33yo virgin cause of small sick plz help
33yo virgin cause of small sick plz help
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You’re not a virgin for having a small dick. You’re a virgin because you’re insecure.
this. also a fatass
jam the tape measure a little harder into your fat you might gain a couple more cm.
Your dick wouldn't be small if there wasn't like 2 inches of fat there.
I weogjt 125kg at 175 cm height
holy fuck you fatass. I'm 186cm and 82kg
I try to Lose weight but end up gaining more back after a diet
You are a biological energy-burning machine. If you gain weight, you are consuming too much. weight gain is 100% calories in - calories out
Fpbp. Came here to say the same
Seriously user. For what I can see there is a perfect (working) dick under that metal, bandage and tape measure.
I am a 23yo virgin and have thin 14cm dick, i cum really fast and i am ashamed of talking to girls or basically anybody because my face is crooked and i have plagiocephaly
Should i end it or is there hope?
Stop eating. You fat fuck.
Dont give him hope. Hes a virgin because hes a fat dicklet lmao kekd
Always hope, also women aren't the be-all end-all, theres better things out there, plus doll tech is amazing nowadays.
My dick is smaller and I wiegh more . Op go get drunk and talk to some girls because they're not gonna approach you.
Wtf is that thing
Did you make it or does it exist for losers to measure they're dick
P.s its average you fat fuck
How do people get so fucking fat? Gaining weight is legit just more work than cutting weight. Just don't fucking eat. I could legit drop 5kg per week but I keep it to 1kg per week because it's healthier.
This is not rocket science. Want to eat at mcdonalds like a fat cunt? Go ahead but make sure you eat less of everything else that day. Want to eat chocolate? How about a protein bar instead.
Also I'd definitely suck your dick
Average penis length is about 15cm, 50% of the population is female and therefor 0cm, average length for males should be 30cm
your dick isn't that small, you just gotta lose the fupa, and you'd have an okay cock.
listen to this user, gain some fucking balls and stop being so insecure. go lose some weight and talking to girls
wouldn't the average be 29cm? feminine penises are around 1cm
Fasting dude just stop eating! I lost 88 pounds in 10 months skipping meals as often as I can. It's not rocket science.
you are an idiot if you think thats how stats work
another 25% of said males are transgenders that chopped off their dick, so average length for REAL males should be 38cm
Fuck man i just want a normal life without that freak shit like dolls and such
Lanky freak
weak trolling
if you think dolls are freak shit, and you think women make your life "normal", then consider offing youtself
I'm legit -just- the right BMI for my height, I'd love to lose 10-15lbs
Almost 3cm of pure fat lmao.
What? I am serious about my problems you spastics
>mfw OP is literally tearing the muscle tissue of his penis and in the future he wont even be able to get an erection if his muscle tears from over stretching
Sell drugs. My neighbor is a fat ugly drunk who dates strippers.
Or just have drugs. A couple hundred bucks on coke and most bitches at the bar will follow you home. Not wife material but they won't complain about your dick size.
Just don't offer hammer rails off that nubbin, these hos ate 110lb Hoover's. Gonna take more to scratch their itch. Get yours after you get em stoned.
not meant for you meant for
as the ((you)) here, it was weak just like this thread
I dont think its because of your small dick
Get some kratom, it will suppress your appetite and give the energy and enthusiasm to exercise. Also if you do ever work up the courage to talk to a woman it will make you last forever. Take a few days off it every 2 weeks though else you'll get addicted to it and the withdrawal is a bit shit.
Kill yourself
That's because your fat ass stops dieting. You need to change the way you eat permanently.