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so i channeled my autism
i went through every thread on archive moe for december 2016, january 2017, december 2017, january 2018 that used strawpoll and that pic in the OP, also went through some other threads
i'm sorry i din't find anything

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Holy moly....
.. thank you for trying... you didnt have to go that far...

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no worries, wasn't difficult

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First thread I see when I wake up, today will be a good day.

Also the death nxote op was fun, I've never watched the anime

Attached: 74233461_p0.png (850x550, 758K)

the manga is obviously better
they made the second half of the anime shorter compared to manga
still a great watch though

also hi, hope you have a good day

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Did you sleep?
Hope it's amazing!

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i think i slept for like one hour
i this you, Akari?
or Yui?

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>Made the second half shorter
Yeah I would think they needed to cut a lot of things in general with how convoluted the manga got at times. It was a wild ride, maybe I'll read it again at some point.
Hello to you too, it seems good so far. How about yourself?
I'll try my best to make it amazing. How are you?

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Yui said be isnt going to post here.

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i want to read it again, too
i'm super nostalgic for it
i'm fine, being comfy


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I wish everyone was happy... oh well

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i'm sorry


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lewd stuff coming up

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but please don't turn this into a loli thread

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thank you
wow very cute
wow very cute, gud anime

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Ah yeah I get that. Drink coffee with me?
Cute fangs.
Aye, feeling nostalgic was got me listening to old OPs again.
My heart isn't ready

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that's a cute non lewd lolis thread then

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Sounds good... I'm drinking some right now wooo!

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thank you. cute smol

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Frens are nice

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they are
sorry for being quiet
i should try to sleep
see you in a few hours

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how do you like your cawfee?
what are you up to?

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Yes please do sleep. Sleep well.
I have to go to work soon so you wont miss much.

Attached: 53.png (400x500, 159K)

It's good! Too much creamer though. Oh well.
Do you have coffee? Is it good?

Attached: 746.jpg (480x480, 33K)

good riddance

i am right now, i just like a little vanilla syrup in mine.

anyway i'll be off for a bit, take care fren

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Stay safe boomer fren

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Hey it me!

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Hey me it's me!

Attached: 54.jpg (623x528, 37K)

Hey, It's me!

Attached: BP.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Hey friend.

Attached: 3.jpg (836x576, 83K)

You guyyyyyys.

Attached: Intrigue.jpg (853x480, 33K)

Who do you think I am?

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How you doing me?

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Me doing how you?

Attached: 0.jpg (400x400, 28K)

I don't believe I asked.

Do you need a name after going through all the effort of being anonymous?

Sure. I think you might be incorrect.

Attached: 1597.gif (220x344, 132K)

doin well but dont know. you me or I you?
we all me!

That's cute but you should refrain from making assumptions. Have fun anyway.

But of course.

Attached: The Real Judgement Kazzy.jpg (710x1200, 92K)

You're almost there.

I know but may but you be
Can you drop a name.

Attached: 15011.gif (500x281, 451K)

>I don't feel anything when I see someone crying
Patently false, I feel contempt

hi, sorry i went to eat dinner. i'm watching a review of captain marvel, its long. seems like a confusing movie.
what about you?

Attached: DYDzc-NUMAAoR4T.jpg orig.jpg (800x1444, 81K)

I believe we're both at an understanding. There's no need to do so. Why would you want that anyway?

And you are a person of your own choosing. You're free to be who you want, just as I am to judge you for doing so.

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Gotta go
See me later guys!

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bye bye!

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I am at an understanding that you are not aware

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I’m an iPhone XS user channeling through an common browser, help !

>Reasoned and moderate response to troll comment
What the fuck has happened to Yea Forums. We need to make Yea Forums great again

That's fine. We're all entitled to our opinions.

See ya.

It never was.

Attached: Mada mada.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

what anime is this from

hue hue

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