years since the Matrix came out. 20 fucking years...

So it’s been 20 years since the Matrix came out. 20 fucking years ... I watched it on tv today and it was still every bit as good as I remembered it.

In the 20 years since this movie came out, has there been ANYTHING even close that’s come out? Movies are such utter shit now ... are we living in “the desert of the real?”

Cheer me up, niggers. Remind me of something good in the last 20 years that I’m overlooking.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>every movie in the past 20 years has sucked ass
>but the matrix is flawless

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Anyone got anything else? Or has this guy summed it pretty well up?

Not quite as good, but Edge of Tomorrow is damn impressive

Plenty of great movies have come out over the past 20 years. If you don't like them, that's on you.

I hate Inception too (Y)

Name one that’s on par with The Matrix then.

Wolf of Wall Street and interstellar are still good watches

The part of using human bodies as batteries still bugs me. The Wachowski sisters obviously didn't know shit about thermodynamics.

The Martian

Equilibrium was fairly good. It was out about the same time as the matrix.

I can't watch it anymore my tastes have evolved with the times


Try again

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What’s better than The Matrix nowadays?

That's your personal taste and you're entitled to it. Personally I'd put Fury Road as a better action movie than Matrix, though it didn't have nearly the pop culture significace. One of the Marvel movies would have to take that spot. I'd say Ragnarok is the best of those, but I'm sure that's debatable.

nothing is.

Nigga gtfo here

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The Matrix is a classic, holds up really well. It made a huge mark on popular movie making But it isn't the best ever in the last 20 years.

Ragnarok is pretty badass, edgelord.

shit sucks on purpose to break your will, John wick is great though.

I didn’t quite get the huge appeal of Fury Road, I thought the old Road Warrior was a better movie. But it was good, and I’ll grant you the Marvel movies have probably shaped an entire generation the way Star Wars shaped mine.

20 years? Easy

The Martian

and fuck you it was good - Tron Legacy

Then what is?


>Fury Road
Wtf ?! You must be baiting or you are the tard of the day. Comparing the Matrix to Fury road? Fury road sucked balls. My opinion and I'm sure many others would agree. Fury road..hahaha

As far as pop culture significance, The Matrix doesn't hold a candle to the collective Marvel franchise, particularly The Avengers. That doesn't mean they're better movies, though some of them are pretty great, just that they are more significant.


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the story I heard was that originally, humans in the farms were being used for their brains as giant computer cluster, but the studio or someone thought audiences wouldn't understand that for shit

Not Matrix level by any stretch, but yeah the John Wick movies are a guilty pleasure. Good fun.

The only item on this list I agree with is Moon.

Well, first we need to know what genres the OP likes, don't we? I've certainly seen movies I enjoy, though admittedly I'm also an easy audience.

>interstellar and the martian
Absolutely not.
these two movies are fucking terrible. Pretentious bullshit filled with guilt trips about humanity causing "global warming".
not even remotely serious or feasible in the least, especially interstellar
it's blatantly obvious that the martian is complete garbage, the ending, jesus fucking christ that was stupid as fuck
The matrix 1 and 2 were way fucking better than these two shit show movies, even though im not a huge fan of the matrix movies, i can say that
and the worst part about interstellar and the martian is that somehow fucking everyone praises them like they're the best movies of the century, it's fucking aggravating how stupid people just swallow that shit and allow it to gain in popularity

Not even close to the same. I enjoy the Marvel, best movies going. The Matrix hit on every level as far as action, intelligence, writing, complexity. What movies were harder to write do you think? No brainer, Matrix wins, every time.

Ok OP just talking about movies there have been some good ones. Such as Cellular, Phonebooth, Click, Cube, Cube 2, Alien Vs Predator, The Day After Tomorrow, and Shutter Island just to name a few.

Also the Lilo and Stitch movie, the Lego movie, Ralph Breaks the Internet, and that one with the emotional characters in the girl's head. Not to mention Boku no Pico.

There is no "best" movie. Just movies an individual likes or doesn't like.

1999 was objectively the greatest year for movies.

What about Ragnarok was edgy, exactly?

I have to agree; fury road was garbage
didn't have the feel of a mad max film to me
and idgaf was they say about the whole "each mad max movie is it's own separate story", nope that's bullshit
the fury road story, plot and characters all sucked. yes, even max

Movies I have liked

Edge of Tomorrow

I was on board with interstellar up until the ending.

