Eternal trap thread v3

Eternal trap thread v3

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Let me see your best tranny cocks, Yea Forumsros. What's your ideal?

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Mmm I like

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rhi is nothing lies and tricks.

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This is life.

Bruh moment

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How do I get your life?

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knew it was too good to be true.

I wanna impregnate rhi.

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jk shes cute.

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I can't wait to see all the ugly unpassable cross dressers! WOOOOOO

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I'm sure shell have no problems giving birth to our butt babies.

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I hate those so much

No headless horsemen please.

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A trap is a guy trying to pass as a girl don't have all the pics with just naked guys showing their dicks fuck off

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This user gets it.

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no. here, have some rhi

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Whats the deal with you traps and chastity? Whats the point of having a dick if youre just gonna lock it up?

am i a trap?

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Who's that?

Traps =/= Transgenders

Traps wind up dead in ditches

Transgenders wind up on hormones with tits and a husband

Yes you are. Very hot.

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fuck off, you lonely masturbating sperg

jesus christ, just find some porn, jerk off, then get on with your day

im so fucking sick of you horny, lonely incel embarrassments

every fucking thread


I wouldn't care, I'd make love to you regardless.

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wifey tier

I'd be a trap if I wasn't a fat neckbeard

Traps = Any person who could appear to be a cutie girl, but has a surprise between the legs. IE the trap. If I'm going to date/fuck someone. It sure as hell isn't going to be some ugly cross dressing dude who posts images on Yea Forums with 90 angles of his butthole and dick. It's going to be the cutie.

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I'd actually hit on you IRL. Keep posting. You're gorgeous.

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Most of you can try but still you ugly as fuck and still look like a dude

Like the thought actually has me diamonds so far.

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very nice!

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Holy shit please tell me you're in or near Seattle.

Sup fags. Looking for someome to talk to and shiet on kik mostly cause I'm bored at work and having someome to talk to and befriend and maybe cyber bang could be fun. If any of you degenerates is interested hit me up in kik.

My kik is Marko29012

See ya there!


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What's your name, btw? Any chan name? I'm not sure If I've seen you posted here before.

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I'm afraid to know what this looked like before the airbrushing.

Its a shame her cock just shriveled up and is useless

yikes at the truth all u want you disgusyting piece of shit. youre turning the world against real transgenders because of fake attention whoring bullshit


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guys fapping on Yea Forums to traps shapes world views and laws regulating the trans community, dam we got a lot of influence

What’s your kik?


Is that the power of our dicks or the power of boypussy?

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the cumable face

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the power of sexless losers

>real transgenders

Who is this semen demon?

no names here. dont post very often and dont really have enough content to continuously post.

Dont want to hand out kik.

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trans = to move, to go from one thing or state to another

gender is male or female

need your hand held while you wipe your ass to faggot?

How's your voice?

Trap is not a gender but a sexuality you moron

so stop claiming trans = traps

traps are faggots tricking straights

trans are FtM, MtF

1000% Mad. Did a cute little trap make you embarrassed? Or maybe someone you thought you could look up to turned out to be a trap? Or maybe you're just retarded and have an issue with it for no conscious reason, aside from "It's wrong!"

looks like a monkey with makeup on

Well if you continuously post more, barbiechan seems fitting. Seriously though, nice transition. You're looking good.

Not sure. Found her on 8chn.

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i dont practice feminine voice or change at all. i guess more like trans i just speak with more enthusiasm and more flirty when im dressed up. pretty high pitch voice to begin with.

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eh? im just a simple trad faggot tired of you fuckers ruining it for others. youre a stain on our community and deserve the rope.

Ok We have got to get This right
Transgenders remove their penises to them gain vaginas

Traps have DICKS and are biologically MALE but dress as women

But traps aren't always dressed as women they can be a normal person who dresses up when they feel like it but still try to trick people that they don't have a penis and are a woman

Then a crossdresser is a man who dresses as a woman when they can or want to mainly in secret

Correct me if I'm wrong

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Oh, I get it. You're one of those ugly trans girls, and you're pissy that traps try even less than you and look a million times more pretty and passable.

That's a real shame, but not everyone is pretty enough to pass as a girl. Sorry you got shitty genetics.

Some people are better off not showing their faces

hah im not a barbie at all! i guess blonde hair blue eyes does it but aside from that i am not that outgoing at all! very shy and modest for the most part :)

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The way I see traps is girls with dicks(for the most part). That's what these threads mostly mean. You can rant like an autist but there can be multiple meaning to things and the word is used and people know what we mean by trap thread..

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Word trap was crated bye the internet and for the internet.

A lot of words in english have sinonims.
Trap is a sinonim for transgender male.

what? are you mentally ill- oh, wait, of course you are. Let me make this very clear, Hon, I'm not trans; I'm a FAGGOT. I'm a gay male. NOT a sissy or transgender or trap or cross dresser. Just a simple cute trad fag male.

