Donald Trump isn't getting impeached,entire Judal system...

Donald Trump isn't getting impeached,entire Judal system, Mueller and his entire team and General Attorney shown 0 crimes, yes 0 crimes from Donald Trump.

So all this time,the lying crooked media was lying liberals.If this is not good enough reason to leave Liberalism,I don't know what is it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Half his cabinet has been arrested. Doesn't that bother you a little bit?

*Judical but may as well call it Jewdical

she's such a mutt she really does look like a walking pile of butterscotch dog shit

/pol/ faggot. Nobody gives a fuck about how hard you wanna blow cheetos cock

>Half his cabinet has been arrested.

I don't think even 1/10th did, but what ever you say, son.I didn't voted for Michael Cohen a Liberal Democrat.

What the Mueller report showed:
- Trump got elected because of Russian meddling
- at least 10 times he tried to obstruct the investigation
- of those 10 either the order wasn't carried out or couldn't be proven that he had the intent to obstruct.

Did Trump get exonerated? The report was clear and resounding NO

More like 2 people from his campaign got arrested for shit they did long before Trump even considered running.

On the other hand all the lying about Trump is hardly the only reason or the best reason to leave the Democratic Party. What about all the racism? That argument that you can't have photo ID to vote laws because minorities are too stupid to get driver's licenses was racist enough for me, but now the whole idea of white privilege is basically a white supremacist theory. If there's a hierarchy and white men have been at the top for hundreds of years, then by god they must be superior and their whole theology is based upon that assumption, that women and minorities can't get ahead without some equalizing force because white men are just that superior.

Arrested or fired . I mean grow a pair

Election day all over again

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>>- at least 10 times he tried to obstruct the investigation
>>- of those 10 either the order wasn't carried out or couldn't be proven that he had the intent to obstruct.

Either he did obstruct or he didn't, you can't have it both ways.

Tru Tru but he's still a broke Jew who coward before putting . So fuck off commie leaving syria was enough for me get this commie fuck outa here

>Trump got elected because of Russian meddling
>actually believing this
How regularly do you watch CNN to be this dumb?

First, the Communist party took over the Democrat party about ten or so years ago (give or take a year).
Since then they've been in the process of destroying America so they can set it up for a Communist take-over.
Suddenly a Wild Trump Appears!
He starts fixing EVERYTHING, exposing CORRUPTION and now their plans are threatened.
There is now a 78 percent chance their plans will fail. That percentage rises daily.

Once you accept and understand that then it all becomes perfectly clear and it all makes sense.

Probably not as often as you stare at Fox News to be even dumber

One of the many Leftist Lies. (Stop thinking we're all as stupid and brainless as you.)

Your arrogance will be your undoing.

"Insult is always the first resort of idiots and fools." Socrates.

1. Russia interfered
2. They did it to help Trump
3. Trump wanted their help
4. Trump’s campaign met with the Russians to seek out that help
5. Trump and his campaign repeatedly lied about those contacts
6. Trump fired the FBI Director to stop an investigation into the matter

21,655 EX Democrats became Republicans, today!

>Thanks, Leftists! Keep up the good work and keep sending EX DEMS our way!

>le FOX News is propaganda!
>I only watch REAL news like CNN and MSNBC
How are you like this

But her emails

Time to grow up and accept that he's your president regardless of how much you like or hate him.
This is why we get to vote every 4 years.

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(There are thousands upon thousands of PAID LEFTIST SHILLS online all over the Internet every day! Keep this in mind before replying to obvious LEFTIST LIES.)

So is Trump the greatest mastermind of all time, able to collude with Russia to become the President of the United States and left a clean enough trail that they can’t get him on it, or is he an idiot? You don’t get to have both.

Check the laws jackass, impeachment us not based on broken laws but behavior...see ya!!

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That was a literal crime and she was let off the hook due to who she was. Normal people go to jail for way less.

