Right fags

Right fags.

Co Workers found my Grindr.

What do.

Attached: grindr_logo-100413748-primary.idge.jpg (620x413, 23K)

Fuck em. If they found your Grindr then that makes them fags too

if they found you they're fags as well, a free fuck i'd say

Suck em off, that’ll keep them quiet

Kys fag

Own up to being a proud gay man?
What kind of question is that. Stop being a closet-bitch.

Where you from?

This really isnt a problem.

Haven't thought about that, they installed the app, made an account and waited for me to be online to find me.

Would call them Faggots on Tuesday when I see them but HR would kill me


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have you thought about going to HR first? they usually frown upon bullying the gay guy at work

Problem comes from them making fun of me for being Gay( borderline Homophobia).

Sex at work duh

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Can I have 10 million dollars in cash delivered to my house?

Then I could be harassed for being the Office Snitch

Where abouts? How are they treating you? Are you open?

what kind of office or HR would allow the possibility of the liability for letting a GAY/LGBTBBQ fag get harassed? Do you actually work at a reputable place or some nog's call center?

Rape them.

North West, Country so it's mostly just homophobia up here. I'm up to a very select few( importantly not my family). Mostly just spamming my phone with screenshots of my, now deleted, Grindr.

See . I live in a very homophobic area. So I'm not open to most them, till today of course.

you're being a bitch and overthinking things, just go to HR

What industry you in? I’m not a gay guy myself but I know there is loads of discrimination out there.

You say spamming your phone, so they’re using it against you?

Is trying to make fun of me / annoy me count as that then yes

Have sex with them.

Document everything. Even if HR does nothing, document that. Because even if you live in a "homophobic area", in sure you can have a fun time taking it to another level nationally that will totally fuck them.

Then you can go live your gay life somewhere comfy with that fat payout they will be forced to give you.

Are you in charge of them?