Turns out the answer was love all along? Oh come on that's some 0/10 lazy writing right there.

the problem here is that "pop culture" has become increasingly fucking terrible
that's why movies are so bad these days
nothing is left to the imagination

Fight Club
American Beauty
Office Space
Boondock Saints
The Matrix
Iron Giant

Yup, 1999 confirmed as one of the greatest years for cinema.

Comics/Superhero movies are shit-tier, the least creative, clever and innovative films. I mean they are fun and everything but they are lame deep inside.

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Saying that it is shit, however, is

Martian was pretty cool

so you were on board with bullshit lies about how humanity caused such bad climate change that earth was one big dust ball and marines were now literally talking refrigerators?
interstellar was fucking stupid.

even from a fantastical fictional point of view, the martian was idiotic, far fetched and dangerously pretentious

Depends who you ask

IMDB: 8.7
Metacritic: 73
Metacritic User: 9.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 88
RT User: 85

Fury Road
IMDB: 8.1
Metacritic: 90
Metacritic User: 8.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 97
RT User: 85

This is correct, the wachowskis came up with a really good idea, then the studios said it didnt make sense or people wouldnt unedrstand, but even in '99 people would understand the idea of a super computer made of millions of human brains, fucking y2k was on everyones minds, i bet it would have played even better.

Martian was not a great movie but it was visually entertaining, the story was told exceptionally well, had a great cast but a fairly flat ending.

I'm can only guess this is an edgy troll post

Being John Malkovich
Toy Story 2
Eyes Wide Shut
The Sixth Sense
10 Things I Hate About You
The Green Mile

The lobby shooting scene from The Matrix is an almost shot for shot remake of the original Ghost in the Shell.

you just described every movie from the last 10 years, pretty much
>well it was dumb but it looked cool

If you believe that 98% of all climate scentists are wrong then that's fine, but suffice to say the climate change theme was the absolute least of Interstellar's problems

THAT WOULD BE GREAT! you could even call it a reference to the hitchhikers guide, they were trying to figure out the question or some shit.

The ending was hokey, but anne hathaways speech near the end is what fucked it, if they left that bit out, and kept the ending, i could live with it, but that speech from anne hathaway just spells out the ending for the audience, probably because test audiences were confused and they had to throw that in, idk


Vin Diesel and was the giant

holy shit i can't believe you just regurgitated the "98% of climate scientists" meme.. jesus christ you're ill informed.
but you are right, that wasn't the worst part of the movie, pretty much everything about that movie was incredibly stupid.

and don't reply about climate change anymore, not going to derail this thread with this bullshit. It's a meme, it's dead and over.

Literally this

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The Departed

Edge of tomorrow is no doubt excellent for a “summer blockbuster” but the third act is still kinda cheapy. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. definitely not on the level of the Matrix though.

Yeah I can see your point. Big budget Hollywood movies are notorious for overexplaining everything. It really does that away from the quality of the movies

>not one mention of Donnie Darko or The Dark Knight

Proud of you guys

Mute was great for Cactus Bill, imho one of the best characters I've seen in a long time. Paul Rudds best role. And while I don't really like Vince Vaughn much, he did a greta job in Brawl in Cell Block 99. Neither of these movies have as much impact as The Matrix did but still decent flicks. I'd also agree with this guy

OP what about Prometheus and Covenant?
I mean they really twisted the Alien story up, but they were ok
definitely not as ground breaking as The Matrix, though.

The only thing dead and over is this planet because of climate change you absolute mongoloid. I’m almost ok with our inevitable doom because I’m looking forward to you retards having to admit you’re wrong once it’s way too late.

It’s been 30 years since Bill & Ted, excellent!

At least they did time travel right, unlike 99.9% of other movies with that theme.

WHen I heard about (another) scifi alien blockbuster starring Tom Cruise I had my doubts. The fact that I went in with such low expectations probably helped a lot. I think the movie is really competently made action movie, but it doesn't really explore interesting ideas like for example The Matrix

Yeah those 2 chicks that came up with that were really ahead of their time.

Agree 100% I’ve decinitely thought that maybe I just like it so much because my expectations were so low. I don’t think so though. The first two acts are great.

The planet will be fine, humans on the other hand ... need to be purged.

And to be fair, some of Tom cruises best recent movies are alien movies. I still legitimately enjoy war of the worlds

wrong. plain and simple.

I hate the reviews of any kind like that. Most people don't know a good movie if it punched them in their stupid faces. Just stop.

