Who are you voting for after the impeachment?

Who are you voting for after the impeachment?

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It would be nice to not have another Jew embarrass the country like Trump.

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dick glans

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Your image is taken out of context. Fucking sleaze ball

How about a literal poop instead of this figurative one?


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Try learning to read boyo, he said that because he was being wrongfully accused, you took it out of context. See you when Trump wins in 2020 libtard.

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Whichever dem wins the nomination.

Not even understanding how procedures work after an impeachment that will never happen.

w-w-we g-got'em t-this time, r-r-right g-guys? i-it's o-only been almost t-t-three y-years... g-guys?

holy shit, You alt leftists are so pathetic hahaha

its not even funny


>the impeachment?
Maybe you missed todays news but that is off the table now.

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why would that be an impeachable offense when the Mueller report cleared trump today?

not to the salt-left no rofl

trump will beat any of those losers. You got a fag, a commie, and a negro.

I know, people still hanging on to impeachment even after trumps exoneration.

They have no viable canidate. The far left socialists underestimate the American disdain for commies. You just read twitter and MSM and think they run the place but in real life, they don't.

Only Joe Biden is a moderate by any stretch of the term, and he's not officially running, and he's also a weird creep. Bernie Sanders is an actual communist who has the financial mental capacity of a turnip. AND he's an old, white male so the dems are having a hissy fit over him, because they read the same stupid MSM you do, with its identity politics and MUH diversity garbage.

The moderate dems will have no choice but to either not vote, or vote for Trump since by comparison he is sane vs. the dem field. The democrats are so fucked that unless John Fucking Kennedy rises from the dead, and fufills his debt to The King of Gondor, there is no way 2020 is a dem win.

Impeachment doesnt remove you from office
If removed mike pence would be taking over no election
Dems top candidates are a literal pederast and the ghost of che gueverre

It’s mildly funny

Is it though?

Nobody says they are fucked when they are innocent....Trump cried like a pussy

Because he didn't?

Even worse..I know, people still saying "lock her up"

Tin foil hat detected

Wrong. Did you even read all of that or just the highlighted parts?

It is. Read the whole thing

Haha funny joke

actually he did.

Hillary should have been locked up for just being a worthless cunt.

Trump got by on a cunt hair in 2016, and has exclusively catered to that base which elected him.
His administration is dysfunctional and corrupt, he can't seem to keep himself from going out of his way to say stupid shit or fuck up what should be political slam dunks, especially what he wanted to feather his cap with (Wall Shutdown, Nork Peace talks)
It is way too much chaos for relative peacetime, and Trump has done nothing but whined, complained, and been a defiant asshole against anything that contradicts his own bullshit, i.e. our intelligence agencies on Iran.
He doesn't take the job seriously, he might be going senile, and has no apparent skills or wisdom beyond his stand up routine at the podium.
In a year, his brain is going to rot from all the McD's grease, and Dems just have to forward someone who can speak in complete sentences and effectively highlight his fuckups.

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He's actually been very successful. But hate america liberals like yourself are so blinded that you can't see that.

The Mueller report was the final nail in your little rage fest.

Hi user, I think you might want to check out this server.



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>He's actually been very successful
So what happened to draining the Swamp?
Repealing and Replacing Obamacare?
The Wall?

Judge declared Obamacare unconstitutional without the individual mandate. It's on its deathbed.
In progress.

wall is being built. Obamacare was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge. Now that the mueller witch hunt is over we're going after the swamp that started it.

Even if Trump were impeached, Pence would be president. Vote still isn't until 2020.

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>Billionaires, Yes Men, His friends, no one actually qualified for the Job
>It's on its deathbed.
So where's the replacement? 10 years of bitching, where is the GOP's replacement?
>wall is being built
Where did he magically get 25 billion all of a sudden?
The Pentagon has granted him 1 billion.

Doesn't matter where the replacement is. Obamacare will be a footnote in history soon, and all the liberal leeches dragging the system down can die the fuck off. Once they can't get state sponsored medical treatment for the self inflicted crotch wound they like to think is a vagina, maybe it'll fester and eat them from the inside. It'd be fucking glorious.

>and all the liberal leeches dragging the system down can die the fuck off
Kinda how the top 10 states most dependant on federal aid are red, huh?

>Kinda how the top 10 states most dependant on federal aid are black, huh?
ftfy, fren