Is it ok to date 16 yo as a 40yo man, its legal in my country

Is it ok to date 16 yo as a 40yo man, its legal in my country,

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How could you stand a 16yo girl?
You must have the mentality of a child.
I’d rather have a conversation with a dog.

This, mental maturity is something i value in people and some girls don't really have a different body later in their lives. I always wondered why pedos don't just get a petite gf and have everything in their heads. Can't be that hard, non?

girls act their boyfriends age.

im telling you on behalf of a friend.

>how can you stand a woman with an average iq of 75.
talking to a woman is like having a conversation with a potato.

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Yes, ACT. 16 year olds still un-ironically have that justin bieber shrine and horse pictures flying arround only to mention the visible deal breakers.

not the ones that have older boyfriends.

just telling you on behalf of a friend.

Then tell that friend that his fetish is probably ruining a life of a person and that he should gently kill himself.

he told me to tell you that you're a moralfag nigger who sucks nigger cocks.

not my words though. his.

It's actually legal in a large number of states in the US. But people your age are going to think you are a pedophile.