I wanna visit the US, but got no real idea where to go and where to stay
any b-tard got some room? I'd pay for our food and drinks while you show me around
and I wanna go to a gun range, never shot a gun in my life
I wanna visit the US, but got no real idea where to go and where to stay
Are you sure you don't just wanna kys?
You can even go to a shooting range in europe so why do you need to go to america?
I wanna visit the country, and on european shooting ranges you can't fire machine guns
My european country have more guns per citizen then america. We can just go out in the woods and shoot at trees. You jealous?
really? nice m8
where you from?
Where you from?
Some hill billy town in austria kek?
you need the guns with all the gypsies around
We still go to woods here in the USA to shoot, own several guns and never been to a "range". Despite the world's image of America, most of it is still rural, stay away from the coastal cities- where all the libtard gun haters live.
They family
It's hard to fire machine guns in the US too. Automatic weapons have been illegal for civilians since 1986. The only ones you can fire would be at military events (unlikely) or grandfathered weapons produced before '86. Grandfathered weapons are hard to find, and even harder to buy, requiring large sums of money an special licensure.
well, it's not mainly because of the guns, I really wanna visit the country
If I love guns but lean toward the left socially does that make me a libtard?
A decent sized town in the north. They’re great in the summer
In Idaho, we have a gun range that not only has the only indoor 100yd range in the NW, but has machine gun rentals. If you get a membership, you get a free machine gun rental (not counting bullets) on your birthday. They allow all kinds of guns, up to 50 bmg. Not to mention there are a lot of places to go shooting outdoors for free, if you don't mind driving a bit.
anyone open for a visitor to show around?
We don't want you here and foreigners aren't welcome at gun ranges fuck off chink
not chink, german
Look into WWOOF or Diverbo. Not sure if they work for people visiting the USA, but they do for other countries so it's worth a try.
contact insta qabusen
You could sleep at my rpom
l could rent it for u for a very cheap price. Would show you aroung
How Long wouldnu plan to stay
I think two weeks max
cool, where you from?
From Massadchusetts
I'm in Indian River Shores Florida, you can stay in my guest house if you're white. I'm on the ocean. There are a bunch of hotels right here too.
Your retarded. You can do machine gun rentals at like a third of all shooting ranges you uneducated ignorant fag.
lol one big wave and you're flushed
Bring your cracker ass the fuck over to East Cleveland Ohio. Bring cash money mothafucka.
>indian river shores
>if youre white
the irony of you inbred southern nazi faggots is astounding
ya, know this old guy who collects guns..he turns all of his into full autos but i have not talked to him in a while..we would shoot on his farm but when you rat ta tat tatun with a machine gun you get a bit nervous even in the sticks...
>I wanna visit the US, but got no real idea where to go and where to stay
>any b-tard got some room? I'd pay for our food and drinks while you show me around
>and I wanna go to a gun range, never shot a gun in my life
This isn't the male-sseking-male section of Craig's list, fag.
As l said, Rent my room for u for 2 weeks for $300 included wi-fi + 2 meals
Would show u around and set up things to do
You could also plan it yourself