Try to keep in mind that most of the people you're responding to are PAID SHILLS. Their only purpose for being here is to lie and to try to rustle your jimmies. Once you realize that then it will be impossible for them to rustle you at all.

the mueller investigation was initiated by, overseen by, and primarily conducted by life-long republicans. who is lying and crooked exactly when you try to pin this on the democrats?

Ah yes, he's done such a great job 'draining the swamp'

Trump is the greatest genius of all time in that he trolls the living shit out of all of you Leftists every fucking day while MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
(Oh, and just for your information, he's quietly replacing all the Liberal federal judges with Conservative ones while you're here wasting everyone's time with your bullshit.)

This Summer.Leaving Liberalsim: The movie.

well ivanka, and 4 other cabinet members have already been busted using private emails for WH business. Jared Kushner uses WhatsApp. So lets just call it even.



Here's another good one user

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He'd made a great start, to be sure. I mean look at how many Democrats and Leftists he's exposed.
I laughed so hard when he said he was going to put all the illegals in sanctuary cities and the Democrat Commie Leftists totally freaked out over it. They were trolled so fucking hard. I'm going to laugh about that for years!

your mom's a paid shill

good job ivan
.1 rubles

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.

Much better to do it free for the Motherland, Comrade?

Yep! The PAID SHILLS always give themselves away!


Honestly,how can Democrats trust their own media that has been bombing them with lies and distortion of reality all this time?At this point, they must be asking what is real and what isn't?
It must be mind fucked.It has been the most false conspiracy theory in history.


I'm looking forward to the day when it's legal to shoot commie bastards like you in the face. That'll be a grand day indeed!

There’s a difference in scale too. Clinton was State Sec at the time, with classified and sensitive material heading her way. Some staffers and Ivanka? Not so much.

Kushner might be a different story but precedent has been set now so if he went down for leaks due to carelessness the obvious question would be “why him and not Clinton?”. That’s why law must be applied equally and not just on people who don’t have the connections or power to get out of it.

Exactly! That's such a good point. Being a history buff, myself, I see countless times in History (particularly among the Communists and Leftists) where they all eventually begin believing their own bullshit and lies. This always leads to their undoing and defeat because they never learn not to fuck themselves over.

>we really wanted to get Trump but couldn’t find anything substantive after 2 years, so we’ll just leave some wording in here that will let us continue to spin the wheels on this collusion theory

"The investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts."

We've already go "punch a Nazi"
So soon user soon. I can't fucin' wait either. I'm ready for my last mission from God.

>The left is commie
>Russia helped Dump get elected
>The right supports and defends Russia

Where did you come up with that number?

They all know that with each day that Trump is President that's a day closer to their demise. Even Hillary Clinton, herself, said, "If that bastard gets elected we'll all be swinging from nooses" and she's right. All the criminals will eventually be brought to trial and to justice. It's only a matter of time.

What an idiot.

Go back to PoliSci 101.

The biggest victims are people on the Left who felt for the liberal media's lies.

Yet there where Progressives who were warning that this will happen if the Russia hoax doesn't end and look where we are now.

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>Republicans control all three branches of government for something like a year
>Don't reopen the investigation into Clinton
Must not be anything there.

>Kushner best buds with Saudia Arabia
>Giving info to them
>Trump Administration giving them information on nuclear technology

I have a hard time seeing how anyone can support this unamerican shit.

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1.987,495 people are asking right now, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?"
Another 2,486,921 people answered, "we have no idea but I wish they'd find out.
As for the other 6,941,228 people who took the survey, they just wish you'd fuck off.

The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred.

"Insult is always the first resort of idiots and fools." -- Socrates

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So where in the report does it demonstrate that the campaign was working with the Russians to aid their hacking efforts? Is it illegal for a country to prefer one candidate over another and work towards that goal?

Not only Trump is innocent according to Mueller special report and his team who spend tens of millions of taxpaying dollars for two and half years,but this has help Trump prove his point about the media.

It's April 2019 and look where we at now.

lol, this guy..please kys

The investigation made millions just in assets taken from Manafort. It also led to numerous indictments and several convictions.