Does that clear it up for you? I sincerely hope you pieces of shit become the 42% and then the real trans, bless their hearts, will be able to fucking live a normal life in peace.

killer smile, ... don't fight me on this.

>transgender female

Micheal Jackson looking mf

youre 100% correct

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Just why?

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osama bin ladens concubine....?

lol nice

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>mfw i only like traps with 7"+ peens


Also I think Transgenders should have a mark on them to state that they are transgender

Transwomen are women, user.

Start posting pls.

Not every trans person goes through surgery.

And the main difference between traps and crossdressers is that traps pass as women, whereas crossdressers don't.

only once the transition is completed by removing the penis and creating an artificial vagina

We are posting transmen not women.

>Not every trans person goes through surgery.
Then by the very definition of the word Transgender, they are NOT Trans. Freud and his partner made this very clear.

Portland OR lol

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Keep coping.

Not exactly
Can they have kids?
Can they get periods?
But they can adopt but if I was an orphan I wouldn't want to be adopted by them because I would only have 1 parent then because the killed themselves

Well i'd probably fuck sooooo ass pic?

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Most trans femmes do not

Xir said that trans women are women, not REAL biological women. Don't be obtuse fren.

I miss the old trap threads where they would post TRAPS

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Square up nigga

Kik me? I'm 38m in Seattle.


You do realise things have changed since the 30s?

Very cute, you should post more.

Marzia is a transboy

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really only interested in women and other transwomen.

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Transgenders only become transgender when they TRANSition

>plz dont hurt me im too pretty to fight

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Pewdiepie is a transwoman

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I do. It's pretty ironic and funny how the progressive left turns on Freud when they discovered his work on transgender and homosexuality. Really make you think, doesn't it?


What is the best way to meet trannys?


Bummer because you're cute as fuck but godspeed.

>the progressive left
Yeah.... the medical community is the progressive left... he's only a quack because I disagree with his findings and not because there is new research disproving much of what he said.

When will you learn THAT YOUR A NIGGER

I cant beleve a fact that furrys are still breathing.
We have to do something about that.

fag fag fag fag fag fag

Us traps have to stick together to kill all furries


The medical community didn't turn on Freud. Academics did, they pushed research that was feel good and tied into intersectionality starting in 1981-1982, and it took off from there and in the mid 1990s Freud fell from grace, hence why in the ought 2000s all the traditional psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical doctors were over ruled by "research" being published from "academic journals" that claimed Freud was a smol brain bigot now that they couldn't push trans as the new flavor. They went to Muslims, while simeultaneously changing the way the public thought about trans issues (which were VERY secretive and nobody even knew about mainstream anyways), which is why we have 42% suicide rate for confused gays chopping their dicks off and taking hormones, shriveling their cock and growing fatty breast tissue.

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Need an ID on this pls. i've seen them posted a few times and no one seems to have sauce :(

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Moar? I'm going to cum to you, barbie chan.

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I want to be like this

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Would drain and swallow.

Here's another pic if this helps!

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post big long trap feets!

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Any requests for me?

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Yeah stop posting. This is a trap thread.

Good girl.

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good girl
spread that fuckhole

Who's this?

Any traps or femboys? Contact me Kik: l3ggings_love

Not traps, fuck off


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Hung like a donkey, but decides to become a chick
I'll never understand that

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Anyone have recommendations for a video where a femboy/sissy and a girl get fucked alongside by a guy? Nothing specific literally anything fitting this

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Who is this?

pull it aside
need to breed that ass

No but go to and they've got you.

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Dont use it

I'd love to use you


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Shooketh sweetie?

Hormones kicking in their sweetie?


oh hun

Still would move to that shit state for you
Post more oral pics

>Whats the deal with you traps and chastity? Whats the point of having a dick if youre just gonna lock it up?
So its easier to focus on getting pleasure with your hole duh

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Ive been thinking about you.

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rate lol

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with a smile and a cage would be a lot better

Don't currently have any at the moment. My gf has a vid of me getting my throat fucked but angle is shit
Awww I feel special

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I would eat that ass all day,


Who is that?

Made my cock grow a little.

Cute titties. Do you have the booty to match?

>Awww I feel special
You're welcome. You're cute, I want to see you taking it up the ass to some track from Drive.

Which shit state are you in, cutie?

>Don't currently have any at the moment.
Well come over and we can change that.

I'd be okay with you just sucking on your fingers

dont fucking ruin drive you piece of shit

You have a gf and you suck cock. I'd love to see that

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It's a shit movie user

Will do, me and her love duel sucking
Would post pic of me sucking finger but in a public place atm, will do later
Yea please don't ruin drive lol, my gf play vaperwave shit when we fuck and now I can't listen to anything related to it without getting turned on

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>in a public place atm
That just makes it hotter though

Snapchat: severuss19

I'm kidding, the best soundtrack would be your moans. I like your style, I'm so vanilla boring but I have a thing for girls with striking looks would love to take you home or just a bathroom stall. Black fella is checking you out!

suck that niggas thumb

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Im hungry for ass.

