'Stop eating meat to save the planet'

'Stop eating meat to save the planet'

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She is aspie, her social impact should be close to null. That's like an unspoken rule.


It's unspoken because you're incapable of communicating your thoughts clearly haha

Plants have feelings too! Even though they can't scream when you kill them they still die in total agony.

>Have a heart! Eat a rock!

>wow some teenager with a face like a meatball is telling me how to save the planet. she's so wise

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Haha, yeah! imagine taking her seriously...
oh.. right. Sweden.

How did this happen? At what point did the adults become so retarded they decided dumbass teenagers with zero life experience are worth listening to?

Oh. Nevermind then.

Why the fuck is everyone in this thread afraid of a 16 year old girl?

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She has already accomplished at 16 more than any of you will have in all of your life.
Now whine some more.

Now I will eat double the amount of meat!

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the planet does not need to be saved.


You’re really an idiot.


'i'm so courageous for not going to school'

and they called me a juvenile delinquent when I did the same thing.

stop hybrid

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She looks like a psycho.

Unironically they make the best meatballs on this planet.

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avert unnecessary abortions. swallow my load

>save the planet
>consumes 8 times more resources per day than someone on the third world
ok ((((berg))))

Someone sane please explain to me why she is a fucking thing?
Some random girl saying "save the planet"? Half the worlds kids probably say shit like that. Why is she a phenomenon?

not eating meat would have zero impact on global warming

I work for my money and pay taxes. That's more contribution to society than she ever did.

> be me
> autistic fem fag
> love being green
> violate laws and go on strike
> adults hate me for being a turd leftie
> "they are crybabies"

Need the image of a jew pointing at climate change and the title says "the great distraction" has he rubs his hands in the second frame watching millions of niggers and muslims enter europe

go suck her dick then idiot

Vegans literally have the worst diet because they consume way more carbs (french fries) and sugar (candy, soda) when they get depressed which is often and will more likely die of heart disease faster than a zero carb dieter who eats mostly meat and drinks water, tea or coffee.

this has to be bait right...

Nope. Not a zero carb guy, but Ive been in ketosis for a while now and I've lost weight, have more energy and my mind feels clearer than ever. I tried the vegan thing, my belly gained weight and I just lost muscle mass and felt sad all the time like a little bitch.

Suck And Swallow

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She's also Swedish so probably their new national idol

Imagine some 15 year old girl skipping school to protest against mass immigration from Muslim countries.

She's cute and smart though, I believe that she will, in two or more years, start protesting real issue which is muslim flood of europe.