What would you do?
What would you do?
Demand a name change just to spite her.
lol to be honest I would be fucking pissed if someone who I decided to share a child or even a life with did this without telling me
Is this a YLYL thread?
its just a name so who fucking cares
It’s not just a name, it’s deception.
You have a right to feel uneasy about it. She never was honest about where the name came from and the fact that she was hesitant to tell her old friend was that she knew it was a weird thing to do.
Demand a name change
Then pretty much just cheat on her until she knows she’s nothing anymore
Which implies more deception.
Pretty obvious she named the boy after his father.
What if she got pregnant by the ex and thats why she picked that name. ayyy lmao
goddamn it, you beat me to it
Step out for a pack of smokes, come back and tell my son stories of my life as the captain of a vessel trading bananas for corn chips to the natives of a Sumatran jungle, 18 years later when he's legally able to change his stupid fucking"unique name"
Chuckle and call out my ex gfs names next time I'm plowing her.
My first action would be to get an immediate paternity test.
I've met a lot of girls who had parents name them after past lovers or friends. its weird. why the fuck would you even do that to yourself?
he was probably super important in her life besides the fact that they dated, I think he's overthinking it.
Not read this bullshit
You’re the type of cuck that would prep your bull
No. It was a tribute to her lost love.
Why else would she lie about it?
Is the child mine?
Then who gives a fuck. Both people are weirdos, her for reusing a name of a lover and him for caring enough to shame her. Two weirdos perfect for each other.
Dude, it's just a name, maybe she liked it
Also, is he dead, I bet he's dead
Just checked comment history, they ended up divorcing
good. thats some weird ass shit. a relationship is about being together not fucking some bullshit about some old fling.
Listen to:
You are a fucking cuck
nice dubs