god I FUCKING HATE YOU CLASSICFAGS. YOU JUST WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE ALL DAY FOR FUCKING CLASSIC SHIT. it's SHIT. IT WILL BE SHIT. How can't you FUCKING SEE THAT? IT WILL BE SHIT. God I have never WANTED TO SEE SOMETHING FAILSO BADLY. All that fucking time I've spent in Legion and doing Warfronts, all of the BFA Mythic dungeons. all taken. Do you not understand people have SPENT REAL LIFE MONEY On these mounts? As in that's how rare they are? Its a EVENT to have them. We can't even use them in fucking classic, BECAUSE OHHH WE WANT TO GO BACK. How can we SAHSFGASFHGFSA FUCKING IDIOTS. GOD I FUCKING HATE HOW YOU'RE ALL GOING TO JUST SAY THE SAME HSIT AND JUST RUIN THIS FOR US. PLEASE. God I pray THIS shit gets CANCELLED EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. I REALLY thought it was going ot be cancelled and then when I saw these TERRIBLE fucking bluepost shits about classic, now we've got all this classic shit. you can't go ANYWHERE in bfa right now, without them talking aobut classic, classic classic, classic in guikld chat, classic in trade, classic, everybody fucknig classic, youtubers, everybody just FUCK OFF. JUST FUCK OFF. what a waste of fucking time I hate all of you SO FUCKING MUCHCHCHSSDASDASD

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deal with it

I think playing wow back in the day was kind of ok, but its pretty fucking lame these days user.

I gave up with the panda expansion.

Imagine being this worked up over a videogame.. sad.

What's your armory bruh?

Not played since Pandas but I think I'll give classic a try.

>Anonymous 04/19/19(Fri)16:34:18 No.797783340▶
>god I FUCKING HATE YOU CLASSICFAGS. YOU JUST WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE ALL DAY FOR FUCKING CLASSIC SHIT. it's SHIT. IT WILL BE SHIT. How can't you FUCKING SEE THAT? IT WILL BE SHIT. God I have never WANTED TO SEE SOMETHING FAILSO BADLY. All that fucking time I've spent in Legion and doing Warfronts, all of the BFA Mythic dungeons. all taken. Do you not understand people have SPENT REAL LIFE MONEY On these mounts? As in that's how rare they are? Its a EVENT to have them. We can't even use them in fucking classic, BECAUSE OHHH WE WANT TO GO BACK. How can we SAHSFGASFHGFSA FUCKING IDIOTS. GOD I FUCKING HATE HOW YOU'RE ALL GOING TO JUST SAY THE SAME HSIT AND JUST RUIN THIS FOR US. PLEASE. God I pray THIS shit gets CANCELLED EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. I REALLY thought it was going ot be cancelled and then when I saw these TERRIBLE fucking bluepost shits about classic, now we've got all this classic shit. you can't go ANYWHERE in bfa right now, without them talking aobut classic, classic classic, classic in guikld chat, classic in trade, classic, everybody fucknig classic, youtubers, everybody just FUCK OFF. JUST FUCK OFF. what a waste of fucking time I hate all of you SO FUCKING MUCHCHCHSSDASDASD
> Anonymous 04/19/19(Fri)16:35:17 No.797783397▶
> (OP)
>deal with it
> Anonymous 04/19/19(Fri)16:36:07 No.797783448▶
>I think playing wow back in the day was kind of ok, but its pretty fucking lame these days user.

Lmao look at this faggot ass nigger, needs the new carebear version of wow to even be able to play at all. Probably plays a panda or a worgen, faggot ass nigger never would have been able to play in BC, would've been in a guild of 14 people that die on the first boss of heroics.

Attached: th-6.jpg (332x320, 45K)

Cringiest thread