This is your girlfriend for the day

This is your girlfriend for the day.
Say something nice to her.

Attached: 004DSC03158.jpg (450x845, 67K)

Which one

fuck off, you lonely masturbating sperg

jesus christ, just find some porn, jerk off, then get on with your day

im so fucking sick of you horny, lonely incel embarrassments

>hnnng lets touch our penises together
>hnnnng post pics 4 me
>hnnnnng im diamonds

every fucking thread


i love playing with her tits.

also nice camera skills.

You have great tits.

that's a big nose you got there

You're a piece of ass worth a lot of cash.


how? it's just a picture

ITT: As close as any of you sad fucking rejects will ever get to actual human female contact.

For fucks sake, how hopeless do your chances with girls have to be before threads like this become your best option?

Holy shit, boys.

Attached: fuckmethatshilarious.jpg (400x267, 53K)