Would you colonize a black women?
Would you colonize a black women?
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I have and would again. Wouldn’t marry one but man are they a good fuck
No fucking way
Are you gay?
i wana fuck a dark black petite girl with a bubble butt so badly
or 1 of those thick mature black women that look like theyre built for fucking
The blacker the better
Only an Octoroon.
I colonized a mixed girl
What does it mean?
Only one of her great grandparents were black.
Ah ty. Too diluted for me
Breed yes.
Marry no.
ewwwwww revolting black women who have white cracker fat ass DNA in their blood.
Why not? Just curious
Still no sauce on this yet?
Posting real African girls without any fat lazy ass American DNA in them
What's to complain about?
Because I'm not interested in spending a lot of time with them?
Fuck off, take your white lazy fat ass girls, they aint true black and they certainly aint African, they have been polluted with cracker DNA
Why is that a question?
This is dumb. Middle is clearly mixed and if you've looked at native Africans there are plenty of girls who are definitely not petite.
Because your question was bizarre.
im not a fan of niggers but if she has a cool personality maybe
I'd be willing to breed and marry a lighter skinned black person like in this webm but not a darker skinned one like in the OP. When the skin is too dark it's just a turn off for me.
I live in Africa, don't tell me that fat cracker ass is the normal for African women.
Any way a bit of European blood is OK, it's when they have that fucking fat ass JEW, gypsy, homosexual blood in them that makes them revolting. Basically Hitler threw all the scum of society out of Europe they fled to the USA and forever polluted the gene pool in the USA with fat ass lazy JEW blood.
By the way, who is she?
ayy lmao
Live in detroit. Some beautiful black girls here. I have slept with a few. My ex had a big ass. Miss that sometimes.
Yep that's what JEW blood does to beautiful black women, they look like the offspring of fucking NeckBeards ffs
JEW Neckbeard DNA in that bitch
have a pic of my sister in that same swimsuit. shes white though.
>Would you colonize a black women?
Is this nigga for real
jesus Id let her rape me
Sauce on her??
this makes the black man angry
A black AMERICAN woman with fat ass cracker DNA and as she is already in the USA you aint doing any colonising.
Can't say I'm into older women, but 's okay if that's your type.
Post it for comparison.
man back when I was on tinder there were so many good looking black girls in orange county. a lot of dudes come on strong with wanting to fuck but if you treat them with a sliver of decency they latch onto it hard and it got me a lot of pussy. Best part is I was nutting in all of them, part of me hopes I knocked a few of their fine asses up
Show pics to decide superior race
I fully understand you
Goddamn that's tight
qt intellectual black gf needed
Blacks cannot be colonized. Whites help them at every opportunity and they go and fuck it up.
Look at south Africa.
I live in South Africa country is about 1000 levels better than that shithole JEW neckbeard hellhole the USA
one sec let me find it
please stop
Keep you JEW neckbeard DNA bitches back in the shithole USA
I already have.
black women know how to have sex very well
Race is the most inconsequential aspect of a person so absolutely I would. But white women who fuck black guys are disgusting.
>kissing a ho
the only way wh*toids can get a real woman
I'd colonise whatever's willing tbqh
>all these pale amerimutts
>all these sticcs
Salty nigger
Fuck you i'am not fat
No thanks, black people have a bad pool gene
How stupid are you, they have the largest most diverse gene pool of all the races.
The reason is that all the other races inbred with their cousins too much.
so many diverse flavors of shit
You're literally retarded.