Girls with striking looks=a boy

Careful user, your gay is showing

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Yeah I guess, cute femboys are fair play too. You got me. Still straight cuz not into bears or masculine men, or dick tho. So its all good.

I'd like to see some lewdsxxx

Nice poster and nice ass

would eat

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Just saying that you're attracted to that person because they're in your words striking they are strikingly male so you're attracted to male features so that's gay

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Will post some soon
Ew a darky
Yea it is
Wow people actually saved some, I feel so honored :3

Here's me a lil boyish before styling

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I don't know about that user.

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I like and I'm hard!

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Got some ass pics?

is the guy you gave a bj to a fwb or some random bo i toy hook up

You seeing that chin and jawline I'm pretty sure

Good girl. How long have you been locked?

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42 hours, I'm allowed out tomorow

I want to sleep, but i dont want to lose the good cutie trap.
Why i live in this shitty time zone :(

A mixture of friend/hookup type of thing. Was a bit disappointing when he went soft half way through fucking
Strangely I don't have a lot of ass pics, will ask gf to take some more
Still those are one of my few favorite images

K gtg my show is about to start I'll be back on soon

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non of these are even traps they are just twinks

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You should stay locked for longer than 3 days, the cage compliments your girly butt. Do you have a keyholder?

Yeah shes round d tomorow so she wants to use me

There was some but just reposts

Cute. Nice eyes too.

imgur com/a/Nibg0za

I like this :p

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She should have you wear a strapon and fuck her with that, probably be more pleasurable than your little clitty. Can you cum with the cage on?

>trap thread

you mean Faggot thread
trap = faggot

Nypa that motherfucker ain't Kalindra

what a fucking hottie.
thanks user

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>going in a gay thread just to say this
There's a faggot afoot, alright.

If not, close enough to get the job done.

Np, had it bookmarked. Heard she retired from the net.


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Am i pasa le as a girl or is terespmrthong there give it away?

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wow that faggot is more pretty now

Am I passable or is there anything giving it away
... Sorry im on th phone

It's actually cutiepii3

He really needs to start doing porn

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sneaky makes me milky

beutiful, would inseminate

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Trap Queen Kalindra-chan

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would fucc


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oh for fuck sake he's perfect

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Ahahaha that face without all the filters and editing is hilarious


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tbqh your spelling was kinda in line with the face you were making soooo

I mean if you tell me you're a trap I'll take your word for it, and yeah, when you say it I can kinda make out some facial features that are sorta masculine like. but if you hadn't said anything... eh. its not like I actually care

same mate, if i was hung like that (from high school), i'd make sure to wear no undies and attaract as many girls as possible... what a waste..

Yeah I can, but she dosnt like strapons in her she likes it when it's real. But tbh once I'm out the cage I'm not that small just below 6"

its almost like its not a choice

Kek. An honest user. Shoot with the truth gun. What's to fix up
I already undertake esthetic surgery anyway

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>imgur com/a/Nibg0za
Who is THIS???

calvin klein

oh my fucking lord. I would let her(him) rape me

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Lookin' fine as is, show me your butt

I thought Calvin was "straight"? Lol

Must be on to somthing

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Lil oc

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Skinny fucker. Not much to look at

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You're the user I said looked like my gf the other week. God I'd like to see your ass.

I cannot get over how fucking beautiful she is.

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well, for ME personally...

go easier on the makeup - if you can, I understand it may not be possible compeletly without but I just prefer my women not painted like a wall

don't like piercings too much either but if thats your style thats cool I guess.

surgery is a big oof but again your choice.


making my mouth water

The post you linked is Sour or Sour_tranny.
The imgur is Kalindra chan, but then it also says that.

whatever he, she, I don't give a shit. I'd let it demolish my asshole and pay for the privilege tbqh

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ll booty as well please

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Id like to ze yer gf

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look so soft. would love to run my tongue up you

Everything is my choice so if you don't like it then well Tebet its you and nobody else really cares about your taste

bru quit the larp already sheesh how are people still playing into it

best pic of the bunch, has a Nat portman vibe to it.

Dunno m8 xD

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Are you real?

Jew vibe

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is nice yeah

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I want to give that fivehead a gentle kiss.

Here you go
Id love that

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Insults then wants something...

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very nice

God I want to eat that ass


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nice. got kik? Not gonna post a pic of gf on here

I'm posting mine so wtf is your problem?


that's not you?

Mainly the fact that you're a larper I would guess.

thanks user for the fantastic fap. You're a scholar and a saint and the world needs more people like you.

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Wish i could find someone who could

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Look at that face. I wanna vomit.

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congrats on your transition you're gorgeous !
would give you a 9/10 your hairstyle is beautiful

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Finally see nice. Thank you

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