You have 60 seconds to identify a flaw in this perfect woman's gorgeous beauty!

You have 60 seconds to identify a flaw in this perfect woman's gorgeous beauty!

Attached: gnd10.jpg (1024x767, 108K)

editing has literally caused them to be void of any pores
that's a flaw cause you can't get rid of sweat

She's white

The middle one fucks niggers, she's a genetic dead end.

Fake looking tits and shit hair

Found the normie who doesn't like bimbos. Nice fucking quads those normie. What a waste on this comment.

Pointy elbows

hot dumb girls are great.

Attached: gnd5.jpg (754x1024, 122K)

Bimbos are disgusting. nigger.

Quads have spoken

implants plastic surgery and photo editing is needed to make these 7/10s get anywhere near the rating you think they are

brown eyes

quads of truth, go jack off to furry porn faggot

>Likes bimbos
>Is furry?

I think your brain cells need a recount

Dubs have spoken, furfag

why the fuck is one of the Dahm triplets censored out?
Is OP being a fag or what?

Attached: 1432737543148.jpg (631x950, 146K)

posting pictures of triplets until I have an answer

Attached: 1432737459095.jpg (700x576, 91K)

Attached: 1432658591783.jpg (700x1454, 172K)

I can't, but they're 100% fake bimbos, so it's irrelevant.

Attached: 1414235441287.jpg (530x800, 83K)

The hair looks unnatural

Attached: C-Kj4GcUIAAigr-.png (960x1200, 1.66M)


Attached: 1414235396466.jpg (530x800, 103K)

the one of the far left has a horse face.

not triplets of any family. pay attention

Attached: gnd2.jpg (749x1024, 133K)

oh, thought they were the dahm triplets.
then ok who the fuck are they and why the fuck is one censored?
pic unrelated, identical quadruplets

Attached: rsz_pyfrom_quadruplets_group_-_0860_2-2.jpg (3500x2336, 1.24M)

from bottom to topBridget "The Pig" Marquadt
Kendra Wilkinson
Holly Madison

>the pig
why is the pig censored out?
now you're just coming across as autistic, weird and funny... like the guy on /fit/ who takes pictures of people who post, photoshops their nipples off and archives them on his harddrive.
post an uncensored version of the OP pic

Attached: crimmins triplets.jpg (640x410, 33K)

More? and can I date two at the time?

I like to look at pretty girls not ugly girls is it that complicated? ffs I'm not your personal google machine.

only other pic I have saved.
they have a couple of prank videos on their youtube before they became singers but like all twins/triplets/quadruplets they're only famous because they are twins/triplets/quadruplets.

ah so OP's an autistic fag then? sounds about right

Attached: pyfrom quadruplets-16.jpg (510x600, 31K)

you're the one with the truckload of fetish pics dude

>not having a twin/multiples folder on your fap harddrive
fucking newfags on this website now holy shit

Attached: 1544639169034.jpg (540x546, 87K)


No cock