What type of water do you drink?

What type of water do you drink?

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tap water
what kind of a faggot are you?

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>that smug face when you are a brit and fluoride is outlawed in the water supply.

>implying that the government themselves don’t dump fluoride in the water.
that’s why you britbongs are so content living with mudslimes

Tap water. Who is dumb enough to pay for water

>implying they do and peoples teeth still look that way


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Kek I am not even mad

Cant argue with that expect I think it's more the soy than the flouride

Bottled water companies sell non-recyclable plastic bottles that end up in a landfill along with millions of others, and will not degrade thousands of years.

Whatever water they put in pepsi, thats what i drink

Who cares, I’m not gonna be around in a thousand years, whoever’s alive by then (no one because we’re gonna nuke ourselves at some point) can kiss my hairy, pimply, ass.

Only reverse osmosis. If I'm out and I really need a drink and wherever I am doesn't sell it, then either Fiji or Voss.

I'm sorry your Republican dad beat this into you user.

tap water because I live in a civilized country where you don't die from doing that

Actually the negative effects on the planet are already being experienced, and you may well experience a nuclear winter in your lifetime. Good job faggot.

I do too, but at my job the women insist on bottled water in the office, even though the tap tastes all right to me.

You say that like Me drinking Dasani personally caused the apocalypse. Since retards like you exist, i’ll gladly pollute the world knowing that YOUR future bloodline will have to deal with it. If you ever reproduce that is.

And unless the rest of the world can convince chins, dubai, and japan to clean up yelling at anyone else is like making more laws to change criminals.

I have a well, checkmate.

The only retard I see is the faggot who keeps sassing back after he's reminded that bottled water=pollution

>durr its everyone elses fault

ok Trump

more like a flat penis

>you say that like people can make a difference

Idiots, speeding along our demise since the beginning of time

god, you're so fucking stupid. it hurts

Reverse osmosis water is best water

>he didn't like something and changed his life to avoid it instead of bitching
>what an idiot


and you can't tell if he's a teen or in his 50s

>my posts are incoherent

Tap water just threw a Britta thing as I don't like the city water. The old house I drank tap well water.

We have a RO system at home

Fiji or smartwater. They got that 'fresh' taste

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Because of the packaging concept you idiot

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Forgot to mention you amerifags are getting ripped off hard buying bottled water that already has cancer because of how the water is moved in pickups in plain sunlight

You know how many unrecyclable plastic bottles I go through a year? Zero.
I buy milk in glass with a return even, its delicious.

It really IS others' fault I am doing what I can. Go yell at trendy suburban soccer mom you twits

>ignore all posts by wellposters

Actually user most supplies are moved by trailers pulled by diesel trucks user. You should visit here before Trump cuts off your right to.

I'm yelling at you, though. You attitude causes way more damage, because you should know better.

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We speak English in this country, user.

*supplies are moved by enclosed trailers


My uncle has been to Texas and got it on video,boxes of bottled water getting transported in a Ford F250 in the hot sun,it's not necessarily something that happens in all states but there's no reason not to assume you haven't drunk from sun-fried water bottles

water water

Refrigerated pups that never go through main hubs in the middle of the southwest desert full of plastic containers that leech cancer above room temperature?


fiji is literally the worst, they ship a huge ocean tanker full of oil to china, then turn it into plastic bottles, then ship those all the way to fiji and fill them up while the native fijians are suffering a water crisis, then they ship them around the world again to where you live, deliver them to the stores and sell them, when your tapwater is likely cleaner and pollutes the planet less

fuck plastic bottles


tap water you faggot

Know better than what lol

just join the dang discord already youve seen it posted so much what do you have to lose?



I'm anti-bottled water, user but tbf only rednecks do shit like that. Yes, they're part of the problem, but not this one.

I'll beat your ass faggot

>while the native fijians are suffering a water crisis
all those fresh crisp bottles of cool water
and they can't have them

>fuck plastic bottles

that kind of meant "shut up faggot"

worried about fluoride but not concerned about plastic that leached into the water? keek

You like to beat mens asses?

wanna start a Fight Club?

hey faggot ur link is broken

Fellate yourself, he who desires the company of men

Actually i just kind of always taste the plastic in the water with whatever brand i drink, and fiji's plastic taste is my fav. Even tried blind.

You know there are professional water tasters just like there are professional wine tasters right?

Fuck its already ruined

so you're homophobic too
not a good combination if you want to work with the environmental community

For everyone not living in a 3rd world shit hole...

>double ended dildos prevent pollution


SOMEbody doesn't live in Flint, amirite?

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I only drink heavy water.

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Depressingly accurate


Its known to regrow lost hair

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billie eilish's bath water