I'll can be alone in my sister's (pic related) room for the next few hours dubs decides what I do

I'll can be alone in my sister's (pic related) room for the next few hours dubs decides what I do

Attached: Photo Apr 18, 6 29 02 PM.jpg (750x727, 277K)

Get her panties

Cum into her pantie drawer.

look for buzz and woody

Cum on her pillow and post pics

Sell her shit and buy a hooker for the night.

Claim a nigger broke in.

Take a shit but don't wipe, and smear your butt all over her bed.

You got dubs yourself so I suppose you get to decide what you do

Raid her laptop?

I mean come on what a fucking waste

if i get dubs please do this

She has her laptop and she's off at college sorry user :((

rate her laptop

This but take pics and send em to her.

Ok I'll cum and I'll post pics here but there's no fucking way I'm sending them to her

More pics of her?

Hurry up faggot the thread is dying.
Send pics to my kik sjaakdek

Attached: Photo Apr 18, 6 47 31 PM-min.jpg (3024x4032, 818K)

lolllllll op actually delivered
good job user

Leave it there for her to come home to

Want to see her underwear and your dick. .. Though don't actually cum in them or too obvious. Also moar pics of her?

Daamn nice, now post more pics of her

Nice. How old is she and how old are you? You fantasise about her or just making use of having her room to yourself?

i don't understand Calvin Klein underwear's fans. it kill my boner immediatly

the white/back kleins do it for me, but anything else is just eh, so long as the bra is also the same color klein.

Clean her room for her.

if she's like most chicks, she has a facial scrub.... ejaculate into that bottle


A) answer people's questions...? But i guess you've stopped now you've cum?

B) she have any toys?

Fucking hell....good job.. now send pic how u lick it


Cum on a dirty pair of panties and place them on her pillow

I want a nasty little Jewish Princess
With long phony nails and a hairdo that rinses
A horny little Jewish Princess
With a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma
Lonely inside
Well, she can swallow my pride

I want a hairy little Jewish Princess
With a brand new nose, who knows where it goes
I want a steamy little Jewish Princess
With over-worked gums, who squeaks when she cums
I don't want no troll
I just want a Yemenite hole

I want a darling little Jewish Princess
Who don't know shit about cooking and is arrogant looking
A vicious little Jewish Princess
To specifically happen with a pee-pee that's snapping
All up inside
I just want a princess to ride
Alright, back to the top... everybody twist!

I want a funky little Jewish Princess
A grinder; a bumper, with a pre-moistened dumper
A brazen little Jewish Princess
With titanic tits, and sand blasted zits
She can even be poor
So long as she does it with four on the floor

I want a dainty little Jewish Princess
With a couple of sisters who can raise a few blisters
A fragile little Jewish Princess
With Romanian thighs, who weasels 'n' lies
For two or three nights
Won't someone send me a princess who bites
Won't someone send me a princess who bites
Won't someone send me a princess who bites
Won't someone send me a princess who bites


Its all about fitting in. Just like using Apple products and drinking shitty Starbucks




Op deliver

Frank zappa is underrated af

Find her dildos and use them




prepare to be assfucked

He should wear that panty and fuck himself with her dildo

fuck yeah he should


Wear her panties and post a picture on social media

Dead thread?..