New non spam chubby traps

New non spam chubby traps

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I wanna help, am I helping?

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How about now?

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Aspen Brooks was so fucking hot when she was thick

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Nice. My fave fat shemale is Acadia veneer

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Yea she's great too

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I miss Emily

Yeah. She mustn't miss us :(

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anons call me chubby too

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Like it. Go on be a daredevil and post the lot, face and all.


Asleep Alespia

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Ashlee Alespia, fucking auto correct



I don't like to show my face cause it's still hard to me to hide the beardshadow even after shave it. I had one pic a bit photoshoped to erase all that shadow. But it's just the face

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Fuck off with this bullshit.
Only post hot slim traps or fuck off.

would you

new trap femboy sissy cd tube

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the ass is phat

I’ve been trying to find this trap for like a year now. I know they went by Emily_Apple and even had a subreddit but haven’t seen much since. Somebody help a brother out

But my phone is broken so those days I can't answer

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You always help xxxxxx

Nice chubby ass

she gone Yea Forumsro
last pics i saw were a year ago
green dress and lil boots

I think I'm not fat, just a bit chubby. I don't have a really big belly

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needs to shave and grow real hair. Pretty sure that one is underage. Are you a degenerate, PEDO kid fucker?

Saved and i hope we can chat when the phone return.

Use that dildo now, slut

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your def not fat
your ass looks amazing
thats what i was trying to convey

would kiss

actually I'm throatfucking it, I love that way
oh, thanks! maybe I mustn't post more pics? haha whatever I'm not an skinny gurl.

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Any of your tummy mmm

Spam the fuck out of this gay shit.

id bust a fat nut on those feet while i eat your cute ass

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youre amazing, please dont stop

shes hott, is she you?

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Post that deepthroat from your pov

He is like 9... that is gay

mmmm it isn't full shaved right now.... it's hard to be a sexy sissy when ADN makes you a disgusting bear.
I'm not, I have so much defects. Ass is just my best weapon

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the fuck is wrong with you people

More, name or kik :0

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Nice ass, would eat

Show the tummy

Ugh she lived within a mile of me but never hit me up on Grindr even after seeing her on here posting about wanting dick.

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show your tummy button

I dunno that I'd call myself chubby but I've been told I've got a soft tummy

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Would kiss/10

Thanks lol

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My head hurts

I can tell you're soft.

Heres pink pink if that helps

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show me the pink thats between those buttcheeks

Ah well, its blue again

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I try to be

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got any spread pics?


Not at the moment but with enough incentive I could
You never know what you're gonna get

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>You never know what you're gonna get
Post full body pics and face, you look cute, theres always trolls in these threads. Maybe in a femboy thread?

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I'll agree I'm more femboy than trap

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Have you ever posted on /soc/?
Although this sound trite, you got a star body user!

I rarely venture outside of Yea Forums lol. I'm apprehensive to post my face cause I've gotten highly mixed reactions in the past

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Post it. Cute butt

I posted "half" in

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I like your face.


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Is it the fear someone's gonna go ugh manface or just general putting your face on the internet anxiety?

Go on

You know how to tease...
However /soc/is "safer" than Yea Forums. Regarding the rate thread it's funny how the same pic rated by the same people in different times can get completly different rates

Thank you
Yeah I've had "ew manface" more than enough to be hesitant

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you have a cute tummy button :)

I go on cuteboys on another chan on occasion and that's been nice

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Whoops clicked that second post by mistake



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that playful peace sign is cute.

Do y'all know wtf chubby means? You gotta have more to your body than what y'all do
Y'all coming in here with your flat tummy and your thighs the size of my fuckin forearm, this bitch is a chubby trap thread, damn man. Bitches be thirsty af for attention

why would you fap to this?!?!?

Who would fuck this tasty bitch?

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Oh you mean x2chan?

You want people to post overweight black men in lingerie? not gonna happen.

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>I go on cuteboys on another chan on occasion and that's been nice

You post different pictures there?

How about my chubby bunny ass?

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I try
Nothing too different. Most of the pics I've got I've posted but I do have a few saved for paying customers

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I don't know when or what black people had to do with what I said attention whore, but aren't you that anorexic bitch that everyone hates?
You got the actual theme down
Dude, there's another thread, go to that one

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Oh it's a shame it got blocked here.
I'm enjoying the ride and you sure know your stuff but i've to go. Goodnight user, it's been a pleasure

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Fucking finally

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love it

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will be my pleasure to fuck you

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It's so weird seeing amateurs you've followed for awhile start doing pro shoots. Such a different feel

Kim Diamond

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Love Shelbi

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Can you take a beating?

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show this slut ass

No, I give them out.

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Good slut

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Uuuuuuh what's the name on this chaturbate?

hee hee