What's the fastest and least painful way to kill yourself in Canada? I can't get a gun because I'm only 17...

What's the fastest and least painful way to kill yourself in Canada? I can't get a gun because I'm only 17, how painful are heroin overdoses?

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17... you don't know anything. Quit being so melodramatic
>underaged b&

Drink 50 litres of maple syrup

enjoy ban underage

lmao idgaf don't respond if you're gonna be a faggot

Anally destroyed by a moose, you're a leaf after all

oh boy it's not like I'm already on a VPN you really got me there friendo

underage b&

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You're the faggot lil shit who's crying for attention

will do

oh boy not my feelings anything but my feelings

he really is 17

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Exit bag

still waiting for that bann tho

ck my dick

I mean I don't know what I expected from a bunch of faggots who look at trap porn all day

Heroin od with enough you will feel no pain. Like a warm hug from God. Or you could gas your self with your car in a garage. That's how I'm gonna go od plus car fumes. With some Good tunes on the radio to play me out.

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thanks dude wish I had a garage, how much heroin would do me in? Also any way I could do that without a garage? Like run a hose or some shit

isn't fentanyl basically the same but stronger? I know that you can OD off of just one patch if I get 2 or 3 and put them on my wrists will that be just as painless?

Im a sadist and would love to watch you on stream offing yourself.
But since youre still a kid I will do you a favor instead.
Unless youre 21 you dont nearly have enaugh life experience to off yourself yet. Keep going, actually fucking try to do shit.
And eat balanced non shit food.
If its still bad when your 21, then I will gladly tell you how to do it painlessly.
Until then, shut up. Stand up and stop being a whinny dipshit.


dont kill yourself dude