What do you think about the death sentence (capital punishment)?

What do you think about the death sentence (capital punishment)?

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It should be legal, but only for people who post in facebook fap threads.

I'll take one thanks

We need to up the number and the amount of time it takes from conviction to execution. Sure there are some shady cases and people that probably shouldn't be put down but there is no reason from someone that is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt to live for 20+ years after they are sentenced. They should be locked down in a gurney and as soon as the court case is over they are put down. All of them are PPV with the benefits going to victims families or charities if they don't want money.

I think it's unconstitutional.

If you murder or rape you forfeit your constitutional rights.

i believe in it for pedophiles serial killers and murderers depending on the situation

if you operate like an animal you have no place in a civilised society



It's neither cruel or unusual and only comes after due process.

I'm depressed. 7-11 called the cops on me because they saw me stuff my pants with a jelly donut and a lemon fruit pie. I was wondering if I could ask for the death penalty.

pointless. most murders are committed in a fit of rage, with premeditation. those are premeditated, the person committing the murder isn't going to not kill because of the death penalty. all capital punishment does is satisfy a need for revenge. plus it costs more than life in prison because of years of appeals, and sometimes innocent people get executed, and sometimes those that are guilty go through horrible pain and suffering during the act which shouldn't be what the death penalty is about.

murderers, rapists, pedophiles and terrorists should be the only ones rotting away in prison for life. let them rot, no death penalty.

fine in theory, but our prison system has too many in it who are innocent and were convicted before dna evidence became widely accepted in court.

revisit the idea when early cases are gone or have been proven one way or the other.

Unjustifiable until you can boast a legal system with a 100% accuracy rate on conviction. Until and unless there are no falsely-found-guilty cases then the system should not be allowed to kill, because the entire legal system cannot be tried for murder. There is no clear line of responsibility, so there can be no just execution without perfect conviction.

I think it needs to be fully reinstated in all states across the United States, ESPECIALLY New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon and Washington and every single Radical Leftist in those states should be strapped into the magic chair and made to Ride the Lightning! (That includes ANYONE in this thread that calls me a nazi, or trump supporter or any other faggoty comment like that.)

If there are 3 irrefutable eye witnesses or camera evidence that you killed a productive member of society with 0 provocation; you get the chair.

You obviously don't know SHIT about the constitution.

>I think people should be murdered for their beliefs
Got it, you're evil.


then they are not rights.

How do you know? Were you/are you there to see every single murder being committed? No? then fuck off because you don't know shit!

Okay, you get to go first. (We really don't need liberal faggots like you fucking everything up.)

You might be right but why should taxpayers have to pay a fuckload of money for a piece of shit who got a life sentence when we could just put him out of his misery? Society won’t benefit from him being a part of society and that’s why he goes to prison, but they also won’t benefit for having to pay for him the rest of his life so we might as well put him down

murder by definition is premeditated

should be mandatory, even for inocent people

Also how do I convince the courts to do this. Can I say If you let me out as is I'll kill everybody. I don't want to live. Euthanasia should be legal anyway.

You just went to #1 on death row.

A thousand times THIS! Especially when, more often than not, the murderous pieces of vile shit end up getting parole and put back on the streets again (especially if they're niggers. Niggers get a special pass for that shit.)

I think the term deviant would be better so that it covers those who browse Yea Forums as well.

We all need to die, and deserve it.

>I dislike what you said so now I'm even more insistent on killing you
Your evil only gets more obvious.

Shut up dumbass wanna be Nazi Trump sucking waste of carbon

Why bother with all that? Just pretend to pull a gun on the cops and let them shoot you.


it is needed more than ever

Tell me why someone like this waste of space shouldn't be put to death:

Death sentence costs more than life imprisonment.

Your execution has been moved up to five A.M., tomorrow morning.

I no have a gun

You forgot "gun toting" (Click! Click!) Incidentally... WHERE did you say you live? ;)

Can you show me where it says that in the constitution?

Easy to fix.

Make the DA liable for any false convictions.
With his neck in the noose? S/He is going to worry more about being right then about pleasing the voting sheep.

We have more than enough heroin to send them off quick and painlessly.

We should use it more often for sure, personally a big fan of the firing squad.

i'm fine with it.

we need to make it take less time - less appeals, less cost. and we need to save it for cases where we are certain of guilt. standard should be higher than reasonable doubt.

It's a great way to not have to fund criminals being in jail for the rest of their lives

Every illegal in prison and out wandering around should all be sentenced to death.

You will be right beside him.

