Keep spinning lefties

Keep spinning lefties.
Maybe pelosi will save you.... Oh wait she's already said she's not going to impeach.

Attached: donald-j-trump-realdonaldtrump-no-collusion-no-obstruction-complete-and-47486145.png (500x370, 45K)

Its better to watch this fat ass bitch burn is his office anyway. Russian shit or not this pig is fried. And you should cut off your dick/tits or both and die

>a billionaire has my best interests at heart
>No I'm not a retard, memes memes memes memes memes, your memes aren't as good as mine

These kids now N days

Just a quick question. How does it feel to support a president too stupid to commit obstruction? He sure did try, but didn’t succeed.

>>report specifically said "does not exonerate"
>>orange monkey says "total exoneration"

Aparently retard supporters are pretty proud about it. It's like they grab for anything that could support trump, even if it actually doesn't support him.

lol all these sad American kids using this fat narcissistic old bastard as a father replacement. It's pathetic to watch, you're literally feeding your own country to the greedy billionaires and you don't even realize it.

This is what an empire in decline looks like - women slutting around and cucking men, and men worshipping fat useless fucks.

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Sanders is a millionaire. You think he does?
I think Trump wants whats best for the country as a whole. And objectively speaking he has done a pretty good job. Better then obama and bush to say the least.

Man, I like how Americans follow the president as if he were a godhead... And loves cap locks cruise control.

Heh. You know, I can't wait for the congressional inquiry to begin. I wonder who Americans will elect as the next president... an orangutan? A potted fern? Perhaps a cereal box?

It's not their job to exonerate retard. They litterally couldn't do it. The fact that there wasn't any evidence of cullusion is in itself exonerating.

That's not what that means.
If any of you guys think that this is over, you're pretty out of it.
Congress still has to have the FBI and witnesses come forward to testify.
If you also think Trump will have the support of the Republicans for the next coming election if he isn't impeached, I wouldn't bet any money on it.

I would. Is there a way to set up a bitcoin bet between us?

No he hasn't.

Ya not the whole point, typical old person behavior of only focusing on a single point and trying to disprove it, while everyone else has already addressed it and are focused on a bigger picture. Don't post if you can't keep up

Statistics speaks for themselves.

There are almost no left wing politicians in the US. But the few brave ones are gaining major support by the people. No wonder you are so very afraid.

If i wasn't the type to look at the bigger picture i wouldnt even like Trump newfag

Depends where you get your statistics from.

Just do a quick Google of things he hasn't done or something similar. Places like Google or Facebook under built to change your opinion, as long as you actually do the search you will find that information

Ye, Trump started with a great Obama economy!

The fact that you like trump is proof that you don't. But either way you think you do, so keep going till you get there I guess.

Next president is going to be picking up after trump the whole tire, and nothing is going to progress.

The only reason he wasn't charged was because his aides didn't fire Mueller or interfere in the investigation when he asked them too. He tried to obstruct justice, but the people around him were less corrupt.

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If your saying I don't age and can scream for along time, then ya I'm for it

I win, bitch