>30 year old
>never had a gf
Anyone else?
30 year old
23. Never gf. Never sex. Never in love. Im going insane as a result.
Right here bro.
34, nope, don't want one, don't need one, don't care.
I want a relationship now that I think about it. But I'm like a kid at a toy store, I want THAT one. Not just anyone. The goth girls I knew with a personality I wanna forget they're whores and drug users or trash. Or more mature than me.
I lost this, for example. I want to live my life again.
Kissless virgin until 29. Hopeless, suicidal.
Got /fit, got /fa, learned social stuff, body language, pickup game. Banging hot 20 year olds on the rgular now
It's you. Work the problem.
Have you tried sucking cock?
Bfs are much easier to get
23, Had a gf for almost 5 years. Broke it off, now i havent gotten anything for 2 years.
Going from regular readily available pussy to none at all for 2 years is rough.
>tfw you'll never have abs like mr perfect
Lost my virginity at 22, body count over 40.
What's your major malfunction user?
I’ve sucked off / been sucked off lots of guys but none of them want to be my boyfriend :-(
Yeah but I'm gay and I have a boyfriend
Married with three kids and a wife that stopped giving a crap years ago. You incels won the genetic lottery and you don't even realize it; you assholes are free
When I was 30 I never had a gf. I am 42 now married. Don't worry you will get there if you want it.
welcome to the club, fellow wizard
How the hell is that even possible. I'm 33, fat, and have a small dick. Married with kids, never had an issue getting laid. I'm ugly as fuck, if I can do it, anyone can.
What age did you get married at?
I know a suprising number of ppl like that. Most of them are even rather alright, have friends, are liked, also by girls.
But there is always something with them that removes them from the market.
One is 35 and still lives with his parents,
The other has a tendency to drop something really awkward and innapropriate very often, which is forgiven but not forgotten.
The third one is funny, (in a good way), has a well paid job, but has two cats who he is CRAZY about (you cannot bring chocolate to his house because the tiny pieces that break off could poison the cats)
None of them is ugly of fat. They just crossed that line of awkwardness that still doesn't remove them from society, but does remove them from the market.
My point is - if you're 33 and never had a girlfriend, reason is not that you're fat or ugly - you're doing something really really wrong socially and either don;t know it, or pretend not to notice.
i love going to massage parlors. theyre hot sometimes, but the service is worth it. i love flirting with whores
How did you learn the social stuff? Force yourself to go outside and talk to people?
I see all the drama and noise humaning brings and I'm glad I don't.
18, had just two sexual partners (plus one which was like almost but she said no just before it was my turn), I am already starting to feel wizard powers.
Will I die alone?
That's the thing, I'm awkward as fuck. My wife tells her friends when we're hanging out that I'm not an asshole, I'm just "anti-social". She's suggested I was a sociopath before, still doesn't stop me from getting laid. I don't understand being in your 30s and unable to find a girl yet. Shit dude, even the methheads I see walking around my town are with bitches.
Half of me is thinking
>30 years and no gf
>wtf is wrong with you
>you've missed so much
>and you're damn near irredeemable
The other half is thinking
>no gf
>no wife
>I'd have so much more time
>I could do anything
>I'd have so much more money
>and I could just buy whores or something for pennies on the dollar
I honestly don't know which I'd choose af this point.
Metheads are probably not a good example since they fuck among themselves.
If you're as awkward as I described then you probably have at least a bit of confidence at least. Also, you are aware you are awkward - that, coupled with intelligence and mentioned confidence, can make you an interesting person.
Remember: nobody is normal. It's how we deal woth it and how we present ourselves.
4 more years until wizard.
I don't know why I bother living at this point.
29, fucked with two women, hung out with one of them for a short time, socially uneducated/retarded
lifes fucked
you're normal, get out.