You are presented with 3 magic buttons, each with a label of you may eliminate from the Earth forever once pressed

You are presented with 3 magic buttons, each with a label of you may eliminate from the Earth forever once pressed

>IQ below 100

Which one do you choose and why? You can only choose 1.

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Jews. In honor of the man we honor today.


Jews. The reality of the racial situation is extremely obvious. We have to go through (((great lengths))) to both claim evolution is true and the races are equal without everyone saying "wait what? only one of those is possible.". And we all know who is behind that.

kek I totally forgot

>IQ below 100
why the redundancy?

Jews without a doubt


OP here. I was expecting more niggers and brainlets. Why are jews the most hated? At least they don't throw 5 year olds off balconeys and rape "da white wimins"


i hope the kid had ay safe landen

the nigger problem will be easy once we get rid of the cause

None, cuz I don't believe killing that many people will do any real good. It's also kinda like curing the cancer by killing the patient. "Let's make the world better for humans, by killing lots of humans".
>inb4 subhuman
They can talk and drive so close enough.

if I HAD to press one, I'd be heavily tempted to press sub-100iq, but I'd probably hit jews. Not because they did anything wrong, but because there's less jews than niggers or stupid people.

what is the red button for? it's not like you can "un-gas" someone

Niggers aren't a threat. tbh they aren't that bad they always have weed and are super fun to talk with.

This one nig believes in the earth-centered model of the solar system, but he isn't a flat earther.

He's a thinker. Ahead of his time. Albeit wrong, I threw my conscious into his perspective of the world and it was entertainment 100.

Also. Jews.

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to stop the flow of gas when you're done

Maybe it's an emergency shutdown or it sucks the chamber clean so they can get the bodies out

At least the kid thrown off the balcony made a solid Landen.

that makes a lot of sense

>IQ below 100
guess I'm the next one in line for that gas chamber

J E W S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is my dream, this is my nightmare. Kill all kikes

IQ below 100. Only possible choice.

well ill go with the below 100 iq one.

that will effectively get rid of the majority nig nogs plus a good portion of pajeet sand nigs

Getting rid of low in regards won’t change a fuckin thing. Jews will just create a situation once more for more low in idiots to be bred. And the cycle will continue.

Kill all Jews, End at the Beginning.


>t. Jew
the answer is jews, really simple fucking question you must be a jew for thinking the other 2 are comparable

IQ below 100, we fucking NEED a smarter general populous.

that is a good point. but the low iq are the foot soldiers and battery that allows the jews to control. if we take out their power source then they will be much weaker and not as much of a threat.

t. jews

Well if you choose below 100 iq there goes most of the niggers and other brown people, so its really a questuon of that outcome vs getting rid of the Jews. Tough one. But id pick iq

>jews are a tiny minority
>babies and children have IQ lower then 100
Obviously niggers, that would kill most dumbasses

you don't know how IQ works... you're ranked among your age.


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what? you're going to delouse them?

The Jew option is best because killing all Jews would throw the world into brief chaos, and their retarded foot soldiers would be lost now with their puppet zog governments now rulerless, thus causing global depression and agonizing conditions, perfect time for a second fascist wave and to have demagogues rise as populist leaders and take back control. I choose jew option

Fuck it, we let them die of typhus.

iq is a pretty static thing like something your born with. you can be born with a high iq of 140


Why so many people killing Jews, haven't seen anyone say niggers yet

Jews are first in the list of priorities, traitors next, then niggers, then low IQ scum.

Just going to point out that the "IQ below 100" would kill everyone. Because as soon as everyone who's below the *current* level of 100 dies, the level of "100" now belongs to the average person among the survivors. So if they die, then the average of those survivors becomes the new 100, and so on and so forth until there is only one person left in the world.

So, basically, that's the button I'd press.