Yeah, that’s the same thing. “We’re not saying that nothing criminal happened! We didn’t FIND anything but crimes MAY have been committed!”

Crimes MAY have been committed in literally 100% of people. If you can’t find it, there’s no crime.

>Whitch one of this peopke is not being investigated for colluding with Russia?

This guy

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Yes, if in working to that goal they commit crimes.

Who are you quoting? It's quite clear you're a retarded boomer with your brain dead mk ultra style of typing

Considering that there were still so many Obama hold-overs and Liberals in government at that time (like Comey) there was little point to opening new investigations since those same Anti-Trump forces would have forced an end to them.
(As we've so recently seen) Trump first had to defeat an attempted coup in order to stop the overthrow of the United States by enemy forces.
There are still things that need to be done but we'll soon start seeing bigger arrests that eventually lead up to the big fish like Clinton, Comey and Obama.

Kill yourself Ivan. No one cares. This thread is full of bots arguing with each other. I cannot believe anyone is stupid enough to fall for this obvious, cancerous bait.

good luck voting in other countries without an ID even Mexico City enforces this. Why so opposed to ID? there's different forms of ID than just a driver's license


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And another PAID SHILL exposes themselves.

They did find a lot of things stop trying to reduce it to nothing, a lot of things were found but they referred the conclusion to the DOJ. They're stressing a strong possibility of obstruction, and if obstruction happened who knows what went on behind closed doors we weren't able to find because it was hidden by the corrupt

Please go back to Facebook, better yet your retirement home.

>Is it illegal for a country to prefer one candidate over another and work towards that goal?

If they did what the Russians did in 2016, yes it's illegal.

Imagine being as cucked as OP is, god I’d kill my self. Probably an incel who wishes he could pay pornstars to fuck him like his master has to.

Gotta love desperate NPC shills who aren't aware that collusion hoax investigation is over for over 3 weeks !

But...but...wait can we have it all over again? Can I be FBI Director instead of Mueller? Please, please!


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Op is a russian,Yea Forums, And should die a slow painful death and 0 fucks would be given Ivan.

So all this time,the faggot russian shill keeps this format up.No space after the full stop,so you Know Ivan was here


Looks this was just a Special Counsel, not a Prosecutor. They were restricted to what they could and could not look into. This quote says what you need to know...

"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment."

In other words, "We would have looked more into this IF WE WERE A PROSECUTOR." What the report is saying is, they need a prosecutor to look into the obstruction.

Yeah, I know. But, the people who're paying them to do this are insisting that they just keep pushing the lie. It's basically just the same thing Joseph Goebbels did in Nazi Germany except he didn't have paid shills doing is work for him.

>Nigger faggot detected.

It still doesn't make Hillary the president....

But Benghazi

They found dick otherwise Trump would be getting thrown out of office, jailed and quite possibly executed for treason.

You do know that GW Bush appointed him to several position in the Government as well, right?

of course not, you are far more stupid and brainless...

>So all this time,the lying crooked media was lying liberals.

Don't remember the media reporting that he did it. Just remember them reporting it sure as hell LOOKED like he did it (trump tower meeting by his underlings with Russian spies, televised incitement for Russia to hack his opponent) and that he was under active investigation.

What the Democrats are ultimately pushing for is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM where you can vote ONLY for Democrats (You can vote for THIS lying scamming con artist or THAT lying scamming con artist but you CAN'T vote for another party.)

Did it take you that long to find your reading glasses or was your arthritis making it too hard to type?

Gad! It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly STUPID Leftists are. ALWAYS starting with insults (that don't work and just make you look retarded) is what gives you all away EVERY SINGLE TIME!

The hacking is illegal but its not like the US doesn’t have a history of fucking with other countries elections, and how much of an impact did the hacking and the Facebook posts even have? You’re just a salty bitchmade cunt who can’t cope with Trump being the President.

