ITT: pics of libtards doing stupid shit

ITT: pics of libtards doing stupid shit

Attached: libtards.jpg (1080x1080, 261K)

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What playing world of Warcraft? I'm litterialy watching you whine about it while you pull your brains out and brainwash each other. Stupid

Hey, that native just made a ton of dough. Looks pretty happy to be playing his handmade two dollar flute for a bunch of suckers.

looks like fun

Am I doing it right?

Attached: or-39506.jpg (1212x682, 127K)

I mean this is the stupid shit you mean right?

Attached: lead_720_405.jpg (720x405, 74K)

>implying this is worse than browsing b

Because I found some pretty stupid stuff

Attached: 599081d015000021008b654c.jpg (970x727, 168K)

Like this one

Attached: _104196733_052c1a8f-a2b1-42f9-b97e-7f449038e062.jpg (624x627, 52K)

Oh wait it got way worse.

Attached: AP17224641063778.jpg (1024x681, 148K)

this is pretty bad but
this seems like a libtard doing stupid shit and a respectable person turning the other cheek
and this seems pleasantly comfy


lol @ at the triggered libs itt


cameltoe on right hehe

oh i get it



nazis and KKK were librals
the people who purport to be right-leaning and also say they are nazis or kkk don't know what right-leaning is

that looks pretty relaxing OP especially if they're on some psychedeliK

Attached: 0e480d3bbb3edd45557eecc4dd4d6b25.jpg (720x720, 108K)

nobody who is right leaning is calling themselves nazi's.thats a buzzword the left created for people who dont agree with their political opinions.also,why dont liberals ever bring up david duke? the hillary supporter? i guess being a white supremacist is only frowned upon when your a republican

and its not like black lives matter and the new black panther party arent around.because i guess being black and having the same ideologys is better then being white and having them

If you knew the first fucking thing about White Supremacy, you would know that the KKK disavowals Nazism. This photo is FAKE, and was created by a troll.

wow, check how woke this guy is, he does drugs and listens to flutes

Man I was just posting a joke and look at all the right wing snow flakes getting all bent out of shape. Well that MAGA hat might be a bit not safe for humanity.

oops lol.

well plenty of people call themselves nazis and call themselves right-leaning (like 90% of /pol/), they're just wrong.

it's all good, don't worry about us.

don't worry lil timmy one day one of those women you knight for so hard will let you hit it and you're life will never be the same.

haha pwning libtards epically

Fun fact
The Democratic party is the party of racism and slavery. There was no flipping

haha pwning alt-rights epically

That is the whole point I worry about humanity. Not just America. I care about the future generations. Not the here and now. And damn sure don't care about fortune 500 companies.
So yeah I will worry about you. Though I will agree the people in that top picture are wasting money.
Also I am not a Dem or a Rep. Just the Dem party as it sits now hold the majority of the values I care about. The current republican party is fucking me over so many times I can't wait for 2020 to just get some functioning adults in the White House.