Hey Yea Forums what is your opinion on the pewdiepie vs Tseries thing...

Hey Yea Forums what is your opinion on the pewdiepie vs Tseries thing. Tbh I think that pewds deserves to be the number one channel because of how much time and effort he put onto his channel and for his fans, unlike tseries that gained subs by subbots and the amount of braindead streetshitters that subbed to that shitty channel.
It is honestly sad that they passed him in subs :( wish there was something we could do about it.

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pew need to go full /pol/ to get more subscribers.

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who the fuck is pewdiepie



his content is awfully boring without any originality, he admits it himself yet people watch him.

only thing i respect is him being unapologetic to sjws

You genuinely talk like he has passed away drowning in dog shit, you faggot. Stop drinking soymilk and go be this much of a whiny faggot somewhere else.

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I think it's a proxy war between youtube and pewdiepie..

they are trying to get him out of the spotlight and get a more controlled channel at the top.

coporation channels shouldn't be put in the same category as human channels

just like

Entertainment (corp channels)

This might be the first time I've seen this meme actually be 100% legitimate. His home country going full cuck couldn't have helped either.

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Holy shit, is that Miesha Tate?! Moat??

No one cares including the guy himself.

Thats exactly what I thought!!!!

what my opinion is? my opinion is that I don't give a shit. how old are you? this guy literally makes videos for little children.

I used to think he was an annoying faggot for the longest time, but only recently have I grown to like him.

you're a fucking disgrace

That pewdie-pie dude lives near me, met him at a hardware store (B&Q)

Seemed nice enough

Seems like a nice, genuine guy who can be pretty funny at times but generally his content is repetitive and I can't give a shit about his thing with T-Series.

Err... I mean, PewDiePie is a fag and so are you.

I'll support any individual creator vs a pooinloo corporation channel.

this guy gets it

uhhhh guys

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I need answers

Search on the archive

how do

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holy fuck are you actually retarded? google search this old fucking leak you massive retard its been out for fucking ever.

why the fuck does anyone give a shit about either of them?


very young children and extremely pathetic autistic adults are the only ones that care.

Pathetic zoomers who claim that pewdiepie screaming like a faggot in his videos somehow helped them go through depression.

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It's just fun to root for a team, to feel included and to feel like you're doing something.

Subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Why only retards get trips?

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