Nice to meet you Satan. How's all the evil?

I think lethal injection is a stupid way to administer it.

Use fentanyl. Instant kill

Sometimes there is false evidence though

I'm already dead.
You won't like meeting me (*click!* *click*)

Until they got one false guilty through no fault of their own and themselves were killed. How fucked do you want our legal system to get?

>Heroin overdose
>Quick and painless

I approve of capital punishment. You intentionally kill someone? You get killed. Simple as that. Putting people in prison for their entire life eating away tax dollars is such an idiotic thing. Sending those inmates to hospitals for the tax payers to have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to care for someone who would kill you without a second thought it such a joke.

Attached: 10.jpg (1266x1900, 342K)

You are the incredibly stupid.

if you commit crimes against thr state you are techhnically a slave of the government

Give it time, they will be. Right after Trump puts them all in Sanctuary Cities. The Democrats will kill them all off themselves.

No, fentanyl is not instant and not painless.

You guys, the death penalty is and always will be unjustifiable. There is no way to guarantee 100% accurate judgement and no way to put a clear responsibility on someone for the judgement in a legal system specifically designed to make judgements impersonal.

My evil's great! However, your stupidity stinks worse than a land fill, moron.


I must seem so to you. I'd rather be factually correct and seem stupid to an idiot than be an idiot so all is well.

He's also incredibly right, at least as of now.

Oh you think so?

Thanks for admitting you're evil.

Constitution can be changed.

Where does it say rape or murder results in the loss of all constitutional rights? In particular, protection from cruel and unusual punishment? I get what you're saying with the "slavery" thing, but as far as I'm aware you still have many of the rights afforded to non criminals.

its used far less than it should be. There should be no such thing as life i prison. Anything over 20 years should be considered beyond rehabilitation and killed.

Who says it has to be painless? Whoever gets executed caused much pain to someone, why should he be spared from pain?

sure there is. for example, someone live streams themselves doing it. and their face is in the video. and they admit it afterward and surrender while they're caught by cops still in the act.

Life is referred to as "inalienable" in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. The Seventh Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution permits capital punishment, provided the accused be given due process, a trial by jury, and not placed in double jeopardy.

but the capitol function in their territory circa the zeroth year

The point is to make one person liable and because the DA is pretty much the final word on if a case gets prosecuted I will stand by my idea.

Yeah their are a lot of corrupt detectives out there. But I imagine if a DA or two get executed for using bad evidence that the next DA is going to file charges against the cop or never accept his testimony again.

In answer to the last?

As fucked as is required to stop the lies and arrogance that are inherent in this messed up system.

If the prosecutors ass is on the line too then perhaps they will actually do their job or properly weighting evidence instead of knuckle under to newspaper editorials.

Yes; but until then, it doesn't say that. Good luck changing it.

The standard isnt ‘reasonable doubt’
Its ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’

I know so.

For example:

Does everyone?

Not 100% of convictions are accurate therefore all must be considered at risk of fallibility.

I used to be ambivalent about it, but now I am wholly against it because I wasn't previously considering possibility of wrongful conviction. Sucks to find out someone is innocent of a crime but, "Whoops we already killed that guy."


That's such a bs excuse. I'm sure we can find an individual who can do this for minimum wage.

I think inmates on death row should be given a like, a liter of LSD. If they survive, they get life in prison. If they die, well... justice is served.

Punishment to fit the crime. You take someone’s life, or alter the course of one in an impactful and negative way (rapist, pedo, repeating drunk driver that gets in an accident)...I’m all for it.

No need to be hasty and heavy handed in the application, but yes. Some people deserve to die.

Others shouldn’t even be in prison. US has a fucked up sentencing/prison system.

if america wasn't full of cucks you would get it on the spot for crossing the border

Only for rapists, child molesters and vegans

Yeah. I'm fine with it. We should do it way more. We'd have a lot less crime and a lot more money, as a nation. No reason to keep convicted pedos and multiple-offenders alive. They had their chance.

It is legal. The state has the right to put to death an individual who commits a Capital Murder or First-Degree Murder. Also, lethal injection should be banned. The electric chair or gas chamber should be the only legal methods.

I've seen to many shady convictions overturned to fully support it, but if the convict admits guilt and wants to die, sure, why not.

It serves a purpose

lol typical conservative-liberal moron.
killing someone also costs a hell-lotta money
moreover stupidly reducing everything to money... who cares about tax money? like fucking money is ever worth more than any kind of bastard life

but feed them all raw meat beforehand