Guess my state within 25 guesses for my girl’s nudes

Guess my state within 25 guesses for my girl’s nudes

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>tfw i have an axiety disorder and my fingers look basically like those

Damn bro
Fix your nails




You ain't got no girl with those mother fuckin fingers

alabama. now give us your sister's nudes.



At least no girl none of us want to see.

Stop biting your nails you anxious faggot.



I want to say in the south somewhere, my guess is the carolinas

Tell me how, BRO

I don’t bite. I pick and RIPPPPPPP

you must be texas trash

West Virginia, home of the inbreds

i do the same, i stop before they get that gnarly though

Nailfag here, follow these steps to the letter:

1. Stop biting your nail; fuck your anxiety shit, suck it up fuckstick
2. Stop fucking around with your cuticle; again fuck your anxiety shit
3. Leave your nail and cuticle the fuck alone
4. Never cut your nail all the way to the nailbed; you stop at the tip of your finger.

It's gonna take a month or two to reset your shit; just reset it, not getting it back to normalcy. Breaking the habit is first and foremost. To get the nails back to somewhat normal state of affair, it's going to take probably 3-6 months.

i go right up to the nailbed a lot of the time and my nails are fine
i dont fuck with the cuticle though

trick question



caring about useless things

Prove it!! With pics!

A "mass of two shits"

What are the two shits? Can you identify them?