Guess we just need to kill the dipshit then. Hope whoever does it gets the rest of the republiscum while they're shootin. Gotta send a message clear enough their 2nd grade brains can comprehend. YOU'RE NOT WELCOME IN THIS COUNTRY

Your mother was a "literal crime"

Denial of reality
FBI = wrong
Special Counsel = wrong
General Attorney = wrong
Mueller's office = wrong
Mueller's team = wrong

CNN and MSNBC conspiracy theories and opinions = right

LMFAO seriously, it's time for the lying (((media))) to apologize for spreading a debunked conspiracy that could have triggered the war between nations.

>We know he did it but can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and don't want to risk sinking the country into a crisis because we don't have a slam dunk because Trump talked in 'Executive Speak'.

'Executive Speak' is a way of making your desires very clear to your underling, as well as the consequences of disappointing you, without actually connecting the two into an order to do something illegal.

>set up a special counsel to investigate whether or not the PRESIDENT COLLUDED WITH A FOREIGN POWER TO STEAL A FREE ELECTION
>oh we’re not prosecuting, someone else will need to do that

For a situation that sounds like it came straight out of a mediocre mid-90s action film, there doesn’t seem to be very much urgency.

and taking your money, health care and livelihood while he is at it....LIBERAL BONUS

He has good tard wranglers

I think you've confused containment boards. You want /pol/, the anti-semitic conspiracy containment board.

Yea Forums to focuses on generalized racism, gore, traps, and ylyl

Name calling? You seemed triggered.

0 crimes

Say it with me, 0 crimes

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Conversation is going nowhere, you just so desperately wanted this to happen that you can’t cope with the result of the report being exactly nothing.

Are we reading the same report faggot? If I was safe I would not be saying "I'm fucked this is the end of presidency".

It took Ken Starr almost 4 years, as a special prosecutor, before he could charge Bill Clinton. These things take time.

>anti semitic conspiracy

Why did Netanyahu slept in a bed of Jared Kushner at his house? Isn't Koshner a top advisor in Government?Why did a foreign leader slept in his bed?
What is Vladimir Putin slept in a bed of top American advisor married to President's daughter?

Does not exonerate him.

Well, this has been fun but I think I'm going to go and count my money. (At last count this "old boomer" had somewhere around twenty two or so million dollars but I don't bother counting too much, anymore.) It's been fun! Thanks for the entertainment! Bye.

Tighten up that tin foil hat.

*What if

You can't help me can you.

Because you aren't comprehending what the report says. What part of, "does not exonerate him," do you not understand?

As far as I know the same level of deconstruction hasn't been made public on the Russian influence campaign on the election, but look into the impact Cambridge Analytica had on the Brexit election for a comparison on what a private company could do.

Cole's notes is they were able to use technology to both identify and characterize eligible voters who were otherwise not on the radar of any of the major political parties and craft an influence campaign using micro-targeted ads (much more effective than basing the messaging on broad demographics) in such a way that the public at large was unaware of the many times conflicting promises. This wasn't an argument based on any principles, it was an engineered result. Now imagine what a Nation State like Russia could do.

>Trump is accused of something he didn't do.
>They proved he didn't do it.
>Doesn't mean he is isn't guilty

What the actual fuck? I mean I don't even care about his personally that much, but my God some liberals have such thick head.It's like talking to a brick of walls.

CNN fuming mad with finding ANYTHING at all. But under Law there's NOTHING. TRUMP 1, LIBERALS 0.

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trump fans are pathetic. sad.

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What is this image supposed to show other than the fact that whoever made it clearly has no idea how the theory of evolution works?


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No background on Kushner and Netanyahu's alleged liason so I won't comment, and the special relationship between Israel and the United States is hardly a secret so there's really no conspiracy to speak of there.

In either case neither would confirm an overarching conspiracy of world-domination by a Jewish cabal nor some co-ordinated control of mainstream media which is what I understand those parenthesis to mean.

You're talking about two different subjects.
There was no evidence of collusion between the campaign and the Russians.