I'm sorry but the War of the Worlds remake with tom cruise was utter garbage
utter fucking garbage
The only tom cruise movie I could see even coming close to the Matrix would be Oblivion

You're a big guy

obviously, there is something better, but you may not have found it yet. idk what it is though, but it is a bit too pessimistic, rather than realistic to assume that something better than the matrix from today doesn't exist.

Based, but not redpilled. Marvel's Cinematic Universe is the shit.

Thoughts on Trainspotting 2?

watch this without reading about it first and get FUCKED in the head.

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>righteous dubs checked

Why would it? The Matrix is just a trilogy, while the collective Marvel franchise, is well, a franchise.

Was a good sequel but not enough H

>remember sammy jenkis
that movie pissed me the fuck off

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Donnie Darko is incredibly overrated hipster garbage.

TDK was solid. Highly rated by critics and fans. Pop culture significance. Biggest flaw was fucking up future superhero films by WB who had to make them grimdark. Wouldn't really put it in the same category as The Matrix though.

Spiderverse definitely broke a lot of barriers in that aspect, but in general, superhero movies are usually the lowest, and least innovative genre.

Wasn't that story line done with Bruce Willis and that dude. Wtf was that movie called? Don't feel like googleing.

Finally, a thread on Yea Forums that is actually interesting!
Looks like Easter came a bit early...

andthat movie was dumb too

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matrix is unoriginal and copied serial experiments lain

Genuinely curious, what didn’t you like about it? I thought the entire thing captured the unnerving and helplessness of an overwhelming alien invasion pretty well from the ominous buildup, to the shock and awe, to the hopeless struggle to survive. the special effects mostly stand up to time as well surprisingly. I haven’t seen oblivion but it looked interesting.

lol, this should be a pasta

Looper ! That's it and agree, shit.
While I was waiting, I also thought as far as story line goes, sounds kinda like the terminator without a cyborg and Arnie, of course.

For you

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>it is now
>Ok OP just talking about movies there have been some good ones. Such as Cellular, Phonebooth, Click, Cube, Cube 2, Alien Vs Predator, The Day After Tomorrow, and Shutter Island just to name a few.

Also the Lilo and Stitch movie, the Lego movie, Ralph Breaks the Internet, and that one with the emotional characters in the girl's head. Not to mention Boku no Pico.

>waste of dubs, edgelord who just wants to disagree with the world cause mom doesn't love him.
Come'on guy, no.

The bad acting
The characters
The special effects
The editing
The sound effects
it was no where near as good as the original film, and obviously could never capture what the radio broadcast did
it was just flashy bullshit with little effort to authenticity
and the absolute worst part or all, was the fucking girl

You could easily get away with saying these things, but you can't deny it had a big impact on the way people think and pop culture in general.

Oh but you're special, aren't you. Ahead of the bell curve. Your opinions are all objective and based on logic. Real fitting edge, don't follow the crowd kinda guy, huh?

Oblivion is worth watching half a dozen times. Everything from the aesthetics, setting, plot and acting performance. Not Matrix level but pretty good

Kill Command
Beyond Skyline
World War Z

I like movies too friens, Ik This came out in 97 but it’s my fav

Cast Away and American Psycho both came out in 2000 and those are matrix level for me

Also the obviously answer is Shrek but apparently we are above that now

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All I got from your post was..blah,shit,blah,shit,blah. I am special, because I call it the way it is. Sorry i hurt your feelings, little one with my mean words. It's all ok, in your world you are king. So think how you want but, that doesn't mean we can't make fun of you.

youre thinking of Looper. both have time travel yes but its a completely different set up.

I'd have to say if we're talking about films that caused a huge impact and were as ground breaking as the matrix, I'd have to go with
before you shit on me, let me just say that I'm not a huge fan of movie, but I think it definitely set a precedent in terms of how movies are visually presented now
and then there's the fact that there's like 4 more coming
but i heard that it takes rendering farms 100 hours to render one fucking frame of these movies

Maybe, but from reading the poster it feels the same. I will peep it though, thanks.

Couldn't get into that movie. I watched it twice to make sure I didn't miss things the first go. The movie just annoys me, everything from the annoying voices to the language they spoke. I get the hype but again, I don't.

I feel the same way but if we're talking about the impact it had compared to the matrix, it's pretty much the same

In my opinion, most of all the movies listed in the thread will not outlast the Matrix trilogy. Marvel are making the best movies out but, again as far as thought provoking, deep shit, to me the only close runner was in fact inception. That movie hit on every level and could have possibly had a sequel worth a fuck.

They were the Wachowski Brothers back then.

Can't argue it but feels wrong to say they are on the same level.

