Yo Yea Forumsros I dropped a lot of LSD like 2 hours ago and need some trippy shit to look at please help thanks k bye

Yo Yea Forumsros I dropped a lot of LSD like 2 hours ago and need some trippy shit to look at please help thanks k bye.

Attached: alexgrey.jpg (2560x1440, 1.01M)

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how to turn a sphere inside out on youtube

thanks but i've seen that before :C

have you tried one of those Mandelbrot set zoom videos
pCpLWbHVNhk is a pretty long one

have you seen the Eric andre show great to watch on acid

Losers like you should not take acid.


You should be out in the forest or on the beach with your mates.

Not tripping out by yourself and fucking /b

You pathetic prick

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If you dropped a lot you shouldnt need anything at all

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I cant imagine peaking indoors


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don't bother with things that your sober mind thinks are "trippy"

a compilation of funny videos, or close calls, or "crazy shit caught on video" will blow your mind tho. The faster the editing from one clip to the next, the better.

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I need you to this right now OP. look up a timelapse of a cruise ship or a cargo ship over the course of like a month

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Later on.

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This video always used to trip me the fuck out when on LSD.


Also, fire up dope ass music for tripping like Pink Floyd, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Hinkstep, and watch the ITunes visualizer. Its fucking brilliant.


WTF do we need this bitch for. There's 99 other porn threads here.


put on some infected mushroom or sphongle to this

why would someone decorate their post with an image on an imageboard? i am offended

or be a real man op, and get into a completely dark room during the peak and meditate

nigga wut

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Highly recommend sphongle

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lol , u need trippy things to look at while tripping hahahahaaa

>lsd elitists

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everything you do is a balloon!

We are one with Animal Soul the math is in the palm of the hands in front of you. You're never there yet.

You're never there yet.

Don't forget this. DO NOT.

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what the fuck are you talking about you cringy fucking loser faggot, kill yourself please.

Close your eyes instead. Let it take you away

r u ok mister