

Attached: 20190421_033000.jpg (1079x1079, 469K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kinda defeats the purpose of burka in the first place

>Oh my god the propaganda fed to me by the media regarding other cultures might not be true!

Just teenagers being teenagers. Nothing new or unusual.

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I can get behind this

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As a someone with this fetish

I can get behind this

those girls need a surprise acid bath

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They're wearing hijabs

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Translation: I'm a Yea Forumstard, therefore I am unable to understand cultural differences.

I'll dumb it down for ya
>Wearing hijab so no one can see their hair, because its haram
>Wearing mini skirt

Dumb it down for me? You have reading comprehension issues? I was referring to OP's "WTF?" You're actually dumbing it down for him.

Attached: tumblr_pemzbtdKLk1uoav19o8_1280.jpg (904x1920, 139K)


They're Malaysian. They are Muslim but less strict about clothing.


more cute hijab bitches

Are they in need of any colonizing

lol no. if you're a malaysian muslim and caught wearing like that in public, you'll get into a lot of trouble.

Those are tourists from China thinking that the "hijab" is a fashion.

I know because Malaysian here

You are either a massive troll or massive retard, either way, i don't think it's worth trying to explain to you further

My dick is diamonds pls more

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Any Turkish?

U.mean hot as fuck?

Why can that bitch show the whole airport what she has up her skirt but not her hair?

Mmm I want to bite that nipple

Oh, ok, now I understand the level of intelligence (or actually, lack thereof) I'm trying to converse with.
Sorry to bother you, go back to your stupor.

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yes we do

post full set

STFU azman.

Nice lips

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Oh yeah my dick boooom

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mia khalifa

The only sensible reply on Yea Forums right now.

You're a moron holy fuck

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I don't think they understand their own religions rules lmao

These muslims have awesome asses

Probably this, Chinese are stupid as fuck

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>I'm a very stable genius, very stable genius.
>Very smart, extremely, extremely smart..
>You will never believe how intelligent I am,

Attached: donald-trump-mike-pence.jpg (1000x671, 429K)

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Moar guys

>Mother does not approve.
>I cannot have lunch alone with them
>Unless they have feminine penises.

Attached: mike-pence.jpg (1180x788, 324K)


Wow hold up

But is that fucking this chick?


>No Dick
>No Lick.

Attached: Jared+Kushner+Trump+Holds+Roundtable+Prison+tOZXBU-j8Q1l.jpg (600x463, 42K)

Great now I want to fuck a Muslim woman thanks a lot guys god damnit

>Durka Durka at work
>full headscarf
>tight pants every day showing her phat ass

meh trying to understand mudslimes is pointless

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Have you ever asked a Muslim why tight pants are sometimes accepted but hair must remain covered?

This is common in alot of middle eastern countries. I went to Morocco a year or so back and girls there were dressed like this

Hah, not worth the bother. She's actually pretty cool. She also walks with her ass swaying, she knows what she's got. But asking her would mean verifying the obvious fact I was checking her ass out which would not be a good idea (PC Govt department)

Because showing leg is not haram.

You're pretty stupid, aren't you.

Almost all the pics here belong to Turkish girls btw

You should ask a different Muslim person then. If she's actually pretty cool, why do you think of her as a mudslime and write off all Muslims as illogical?

Someone still needs to provide an adequate explanation of the term 'feminine penis'.

your face when girl risks life to take a sexy pic for you

ok but stop being racist
just kidding, this is kind of funny

indeed, defeats the purpose

they're very pretty though

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do the slide

they're breaking the rules!!!

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Girls are embracing the hijab because they don't have to worry about their looks. That's why feminists are crazy about Islam.


You'd think it'd be easier to just not worry about their looks.

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these rag hags are gross, how about they stop being slaves to their religion, kill themselves and leave more resources for the rest of us.

Op here, got tired.
Have this turkish slut, i'll dump all pics then go to sleep

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Don't worry those women won't touch your supply of loli porn and flamin hot cheetos


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nice comeback, did your npc friends from cnn tell you how to respond? or did you rub those last 2 braincells together to look that up on google?

how about not giving ass pats to religious zealouts and cult followers? or is that too difficult to do because its beyond your ability to comprehend. beep boop nigga, beep boop.

Actually found some more on web

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Need more hot muslims

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exactly right my dude, exactly right

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> being this much of an incel

I believe the hijab is a religious and traditional thing and less of covering up to more liberal muslims

the left in general loves islam, even though its clearly anti women, and anti lgbt.
look into it.

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thanks jackass we couldn't see that for ourselves

cool dude