I just took two and a half 10mg tabs of Apaurin (25mg total). It has now been about 3 hours ago and I can barely feel anything. My body feels kinda heavy and my balance is a litty off, but I feel no euphoria or head-high. I got it from a friend that usually gets high off 10-15mg so I know it's legit stuff.
I should add it's my first time trying benzos and I was expecting a very different effect, despite not knowing the first thing about valium.
Any thoughts on what's going on?

Also general benzo thread I guess

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benzos don’t get you high by themselves. they are literally the worst recreational drug ever.

they make you feel fuzzy and sleepy

Do you recommend drinking alcohol with it, then?
How can it be a bad recreational drug when it's famously addictive?

it’s addictive because it makes you need it to feel normal, not because it makes you feel good

The only reason someone would tell you that they are not good is they haven't taken enough. Have a bit of coffee with them to fight off the initial sleepiness. 1 to 3 just relaxes you... nothing. 5-7 of them will set you on a decent mind set for adventure. 12-20 over the course of a day and people will have to tell you about the insane shit you did. Don't have alcohol with them or you will get sloppy and pass out. Best with weed.

also don't mix with opiates. You can go into a medically induced coma.

Tread lightly if you mix it with booze. I once took a decently high dose of Xanax and sipped a 40. 1/2 through it and I was practically drooling. Shit sneaks up on you. Tbh though, mixing it with uppers is prob a great combo, a classic too. Just exercise caution—you can always take more.

that's what benzos feel like

nothing -- just no anxiety, no weight on your chest if you were feeling it before

not my favorite type of drugs to abuse, mixed with alcohol you simply just blackout until you wakeup. lol not that fun, but works amazing for anxiety benzos do