However, the Special Counsel could not exonerate Donald from Obstruction of Justice. The Counsel mentions that had they been a Special Prosecutor they would have looked more into the Obstruction of Justice.

So, that innocent of collusion and could not exonerate on obstruction.

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Small child vs gay leatherhead

Like I said, you're on the wrong containment board. I'm not saying I don't look at /pol/ now and then too... just try to remember it's make believe and leave it all there.

FBI should presecute and arrest members of CNN and MSNBC for promoting a debunked hoax theory that could have triggered the war and who's only sole reason was to provoke tensions and potential geopolitical conflict.

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Please keep your shitty Facebook memes to yourself grandpa

Imagine being as retarded as OP

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The fuck happened to Yea Forums man? It's like the alt-right just swallowed it up. Before Trump this place was so far left it was insane.

Yea Forums has always been full of autistic shock humor, now its full of idiots who began to unironically believe in it, as well as people paid to post bait while pretending to be the other "side"

Redditors and boomers took over Yea Forums
Yea Forums has always been shit though

An absence of evidence is not evidence of an absence.

Was he in fact exonerated of collusion? What was the positive evidence that showed he was unable to have done it?

I've never stopped being shocked at how delusional people are, that they still can't see the blatant lies about Trump or how great of a man he is. He loves and cares about our country, he will be reelected in 2020.

The bubble that the left lives in is insane, just look at recent movies and tv shows and their increase in terms such as Nazi, they actually believe Nazism is a thing and not a figment of their imagination.

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Innocent until proven guilty.

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fuck both of them
we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

is that the final form of "el creatura" on the right? jesus christ on a cracker

Asking for people to obstruct Justice for you IS obstruction of justice. It doesn’t matter if they did or didn’t or if it succeeded you still made the attempt and asked for it.

Please cry harder faggot

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Far left?? You prove without a doubt youre a newfag. This place has always been a racist,homophobic,anti-semetic shithole and has been since day 1, none of that is attributed to the alt left retard.

Actually just read the opening to volume 1 and his limitations on the definition of 'coordination' when clarifying his response is telling...

Like the Republicans totally let Benghazi and Clinton's emails go after all the investigations.

Everyone's a fucking crybaby unless the guy they voted for is in office, but at the end of the day it's the same thing. Nothing ever really changes, except the shitty headlines.

Just graduated highschool, eh kid?

Yea Forums was a lefty anarchist technocrat crowd. The anonymous shitposting used to be steeped in irony, or just focus on shock-humour for its own sake.

Some people seem to have started to believe their own bullshit though.

flip the parties and there you got it. also replace communism with big industry.

I remember those days. The problem is that when people say stupid shit ironically, it attracts people who say that stuff unironically. Stormfront found a bunch of people saying nigger and didn't understand the irony.

Yeah because loli threads and beastiality are right wing morals
Lol try harder bruh. Been around for a hot minute and this place fucking hated Bush. But now it's all about owning libs and praising this dumbass Cheeto. Makes no fucking sense unless it's the biggest trolling in history. Yea Forums has been against the establishment for as long as I can remember but now it's just a right wing echo chamber full of Fox news talking point and projection.

>No background on Kushner and Netanyahu's alleged liason
It's all in a book Kushner.Inc.In adition ot that, he calls him 'Uncle Bibi''

Why are Jew everywhere in White House? Like every second person is a Jew. General Attorney Barr is too.I think that is a serious question worth of discussion.

There should be law to limit dual Israel citizens to be part of a Congress.They are foreign citizens.

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Read the last bit

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>trying to cope this fucking hard
you need to let it go, user, for your own mental health

Yea that last bit still only applies to guilty people. The people that said it ruins you are probably people who were criminals considering the people he surrounded himself with.

this was one weak ass comeback. finish high school before posting here

You are not a real person.

Was going to reply but looked at your image and mistook what I assume is supposed to be 'satanists' for 'botanists' and now all I can do is imagine a vast conspiracy involving plant-people.