Rate her body and what u think about it ? Too skinny, fat, little tits ..
Rate her body and what u think about it ? Too skinny, fat, little tits
Easton Diaz
Luke Diaz
Love her body
Xavier Wood
id lick her belly button.
Hunter Miller
show more of her
Owen Hall
fucking great
Easton Gray
Wide hips + little tits is a great combo. Let’s see the ass though, and the pussy, to make sure it’s not a disaster
Asher Evans
Jose Moore
Alexander Price
Wide hips but not fat are good. Definitely a real female worth holding onto. Got a similarly shaped girl myself and she's wife material.
I agree with the other user lets see the booty
Mason Wilson
Looks grab-able and probably has a little bit of throw the way her hips are positioned. Nice job with her, 8.3/10