Would you die if you took off your mask??

they learned about thermodynamics by rubbing themselves together.

The world pre matrix was pretty good


It's the first time you see neo go to the ghetto

They were guys back then.

Blade Runner 2049 is damn good. That’s about the best sci-fi in the last 20 years

Good movie. Good time travel twist.

Well it fucking worked cause they are so fucking wealthy they changed their sex and are like, ya were so rich we became women because women can buy more shit then men. Point is they are smart, you, not so much.

From trailer: a female masculine hero leads the clueless Tom Cruise, is that a feminist dream film?

Sunshine was pretty good, though I don't know how many people actually saw that one.

The matrix is pretentious nonsense. OP is a fag for not realizing older people thought it was shit when it came out.

what a load of shit

the second judge dread movie and fight club were good

What a faggot you are.

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Also see “A Promise of Time Travel”. It’s a low budget movie and it shows, but is also an innovative and unique time travel story.

Lol, don't take it so personally snowflake. I'm not mad, I just think you ego types are fucking hilarious. Like, you think having a contrarian viewpoint makes you "better" than everyone around you because the world is full of sheeple but not you. No, you've seen the light. It's rich.

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Fight club for sure, still love that one and always will. Great book and movie.

My nigga.
Highly underrated Keanu movie.
Fuck, I'm gonna go watch it right now.

That is not the plot at all.

How is it shit? First Blade Runner set a lot of precedents in sci-fi filmmaking. The sequel was the perfect sequel. Built upon everything great about the first movie while expanding the world that made blade runner so great. With stunning visuals and great performances from the actors. It’s certainly not shit. You’re not any more intelligent just for not liking a movie that received high critic and audience scores.

You make me raff guy. All the things you accuse me of, you did the same. Except one thing I did differently. I posted and you have been on muh cock ever since. Step off, my dick is sore now.

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hey OP you're not wrong,
I often think the same thing,
I think of writing my own movie, but I know no one would fund it.

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It transcended into a boring shit movie. Watched it, didn't make me care about any of the characters and the acting felt phoned in.

I’ll elaborate a little. The chick just explains what’s going on after Cruise gets absorbed by the alien and gains the power to go back in time when he dies. So, she’s kind of the mentor character because the same thing happened to her before. But by the time Cruise meets her, she doesn’t have that power anymore. It’s Cruise who becomes the badass by dying over and over until he knows everything. He does bring her along with him, but she’s his sidekick by then.

>dubs of doubt
Never know user, many, many of writers have said the same and have been proven wrong by the masses.

Lol, the only thing on your dick is smegma. Go shower son. Go outside once in a while. Talk to people. Maybe you'll get your head out of your ass and live a little. And you haven't actually said anything in our line of conversation except your opinion is king for "reasons" and critics and fan reviews are bullshit, also for "reasons". Again, you probably didn't realize that because you're too busy enjoying the smell of your own shit. Peace out.


with a shotgun

You are a sad fuck. Go away boy, you bother me. Go rage on your stuffed turtle on your cool car bed. Night, jr.

Oh yeah, I believe fans, not computer generated "reviews" or other false agenda having fuck, like yourself. You are a hippocrate and should shut yer hole. Have a good night.

Fuck you faggot

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Not if I fuck you first, user. And I bet I can..

You wouldn't put it in the same category as The Matrix...I'm assuming you mean by filmmaking level? Or another measure/

Lol damn user, did you write it or some shit? You took that kind of personal.

It's a metaphor reflecting deeper esoteric truths, many related to the hyperdimensional control system. It's not supposed to be all scientifically explainable. Check out the documentary, "UFO's, Aliens, and the Question of Contact".

>just an action movie
Look friend, the best any of us can do is live life as best we can, as happy and fulfilled as we can and do our best to aid those around us to do the same. If you are happy with your life that’s awesome.

Having said that you don’t strike me as a deep thinker. That ain’t a bad thing at all. I’m just saying I doubt you get OP’s point and that’s not a bad or good thing. It’s just even if you think the matrix sucked balls it has a deeper meaning than action.

You can’t fuck someone without them fucking you back mah guy.

This post started it all but
>insecurity:the postssssssss

"Total Recall" is in the ballpark.

Animated Short films: Check out "The Animatrix", "I, Pet Goat", and "In Shadow"

A scanner darkly

Fight club you dunce


The Sixth Sense? Came out the same year but not sure which was released first.

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence

That movie was way underrated.

thredd dedd like zedd. hop on the chopper honey we gotta go.

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